Identify all bodies of water edition
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Strike the earth!
/dfg/- Dwarf Fortress General
>kaolinite at embark
Thread is dead, post forgotten beasts.
>tfw you find out that there is an entire Veeky Forums general dedicated to shitpost about your game
Imagine if he'd seen it when we had posters.
Where did they all go?
Somewhere more casual, I'm sure.
Literally everywhere else.
They're off doing rocket science and composing shakespearean sonnets or some shit.
>yo mama
Fuck me another two year old dwarf beating up cavern creatures.
I should just retire my military and let the kids have at it.
Dwarf The Rapist has revealed that in many cases, children get HUGE.
Like iirc in the dwarven daycare thread they found out some kids were of size 90000 or size 110000.
Sigun will be fighting trolls next.
This croc has no teeth and broken everything. Sigun is now a proficient fucking fighter at the age of two.
Just stumbled into a Dark pit tower, but something is eery in it. I went downstairs to the graveyard area, and there are no goblins or the like. Just a bunch of kobolds, running from me, with no weapons, all of them frail and pathetic.
I like to imagine it was a dungeon for kobolds that the guards abandoned and have left them to starve.
Kid came back for no apparent reason just to kick around the croc some more. Now a fucking adept fighter through no intention of my own.
Probably just a kobold group. They can squat in abandoned sites. If you ever see kobold occupied sites like "dark kobold fortress" or "kobold hamlet" that's usually why.
I once had a kobold end up as the leader of a human civ because of that behavior. His kobold group occupied a human tomb while the human civ was being wiped out by elves. Somehow Gipest ended up the monarch and then got captured by the elves, making him a member of three civs simultaneously. I like to imagine that his high social skills convinced the elves not to execute and eat him, and that they keep him around as an insult to any surviving refugees from the human civ.
Haven't played in a while, but do most worlds come with dog leather houses pre-built?
I reckon it's a tent. I wouldn't know this is my first time playing the new edition in like a year or so.
>Zombies can climb trees
I wish I'd known that before I ended up at the top of a tree after losing a toe, as they climb closer and closer, dozens of them this is actually terrifying. I hope bogeymen come and fight them.
It must be a tent set up by goblin siegers.
Embarked on a campsite.
Damn, I was hoping it was spooky.
i'm starting to have a lot of dwarves, so i was wondering, what's the most dwarves anyone has ever had? can anyone remember any stories where someone had a LOT of dwarves, like a thousand perhaps?
Say hello to your next militia commander hero.
My fps cry at the thought of one thousand dwarves. But I'd love to be able to have that many. I guess that someday I'll try to do the most fps efficient fortress just to try and get to that number.
fort didn't attract any migrants last season, but it's insanely successful and not being sieged. apparently it's related to some bug where migrant sizes diminish the more units are (and were) at your fortress - wiki says that at a population of 3000 (total unit screen including deceased), you don't get any migrants more at all.
how can i fix this? i absolutely need migrants since i want all dwarves to eventually live in my fortress. wiki links to a dfhack script that supposedly fixes that, but i can't find it anywhere, no name, no link, and dfhack ls doesn't list any command remotely related to that. i'm apparently trying to purge the "deceased unit" screen, but i can't find anything related to that, please help me.
How do i engrave? I just tried engraving random rock but it didn't work. Wiki said there's bugs and im not sure.
you can only engrave stone that's been smoothed, not rough stone. (d)esignate, (s)mooth stone on the rough stone tiles, then (e)ngrave on the smoothed tiles. there aren't bugs like THAT, mostly just bugs like really complex interactions and unimplemented/approximated stuff. not controls randomly not working.
also needs engraving labor enabled on someone, and only one face a wall can be engraved. so if you have a 1x8 wall, you can't engrave both sides, the dwarves only see the engraving from the side it was engraved from.
my fortress has no optimizations at all, and i have 6 fps with 480+ dwarves, which is fine. hell opened, huge stockpiles, central staircase, etc.
i5-2500k, 4.5ghz
>Fire Clay, Red Sand, Coal, Flux and Magnetite
>On standard mineral frequency
I guess stuff doesn't move that fast in this game, but water flowing? I assume you have depth count on, doesn't that look like shit? Also did toady ever optimize for multi-core?
The compiler might have done some microthreading stuff.
Tileset? Those walls are nice
So, my migrant arrived from the southwest of the map, which is the top of a quite top mountain. There is a path to the fortress, but they're just not moving one bit. I even sent my miners to make a passage through the mountain but they refuse to take it. What is going on?
i don't have depth count on, would it look like shit? blink all the time or something? water flows fine, probably part of the reason fps aren't higher since cavern 1 is draining into cavern 2 over multiple waterfalls on statues. 6 fps is totally fine, there is so much happening at the same time and i haven't optimized or atomsmashed anything at all. it's still very playable, usually it's over 10 fps, but it drops when designating large areas (and opening hell). also most of the map is dug out, and i haven't done any traffic designations yet.
no multicore of any kind in the game right now, but toady mentioned in the dwarfmoot q&a that he's sorta working or looking into it or something, i forgot, but it's on his mind.
Ok nothing, turns out I didn't have a single meeting zone. Problem solved.
Do you have a meeting area set up? Perhaps if you deconstructed the wagon and didn't set up a dining room or tavern they'd have nowhere to go until you built one.
Are they still tagged as migrants? Maybe once that goes away their normal pathing will take them to your meeting area.
>it's on his mind.
So basically never. It sounds difficult to implement and would require skills he probably hasn't picked up yet. Time better spent elsewhere, I'm sure. Plus I usually kill my forts before fpsdeath does. And yeah, the depth numbers update quite a few times per second so it can look pretty bad at low fps.
>So basically never.
Well, 2 years ago multicore support wasn't even on the table, he had just flat out said that he wasn't planning on doing it. This is progress.
no, he said he's actively looking it, just that it's hard. it's a super old game with wonky code, plus the whole job system is not suited for parallelization at all right now. but it's true, i think he mentioned that there are a lot of optimizations still to be done, especially in pathfinding. the game would be MUCH better if it were significantly optimized, but i don't think that will ever happen. toady isn't an experienced enough coder and he's not gonna let other people work on it, so i'm patiently waiting till the open source reimplementation of dwarf fortress in 10 years. no other choice.
>download perfect world
>open it
... I have no idea what to do
Had the same problem when I got it from LNP. There's a pretty simple explanatory video on YT.
>i don't have depth count on, would it look like shit? blink all the time or something?
It only blinks whenever it would blink with no depth count, like on submerged ramps and items and such. It looks fine, see and and pic related.
Something you might do if you want to get some fps back is reduce your graphical fps by a lot. I got a lot back by going all the way down to 10, though I do get a little bit of input lag. You'll still see results at higher numbers.
gfps is already way down. it helps a tiny bit to run DF outside of X, but it's not really worth it. i think at this point it's mostly the unconstricted pathfinding, large designations and hauling jobs, and the insane amount of objects combined with my super slow ram. i'm in the process of flattening a mountain and making large bedrooms in the caves, but after that i'm planning a lot of optimization with waypoints and doors and such.
actually, anyone have any pathfinding optimization tips?
>notice the melting ice is exposing bits of magma flow
>I can build on them
>don't NEED to, but why not?
>keep doing it
>what the fuck am I doing again?
Play with the noise/turbulence fields until you get something that looks neat, mix up a few different ones for elevation, temperature, savagery, drainage, import world_gen from your df/data/init folder, pick which size worlds you want to apply the PF stuff to, check the "use perfect world maps" boxes where applicable, export world_gen back to your folder, make a world, see how it goes.
Alright, I'll look around then. Thanks, Urist.
i just found out about dfhacks fix/fat-dwarves, and i went from 6 to 8 fps with "Fat dwarves cured: 249". how could almost all my adult dwarves be so extremely fat? what causes this? they never idle.
[joke about Americans]
Dwarves with ready access to food eat more often than it's possible to burn all the energy off. Eventually almost all your dwarves will be fat. It's just something that happens in old forts.
hilarious. thanks!
they're communists.
Remember, user, the only permanent solution to fat is magma.
There were American communists. Shitloads, if you ask Joe McCarthy.
yeah, but i don't think they were stereotypically fat.
Are there any dfhack scripts (or any other tools) that print out my adventurer's stats, numerically?
EG my size, my strength, and so forth?
dwarf fortress is so beautiful. it's even better with a great color scheme. it has honestly outright fantastic graphics, using symbols and colours as representations instead of realistic visuals. similar to reading a great descriptive text, only actually graphic and beautiful to look at.
Once when the wind was soft and scented I heard the south calling, and sailed endlessly and languorously under strange stars.
Once when the gentle rain fell I glided in a barge down a sunless stream under the earth till I reached another world of purple twilight, iridescent arbours, and undying roses.
And once I walked through a golden valley that led to shadowy groves and ruins, and ended in a mighty wall green with antique vines, and pierced by a little gate of bronze.
Are doors needed to properly make a room?
depends on the room.
for rooms that are zoned, like bedrooms, doors will stop the zone from spilling out of the room into the hallway or other adjacent rooms.
if it's just a large room for workshops, then doors aren't required
No but it helps set rooms up in the sense a room will recognize a door so you can edit it better, also gives that little value bonus
Yeah the value bonus is nice for happiness, and they're easy to make. And they train your carpenters ofc
oh shit, one of my captains split a forgotten beast apart with a single hit, but he got caught in some sort of frozen extract and now he's completely covered in blisters, falling over from pain. how could i help him?
Set up a hospital and doctor, lots of soap, a dorfwash nearby?
i have those things, but no one is helping him. he's covered in blisters and in lots of pain, but there are no wounds or anything, and i'm not sure if he has anything that a doctor could look at. but he's unmoving on the floor because of the pain, so he can't move through one of my many bathtubs or waterfalls.
Is there any way to make a dwarf who is near a lever get priority in pulling it? My entire fortress is going to die to an invasion because the game decided to give the job to pull up the drawbridge to a dwarf on the other side of my fucking fortress.
Use either dfhack or therapist to clear all assignments.
What the fuck, my macelord just died from fucking nothing. The squad was training and suddenly this happens.
Was the guy sick or something? Nothing in the combat log.
>tfw playing DF on Forth of July because my family is too far away
Awww man
Honestly one of the things that drew me to it in the first place was that it was by far the most beautiful ASCII game I'd ever seen. The tiny microdetails like the ~s of water flowing properly and raindrops appearing and how detailed and lush the '`,. grass looked completely grabbed me.
It's part of why I can't switch to a proper visual tileset; the grass and water always look too flat and lifeless. I'm glad there's more sets now like Taffer that blend ASCII and graphics better.
>the spring has arrived
old age lad, old age
How do I interpret these stats? Specifically Shear Yield/Fracture and Imapct Yield/Fracture
... Seriously?
Give him a warrior's burial: a slow, somber descent into magma.
Goddammit I love Squidbillies.
>For the next 10 years Rusty was raised by wolves... horribly.
Stiffness and resistance to cutting.
Survived. Luckily my macedwarves were able to fend them off.
>lever puller finally arrives to pull lever
>don't need it raised anymore, lower it again
>squashes my best soldier
dem dorfs
Don't type like that, and yes, seriously, old age deaths occur on the first day of new year.
oh shit this is awesome, is this new in DFHack or what? I virtually never use utilities
So are these trousers 38% as resistant to cutting as iron, but super not-stiff?
I have a rope reed shirt which has the same Impact Strength stats, but it has 387% iron Shear Yield and 193% iron Shear Fracture, which seems weird to me.
I dunno, probably. All of that info is after a "More Information (DFHack):" line, but I'm using the latest Masterwork mod, so it might have some extra script.
Fat is fucking great... in Dwarf Fortress. It makes them much tougher.
It IS a bit horrifying to imagine, as derfs get UNBELIEVABLY fat if you have some way of measuring their sizes; we're talking dwarven children (in the childcare threads) with size 90000 and 110000, some of it surely muscle due to training, but a lot of it being children of a race smaller than humans getting so fat they are bigger than adult human males in total volume.
However being fat is a good thing in DF land so I am glad. As I understand it, the fatness not only makes them more durable, but it makes their clothes/armor thicker. You will often see children beating up improbable monsters and it is almost certainly due to their enormous size.
That is goddamn hilarious.
Daily reminder to tightly close your danger rooms.
didn't mean the reply
>still insisting on using danger rooms
You do know there is no point in military anyway so you might as well let them train in peace at their own pace?
Maybe not everyone enjoys hiding behind trap halls all game.
Not sure if I'd go that far.
What do you mean trap halls? The only challenge in this game is yourself, either overextending too quick or poorly designing your fort, there is no need for any trap halls, Efficient designs allow for not using traps at all, since the ai is dumb as a bunch of rocks, that also means your military dwarves ai is downright moronic, and as such using military for anything more than mop-up operations is downright asking for severe population losses.
Sorry to upset you. I like fighting things with my military, which is more fun when they're stronger.
You choose to fight with your military which is inefficient and I can understand that, yet you insist on powergaming training using a borderline exploity mechanic, which I don't get. If you want to powergame, why not use the most efficient methods available at your disposal?
i don't think you're using them right. if they're completely covered in armor and dodge well, they basically only take damage from aoe attacks anymore, unless we're talking demons. can't remember the last time a beast wasn't killed in a single hit by an adamantine axe, definitely years ago.
Have you never pressed r?
It all comes down to rng mechanics regarding forgotten beast generation, and if you're talking using adamantine weapons that means you already know how to get to candy without compromising your fort security, which in turn means you're using military for the sake of using it.
Ermagerd, someone isn't playing Dwarf Fortress in the most optimized fashion?! HOLY FUCKING SHIT, I must rage at them online.
Projecting isn't really giving your statement any additional weigh and it seems you only chip in because you have nothing of value to add to the discussion but don't want to feel left out.
Well, no, you were giving someone shit specifically for having fun the wrong way in a not optimized enough fashion.
Does the "Focused" status condition that you get from having all your needs met do anything in particular? I could imagine that it... raises your Focus.
I questioned the validity of using danger rooms, the rest is you simply jumping to conclusions or trying to build a strawman, depending on your mileage using Veeky Forums.
Its not a strawman, your feelings were hurt by him having fun in a way you dislike. Obviously if you believed military were useless, then there is no way whatsoever to be offended by someone using something they're better off avoiding.
A (still unquantified last I checked, I didn't find it when dfhack was updated, I'll be looking when it catches up next) skill success boost, a rather significant accuracy boost.
The values don't matter, just the relative difference here:
13k base accuracy on the same target with the same difficult/square or whatnot with no focused/distracted status showing
23k base accuracy with 4 or 5 needs met and Focused!
9k base accuracy with all needs unmet and Distracted in yellow.