We are incapable of making a general edition!
New *official* /v/scape baldspeak: vidyascape.no-ip.org
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We are incapable of making a general edition!
New *official* /v/scape baldspeak: vidyascape.no-ip.org
>>> What is /v/scape? >> Wikis Main Website Steam Group Official Teamspeak Staff
First for get on Xadrasyl.
who are you quoting?
3rd for
>it's an "irrelephant 5 attempts to make yet another meme event to try and stay relevant" episode
There was an attempt.
>16 black dragon task
Rofl on suicide watch
The current state of thread posting in a nutshell
I dont understand the baldspeak meme, is odel or someone else bald?
nice try, baldbeast, aka the original baldspeaker
Checking back in for the first time this year
is the client genuinely over a month old?
Whichever dumbass made this thread didn't update the OP. Check the steam group page and you'll see the latest client version is from like a week ago.
>look ma i posted a shit ecto method again
New client is 5.5
Non-Americans need not apply
how do I skip tutorial island
Complete it, then you dont have to do it at all.
you log out and never log in again
thanks family
can Ulthar and Diapercrisis just fucking get it overwith already
It's not t hat bad desu
>download new client
>"Vscape has been updated! Download the new client."
>cant log in
>Vscape has been updated!
Download the new client.
i have the outo-updater
Whats the name of the steam group?
>hurr why can't i play during a server update
kill yourselves
it's literally in the op, retard
Here you go senpai
Thanks familymember
this is the best feud of season six, don't shit on it
Server is back!
This is a shit feud.
at least it's something we havent seen before, i.e wiggins vs everyone
>implying that was ever actually a real feud
I for one want to see this ulthar/diaper feud go all the way to crimbo without a real fight
Neither of them know what they're doing so it won't ever come to a head.
Im retarded how the fuck do I do the event I cant find a fallen tree anywhere and there are no wheat fields in rimmington
You are litterally retarded.
Check the patchnotes page on the wiki for a quick event walkthrough.
kill yourself randy
>talk to Wormbrain
killing him works too
Pretty toxic desu
senpai needs to use less profanity
hello ?
whats ur irl str lvl lads
istrava pls
That's a trap, a very good looking trap that could easily pass with some decent clothes desu familiars
>that's a trap
If it is obviously not a female then it can't qualify as a trap, it's just a tranny.
>That masculine face
haha traps totally arent gay :)
traps can be gay
>can be gay
Traps are by definition gay
>no dark beasts in slayer tower
>see patch notes, they've been moved to the mourner tunnels
>no mourning's end quest
How do I get in?
Usually you can just get in without the quest to places like that. Try it?
Doesn't work. I've done Roving Elves and its requirements.
Meant Biohazard, sorry.
whichever gender you perceive them to be, some surely are attracted to the opposite
u wot m8
Not really
It´s just someone perciving as the other gender.
>tfw no qt crossdressing gf/bf
Feels bad man
Looks like Dank Beasts are unavailable until then :^)
selling dark bow 20m
a trap is a male that passes as a female until you finally get under the hood, no man that isn't homosexual or bisexual would allow themselves to mistaken as a female
so yeah, gay
>the other gender
you know there are more than 2 right
6'2" here
post your height and why are you lying
>More than 2 genders
Sure man :^)
pussygalore please log back in
When you nut but he keeps sucking
>The jewblins are planning something terrible
Lumbridge is in trouble!
can we stop posting these retarded screenshots, no one thinks they are funny
maybe they're just trying to Trick u
Lumbridge is saved but at what cost?
>1k for me
Just bumping the thread famolamborghini
Thanks, we need it. Don't listen to naysayers.
Well the problem is just how stable the server is. There is nothing to complain about in thread.
Just make something up. That's what was always done in the past.
A seven year old boy was at the center of a courtroom drama yesterday when he challenged a court ruling over who should have custody of him. The boy has a history of being beaten by his parents and the judge initially awarded custody to his aunt, in keeping with the child custody law and regulations requiring that family unity be maintained to the degree possible. The boy surprised the court when he proclaimed that his aunt beat him more than his parents and he adamantly refused to live with her. When the judge suggested he live with his grandparents, the boy cried out that they also beat him. After considering the remainder of the immediate family and learning that domestic violence was apparently a way of life among them, the judge took the unprecedented step of allowing the boy to propose who should have custody of him. After two recesses to check legal references and confer with child welfare officials, the judge granted temporary custody to Based Wiggins, whom the boy firmly believes is not capable of beating anyone.
holy kek fucking savage haha
wiggins btfo
Recommend me what to level next. Meme answers are okay too.
Read the wiki, Jim Lahey.
Ranged and Magic IMO, followed by Farming.
is mango dead? I need wep psn
this was a pretty good event tbqh
props to whoever wrote it
all me
- odel
I'm 5'4
>void now stacks properly with prayer bonus
what did they mean by this?