>Fates FAQ (please read before asking dumb questions)
>/feg/ Castle Addresses
>Fates FAQ (please read before asking dumb questions)
>/feg/ Castle Addresses
Cutest family
I love Sakura!
noire is my wife and morgan is our daughter
Reminds me of that user who tries to pass off that butt-baby picture as a Nina!Kana picture.
Azura a literal cute
More like she's literal shit
Who should my Conquest waifu be? Leaning on either Flora, Felicia or Sophie
>not the first post from this IP
Pretty low tb.h tharjafag, I thought you had more class.
Felicia desu
>implying it isn't the cutest family fag
And I'm not even joking on that, other people have noticed it too
Uhhh IP forensics here, ackshually if you look at the typing style, the lack of a period matches only one previous IP and it's not the spic.
You're known for phoneposting and editing pics. Plus you're getting extremely defensive so it was most likely you.
Oh fuck, Cutest familyfag, no...
Bullshit, husbandofags never shitpost.
See, spic, if you were smart, you'd know that cutest familyfag actually likes Azura and has had friendly back and fourths with cutest mamui familyfag.
>You're known for phoneposting
If I was phone posting that post would have been from a different IP, or the post timer would have been 90 seconds apart
>and editing pics.
You literally have no proof of that, but I guess I can't prove it either because all I'll get is "it's edited!"
Now stop trying play Janitor user
No bully!
>you'd know that cutest familyfag actually likes Azura and has had friendly back and fourths with cutest mamui familyfag.
Wow, I guess that was all lip service from the start. On the inside, he's petty and bitter towards her, no different from the rest of us.
And where is the cutest mamui familyfag? Maybe they got tired of them and finally murdered them, ever think about that?
Isn't there already a Nina/Corrin picture though? I think it's some tumblr pic, you don't have to keep using that one.
Who is Ryoma's favorite cocksleeve?
The punctuation (or lack thereof) doesn't lie.
I want to pound that buttbaby in the butt.
Literal perfection.
Here's another one for you.
Hey guys I used FEFTwiddler and changed a few numbers to give myself insane cap stats.
I am le ebin hacker xd
This is actually making me wonder if there actually is any Noire!Morgan fanart out there. I know there's some Noire/Robin stuff but not sure about Noire!Morgan.
right here, are you blind
Why does the beginning of every thread have to be meta shitters wanking themselves and bringing themselves up? And the spic is always the perpetrator.
I like Hana
Tripspic is hateful of anyone getting attention over him
would you?
Because the spic likes to call out any waifu or husbando fag for anything bad because apparently that magically makes him a good or better poster. Of course he doesn't realize that it just makes his falseflagging more obvious.
No. But only because my bane reduces magic.
Just report and ignore. Tharjakek is ban evading anyways.
Kill her? Yes.
treasure buddies! I hope this artist improves, I like their coloring and linework.
Sorry brotato, it's sibling stuff.
>ban evading
No I'm fucking not you prick
This. He pretends to be mad at the stupidest or most arbitrary shit just for the sake of causing trouble. Like when he tried to call out Vate for his posting etiquette while trying to claim he was a better poster.
The picture you posted is obviously MaMU!Noire because both Morgan and Noire have different hair color
These however are Noire!Morgans because they share the same haircolor
>actually changing the descriptions for the pictures
how pathetic can you get
Be sure to salute your freedom to love tsuntails today, okay?
>replying to shitposters
Why do you fags even bother? He gets off on attention and ruining the thread.
I thought me and vate(and annafag) were on good terms already
It's supposed to be cause they get it from Tharja
I, too, believe in the freedom to be a masochist who gets a thrill out of being mistreated
Severa is shit and worst girl.
he's just samefagging, just ignore him
Kill yourself Shitveracuck
>deleted almost as soon as was posted
I'd shoot a firework right at her ugly face
That isn't how hair inheritance works though. It's most likely default Noire and default Morgan just being friends.
Actually it's supposed to be default variable sibling and the corresponding Morgan; so grey haired Inigo and pink haired Morgan, red haired Laurent and red haired Morgan, etc. Trust me on this, I'm an expert on daughteruology.
What did the Elevens not like about her?
(lol whatever you say, spic.
wew exposed.
Used goods cuckbait waifu
>le daughteru shit
Yep I'm gonna fuck off until the shitposter gets tired of this cancerous funposting.
So you're never posting here again? Probably not the worst idea.
Page describing capture function made it look like she was fucking them so all the japs abandoned her.
Pretty sure they don't use our shitty memes.
That's bullshit and you know it.
>can't post my waifu without setting of an autistic string of shitposting every single time
Wish that perma ban he "got" was real and not an obvious fake edit he used for attention.
kill yourself already
The spic probably made this himself. When you're looking at your post from the ban page the number is changed to XXX. I wouldn't be surprised if he made this back then for more attention.
It wouldn't surprise me since it somehow got posted on /feg/ despite him being "banned" permanently. How the fuck would that even happen? He'd either have to post it himself or send it to someone who cared enough to post it (nobody).
Which sibling fits Shigure the best?
I just want to post Noire without that faggot piping up with ''um actually that's my cute daughteru not a wife''
You can start by ignoring him completely and posting whatever you want. Shitposting retard be damned.
Go fuck yourself.
None because Shitgure a shit.
That's it.
Who did you marry for the three routes?
Pic related.
Post lewd noire.
Kaze on all three baby. REMAIN CALM
Just filter him. It has the benefit of also filtering the shitposts that usually follow.
That sounds pretty petty
Felicia in Birthrout
Odin in Conquest Hard
Elise in Revelation Hard
Leo in Conquest Lunatic
Laslow in Revelation Lunatic
Noire was made for impregnating.
Never underestimate otaku insecurity.
I don't think it's actually that, else it'd be more well-known. 2ch was confused about it as well. The only other explanation I've heard is that a line from Orochi's lottery thing is kind of condescending and plays on otaku insecurities or something.
Yarne made a good decision. Her womb will give life to many healthy Taguel kits.
Someone different each run. Done Elise, Ophelia, Felicia and Mozu.
Kaden for Diviner access and bonus Selkie.
Mozu, every time.
This sewage isn't a replacement for official character art right?
Guess she'd be a real fiery redhead, huh?
Don't harm the cute Sev.
Happy birthday Kiragi~
Hoshido: Oboro
Revelation: Oboro
Nohr: Midori
Japanese fans also hated Hana because she wouldn't use the correct honorifics. They take their notions of respect very seriously over there.
Do it. Fuck that guy (I need Noire pics too pls).
Wasn't that just the funeral thread? I wouldn't take that as an indicator of general fandom sentiment.
Why is it so hard to believe that her profile's insinuation that she's using her body to recruit POWs is a turnoff to waifufags?
Might as well post this since I'm trawling through tumblr for art right now.
That's fucking retarded, though I guess I can't fault them for cultural differences. I want to, but it wouldn't be fair.
Xander twice and Sakura. Although I never did Birthright.
I hate tharjafag too but don't take it out on Noire
She deserves someone better like Gerome