>Summary from the latest Live Letter:
>Patch Notes:
>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:
>Previously on /xivg/:
>Summary from the latest Live Letter:
>Patch Notes:
>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:
>Previously on /xivg/:
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Poll for EU players:
faggoty forced shit filled fagpussy that's actually a butthole but insecure homo virgins are afraid to call it an anus because it's filled with shit NAKA'S SHITTY SHIT FILLED BUTTHOLE FULL OF STINKY SHIT FORCED EVERY FUCKING SINGLE DAY GET HIT BY A BUS MOTHERFUCKING STUPID FAGGOT
Stay hydrated while playing xiv
naka bp
Sorry to repost this:
Mainly just want to move somewhere so that even if I log in at somewhat odd times, I can maybe run some smaller group content. Feels so damn hard trying to find enough people to really do anything on my current server, so I'd like to just be able to be part of a decent pool of players that would be willing to do content and such.
I guess I need to get some pictures with this new hair
i don't even know you user
and it would be really weird to be EBd to different people on my 2 characters
Calm down friend
>I can maybe run some smaller group content
sooo...duty finder?
Anyone wanna WoD on Balmung in like 20 minutes?
Can a male Elezen with Snow's outfit PLEASE post a screenshot?
Pretty please.
>and it would be really weird to be EBd to different people on my 2 characters
Go for it, polygamy is cool.
Early for fun, new Balmung adventures! user stood me up last night.
Can someone screenshot the sale history of Hunting Hawks on Balmung? Thanks.
As someone who is on Balmung, Balmung is fine especially if you enjoy RPing, there is a lot of trash like voidsent sluts and tranny 'cattes' but other than that there are good people. However just stay away from Veeky Forums anything, you will feel much happier for it.
Yea sure
Just came back after a long time gone from FFXIV. I'm gearing up fine now, and am half way through my unidentifiables for my anima. I'm sitting at 223 ilvl, and am wondering, whats a good ilvl to be at for doing Nidhogg?
Also, whats the fastest method for leveling? I main warrior, but want to cap off my Paladin (36) and Dark Knight (51).
reading this over and over is very tiring
you should just get your own opinions of people by you know talking to them rather than trust some random anonymous shitposter
Probably in ST right now.
buying bf
put on some goddamn pants
dungeons. anywhere above 220 is a fairly solid place to do nidhogg at.
If that was the case, why bother moving then? it's because I want to join an FC and run things with them and such. I used to run things with friends in the FC we created near the release of ARR, but they've all basically moved on or just can't play at all anymore. Just trying to meet new friends and such.
I need to hold him...
naka bp
I..It's ok Anoon, you might cut yourself on his edginess... Please be wary.
The ilvl you are at is fine
Thanks for the input.
You left...
I'm on Xande right now. I'll be out in like 5.
go to gilgamesh
xth for sneering
Is there a pretty decent playerbase/FC there and such?
Seems like the ones I keep seeing are Balmung, Excalibur, and Gilgamesh for ones to move to.
the POWERLESS BITCH is still posting?! LMAO
did it die
balmung is kill
Best c@
24 hour maintenance to fix server issues
please look forward to it
>lost connection to the game's server
Now I'll never get to hug sadelezen. I'm ending it tonight
Ahahahaahahahahahahaha, fucking Balmung.
>players in queue: 1337
server is dead post cats
thanks user
excalibur felt dead when content was getting old which is more or less the same as hyperion
gilgamesh seems better for actually doing stuff
balmung has a lot of people but not all of them do content
I played on all 4 and it's what I noticed at least
who are you EB'd to you fucking whore
please lewd with me
and fuck you too yoshi
>tfw you are about to transfer to primal.
Seriously getting tired of this shit.
Who's the most basic bitch of /xivg/?
xth for I wanna kill myself after ruining 2 sets of mats for an ironworks piece
calm down arie
I spent 30 fucking minutes in Brayflox's Long Stop because of literal fucking mouth breather for a healer
>severely under equipped
>Was using limit break at completely random intervals
>didn't even have WHM, was still a conjurer
One of our DPS asked if he had his WHM crystal and he said "What is white mage"
Then he left and we had to vote abandon. How the fuck do these people exist?
who is this midan meower
Thanks cthulu
Shoulda asked me, yo boi, to make it for you.
>transferring to a dead datacenter
Excellent choice, but you shouldn't really stand for yourself. That, too, is spooked, just as much as the other options (although Eorzea alone is the only one which cannot even be interpreted as despooked). This is because the nature of standing "for" yourself means that you are not standing for yourself at all, because such a thing is by its nature not possible (in the same way you can't see inside your eyeball, or eat your mouth). Instead, you are standing for the IDEA of yourself, which is a spook as much as anything else.
Not my cats, but cats in my area.
why does he look dead inside?
Come to Balmung if you like to fap, troll and lulz.
Go to Gilgamesh if want to raid with 9Gagger's and le Redditor's.
Go to any other server to regret it because they don't fill any special niche.
Who is this kissable katt?
I can make it myself fine, first one I was just retarded and was talking to my mom so blew them up, second one I had awful rng and just gave up.
>being stuck on a shitty datacenter that keeps going down
ty for working my wood earlier ;)
>I spent 30 fucking minutes in Brayflox's Long Stop because of literal fucking mouth breather for a healer
I love these healers. Especially when they don't even bother dpsing, they literally just stand there or jump around like a kid with adhd and still let the party die. When they do bother to heal it's when the tank is pulling and at full health.
Here's the alphabet again in case you didn't get to copy it when the server went down.
>almost every server on primal is usually locked for character creation
>aether is only ever locked for two or three
Hey, we have connection problems too. It's just not as often as a more populated DC has
We usually go down because aether does and NA maint please look forward to it
Fuck this shit, I'm leaving balmung for some dead server like Zalera
But I'm a Dark Knight, and I use spooky unaspected magic damage. Isn't that spooky enough. Plus if you rip all of my flesh, I too, am a Spooky Skeleton.
>either semen or cocaine smeared around her nose
>Multiple patches and expansion
>Brayflox's sets are still top 5 aesthetically
Whoever designed these deserves a raise
Who is this pristine purrer?
this is starting to piss me off
what could have been.png
unless you play in the wee hours of the morning (2am-?am, can't really speak for the tail end because i'm never awake at that point) balmung will probably be fine, that's the only time i see PF near dead
i can't speak for gilg because i've never been
>run titan normal for first time
>could never get into final phase because he died every time to phase change because he didn't have enough hp
i actually didn't, thank you for this
Might as well just uninstall and unsub.
>cats are shit
>lizards are shit
>constantly surrounded by shit.
wrong, it's shyv
Healers who don't DPS give me an aneurysm. I don't particularly mind if they don't bother with cleric stance, but how the fuck are you just gonna stand there and do nothing in between healing? I wouldn't have even bothered getting WHM to fifty if all I could do is heal, that shit is boring.
>Expecting your healers to DPS
>if its not my server, its dead
Sounds like a troll or a literal kid, playing on someone else's account.
Gilgamesh is a megaserver and is typically considered the "raiding server." I've never played there, but I have friends who've transferred there and say that the PF tends to be active and there are more good groups there than on other servers (although the average player is not necessarily better, it's just a big server and there's more good players). AFAIK it has a healthy economy, or at least a very active one.
Balmung is a "social" server. It's the biggest in terms of population, with lots of people who are into roleplaying. On average people tend to be less interested in progressing through content and more interested in just hanging out or doing stuff for fun. This also means there's a lot of shitty players there.
Excal afaik is quite a bit smaller than the other two servers, but isn't totally dead. Possibly a Goldilocks option but idk. If it's small, the raiding community will probably be very insular. However, because it's not an erp server like balmung, the average player is probably more likely to clear ex primals and maybe the first couple legs of each raid tier before they add echo to them.
Exactly, and I understand new healers who may feel intimidated by it, I would rather them actively heal and do it well instead of standing around and letting the party die. But holy fuck, half the time they still let the party die because they're too busy jumping in circles with their neon green and pink glamour and spouting XD
can we post lalas instead?
>jump around like a kid with adhd
>refuses to DPS The Sable Price
>blames me for not being close enough to the tunnel visioned Dragoon
>try to kick them for harassment
>You have been dismissed from the duty.
I will never dps as a healer. At this point it's out of spite and they can keep crying to their fc/ls about that shitty healer they are grouped with.
i want to be insane!