edgelord edition
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>Thread is not
>Lyns is gone forever but he is free from this shit game Press F to pay respects edition
>edgelord edition
am i doing it right?
is this edgy enough? i was listening to linkin park and thinking about middle school when i made this.
Yup, that's a branch of neo-edge people are starting to use so as not to me labeled as such.
RIP Cancerfag, goodbye Lyns.
See you both in space.
i was going to make a thread with itthe one time i look away
>youtube video with sped-up clips from devstreams and this music when
and then it fades to greyscale, the music gets slower, RIP warframe
someone make it happen
Seriously? Have you guys ever used the official warframe™ app? It's nothing but "lel we are so in touch with the community"
add YES form and one of TQ's reaction images to the soldiers in the back
and make the coffin a cryopod
Dom Saryn edition
Holly shit that's my build.
Have I officially become a meme
You don't nigger.
>not holding a lecta
its shit
Blame the faggot who made this thread. I was going to post as the image with that exact name along with cancerbro.
Oh well. Tomorrow is another day goy.
Relax nigga I'm new to this shit. I might do it later. Need to jew some of my items.
One question though, should I buy Trinity's Strega skin? I like it and I plat Trin a lot but it feels like a waste to me.
i bought it and i really like the way it looks but i regret it. i dont use trin very often because i just dont think she's fun. if you actually like playing her though, strega is top-tier fashion imo. the kubrow armor in the pack is nice also
so..can you fully enjoy this game without paying?
quick question should i even bother?
unfortunately it doesn't look as nice as you'd think
I would, in case they fuck up the nodes AND you like having more slots open on new/forma'd weapons and shit.
>not using it for extractors and building your daily stuff
I use the Scoliac for my dom loadouts...
Limbo looks like a fucking Edge Witch hunter here.
>dont really like to use kubrows
>dont use any other liset other than the stock
>bo prime HAHAHAHAHA
>Trin skin looks cool but can't use her for everthing, but is a bore to play
>never played banshee, only for MF
>saryn was a beast before the nerf, now shes like a bimbo with no sex experience
I like their skins but fuck me, I don't use them other than trin. Why does DE make this game so unfulfilling.
>farm vengeful revenant
>max r10 mods
>gain better prime parts
>sell all for high plat
>never have to play this game again
Feels good.
Depends on how much you value your time. Every hour of playing, if done with the sole intention of earning platinum, will net you about 4 cents worth of platinum
Depends on how much time you're willing to invest and how much frustration you're willing to deal with, but yes, there is a remote possibility. Don't expect it to be easy.
>Not an atterax
What's the matter shitbaby, don't want to be hurt?
Literally watching a ball of gas.
There isn't even a fucking surface after the first probe lost connection.
あなただけのクソあなたは少し雌犬、私について何だ一体を言いましたか?私はあなたが私はネイビーシールズで私のクラスのトップを卒業知っている必要があります、と私はアル・Quaedaに多数の秘密の襲撃に関与してきた、と私は300以上の確認キルを持っています。私はゴリラ戦の訓練を受けていると私は、全体の米軍のトップ狙撃です。あなたは私には何もなく、ちょうど別のターゲットではありません。私は私のクソの言葉をマークし、精度であなたにこの地球上で前に見たことのないているの同類を性交を一掃します。あなたはインターネットを介して私にそのたわごとを言って逃げることができると思いますか?もう一度考えて、野郎。我々が話すように、私は全米スパイの私の秘密のネットワークを接触させていますし、あなたがより良い嵐、うじ虫の準備ので、あなたのIPは現在トレースされています。あなたの人生を呼び出す哀れな小さなものを一掃嵐。あなたは死んで、子供をクソしています。私はいつでも、どこでもすることができ、私は百7オーバーの方法であなたを殺すことができ、それはちょうど私の素手でです。だけでなく、あなた少したわごと、私は広範囲に非武装の戦闘で訓練を受けたが、私は米国海兵隊の全体の工廠へのアクセス権を持っていると私は大陸の顔を離れてあなたの惨めなお尻を拭くために、その最大限にそれを使用します。あなたは少し "賢い"のコメントはあなたにダウンさせるとしていた邪悪なもの報復知られていることができる唯一の場合は、多分あなたはあなたのクソ舌を開催しているだろう。しかし、あなたは、あなたはしませんでしたができなかった、そして今あなたが価格を払っている、あなたは馬鹿を田舎者の白人野郎。私はすべてのあなたの上に怒りをたわごとされ、あなたはそれに溺れます。あなたは死んだ、きみをクソしています。
enjoy? user sorry to break it to you but there's no enjoyment in this game. however, you can indeed reach all content without having to pay out of pocket. Just be ready to jew for it in the trade chat.
loki knave is pretty good and loki is actually usable and fun
is this the fucking navy seal copypasta in a japanese
i've been meaning to download this game, it looks like a fun version of destiny for free
its good skin
it looks better without the armor desu
the armor looks good on other frames though, especially bulkier ones like hydroid and chroma
It's none of those things
If you HAD to pick between the two, warframe definitely is the better one. However, I remain steadfast to never recommend warframe to anyone. There is fun to be had but it does not outweigh the frustration and annoyance of the devs. If for some reason you decide to inflict the curse of warframe upon yourself, then I recommend you get friends to start with you, up to 3 additional.
is there a big difference between the console version and pc?
You only just made these for this thread and your taste is not the same as that of an average twelve-year-old, right?
console gets updates like a month later
PC leaves you to be a guinea pig for DE.
Console leaves you to be a guinea pig a month later for DE. Also shittier control scheme. Warframe is fast paced and KBM cannot be replaced by a controller.
did you not read my post I made my build as a joke
What should I build Loki for? I get the impression most guides I'd find are either shit or outdated
2 builds. One for duration and speed. (Capture, rescue, spy)
One for as much duration as you can get (no narrow minded) with maximum range and irradiating disarm.
those last three posts (which are mine) are all serious
I unironically enjoy edge sometimes
Hey, saryn does things to my dick ok?
Fast and ID are Loki's most important attributes. Once focus pops the energy gain is enough for near perma-invis.
Range is much more important, and if you know how to time cover, it's not that hard to work with 11.4s.
Hi, how does my saryn look?
not as good as mine
this is the duration build i use. its only good for solo missions or if you hate being a team player
I dont play wukong, but its how he was left in my arsenal
>Range more important than duration in Loki
This is the type of thing retards like tierfaggot would say
>stun 90% of units
>if you aren't near them they fuck each other up
>woooo im invis longer
nice try, tierqueer. I barely recognized you without the weeaboo images you use.
I said as much as you can get while focusing max range. As in primed cont and no fleeting. Constitution if you can slot it.
Stretch overextended cunning and the arcane for range.
you're a terrible loki
let me guess, your "endgame" is 20minutes of T3survival trying to farm ash prime
Did i jew good guys?
loki is for noobs and retards.
Someone post a Nyx build pls
You got jewed and you showed your ign.
Which frame has the biggest dick.
Can you loan me 9 plat indefinitely?
Ember no contest
Max range and negative duration. I use it this way to cheese T4 interceptions, since it staggers enemies and Chaos ends in about each 3 secs, allowing me to stagger them again in the next cast and this way substitute my now dead Blind Mirage
>no exilus
>no forma
I play range radial disarm loki and he is super useful
Yea its the best build but its not "tierfagging" its genuinely the only viable build (besides fast) and it's fun too because you can stay invisible with naramon and a companion (and your own skill in case of emergency) and just slash through enemies with your melee and they can't do shit to you because you took their weapons away
>Yea its the best build but its not "tierfagging" its genuinely the only viable build (besides fast) and it's fun too because you can stay invisible with naramon and a companion (and your own skill in case of emergency)
>Yea its the best build
> only viable build
>using anything else
everyone that isn't a shitter knows max range loki with ID is the only way to go
the people that value invis over RD just bought loki prime with plat and spent a couple rounds hiding in a corner on draco, and think they know shit about the frame
>Not using Mystic Tomato hand Destruction Loki
i just realized /wfg/ is full of noob plebeians
what's ID. A mod?
cat poster is getting on my nerves now.
I just realized I fucked your mother
how big is it
irradiating disarm
makes RD proc a 100% radiation for 8 seconds
whats the point he's only good for spy missions
You must be new here then. Just like in game, the population is 80+% shitters.
>only good for spy
shitter confirmed
opinion discarded
So did I do good or was this all a waste of time?
i need to get around to doing that
>You cannot comprehend Never Ever attack
it literally gets reset with the next update
top kek
i'll be gone soon. i'm burned out again
>energy siphon
are you the same cat from poeg?
hi buddy, how is prophecy
I picked up Secura Penta for the mastery, but it has easily become my favorite weapon in the game overnight. I can never go back to Tonkor with how fun this thing is with Adhesive Blast. Anyone complaining about the self damage must have no self awareness or REALLY that lazy that they can't do anything else in this game besides making enemies deepthroat the barrel and thunk two grenades into their stomach
scindo manticore alert
>i don't watch any devstreams and don't keep up with any info at all and then question people
does the term starchart 3.0 ring a bell?