Best girl. edition
Best girl. edition
Xth for Leona
Buffs are coming
Xth for suicidal thoughts.
And League of Legends I guess.
"best girl" you can't marry
get c u c ked you dumb lulufags.
judge eachother
xth for cute foxes
You heard it from riot firsthand
Poppyfags rejoice
Is Lulu autistic?
I dislike your champs except syndra
Just quirky and high 24/7
>tfw when you finally get a good support.
thats all adcs need really.
Best girl.
Best hands.
Best wife.
>tfw they took my bard
I think Xerath is a coward's champion, just like Ziggs
Xth for Katarina
the one true best girl
all these fake bitches can fuck off u heard me dumb cuck champs
i finally got rid of poppy
I take it you love cinematics.
xth for polygamy.
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Don't you mean _in_?
I really love Syndra. I really want to practice with her, her kit is a lot of fun.
Xth for pink shirt guy blessing my skills and turning it into elo gains when I arrive home in a couple days
I haven't really played darius recently, shen's looking to take his place there sometime soon.
Ahri and Leona just fit the playstyle I liked for a mid/support character
this is not ok
Can LCS players swap roles?
eat powder
>Come back from vacation
>Open up pixiv
>mfw all these new League lewds
It's good to be back.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums results
quetza pls go
i really dislike you
Let's raise this a little. Post champions, badge and rank.
xth for the biggest and best breasts in the league of legends
Oh gee boss I wonder why you won against a 'support' lux that fucking started ring,
At first i was about to laugh at normies so i checked you out on and this was a ranked game in fucking gold,
How did you manage to counter pick basically every lane?
and christ on a bike, yellow trinkets fucking everywhere
>two duos
>235k mastery
I don't actually like Teemo and Lux
syndra is cool, xerath and nigger not so much
>nami player
never let this die
I don't play ranked
Got tired of it
I haven't played in 2+ years. There's a bunch of new shit like trinkets (?) and other shit, but I'll figure that out. More-so, I feel like easing my way in by playing a bit of ARAM then some unranked for a while. Couple questions.
Can you play the Howling Abyss map but without the all random part?
What are good junglers these days? I used to play a lot of jungle Shaco years ago and that was nice. And any tips for it? Where to start etc.
Are the lanes still static? When I last played it was a hybrid top that can sustain themselves solo. Solo mid that was usually a mage. Jungler and duo bot of support + ADC. Is this still normal?
Thanks friends and fags.
>and christ on a bike, yellow trinkets fucking everywhere
no one builds blue trinket anymore except adcs.
>tfw finally got enough points to overtake my caitlyn autism spree from last year
good thing it only took like 4 days to master this champion
>yasuo is feeding
>first item phantom dancer
there has to be some sort of fucking correlation
>flamer ruins a vg game again
You fucking autist.
i'm working on getting a levle 7 mastery on GP for now
Tomoka go fuck yourself you autistic fuck, if you have 120 ping dont play the fucking game
I'm tired of all these GP mains. He's like the new Riven
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums up on NA pass vidya
needs 8
>tfw no adc gf to invite to my 4th of july cookout and then play league of legends with
post reasons to live
he's not even that hard to play, he's just really fun
i've never seen any GP be cancer either
h-help pls
Why does /lolg/ hate riven?
big animay tiddies
uthink you hard
but u aint
i saw that original post tomoka
u cant hide
a very cute girl :0
did you get him in a Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums too?
>tomoka is on your team
>he constantly lags in and out of the match
what a fucking faggot
we dont hate riven
we hate riven players
Lulu :3c
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums now needs 5 more people to start the game and have fun maybe
pass vidya
I don't hate riven. I think she's really fun.
riven players are the original yasuo/zed players
I want to live in sonas rack!
She's also a reason to die.
Right answer!
I really dislike you too.
>Trying to Gnarvan in Plat
You got this.
basically this. Riven mains are the original 'GG THIS TEAM" since she's been around before zed and yasuo were even released
vg needs 3 more
all levels and ranks welcome to play and have some fun
>still no PP MF splash
this shit better be a top-down view with Ahri and Sona making out on the background
A couple of close friends. I care about them more than my own family.
Because she's not very fun to play and attracts terrible people. She is also voiced by Christina Vee.
Sexing cute girls
Vodka and cranberry juice
ok now we need 2 more to start this Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on the NA server pass vidya
I bet you are good looking and have a lot of friends and skills
Making Riven mains (and by extension Riven) suffer.
I love Lissandra!
I like you
your her reason for living too, sir.
watching jared be cute
the world does not improve life is suffering
someone left now we need 3 again for this Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA pass vidya
oh wait someone joined, we need two (2) now
>tfw bard does stupid shit
That would be cute if she didn't eat people to live
>Gnar losing to Tank Renekton
>inb4 "he has a cleaver lol"
Tomorrow senpai, you better belive it!
>platinum and beyond
>stuck in mid gold
Maybe one day.
Gnar was doing fine, but amumu fucked over his lane forcing a counter gank against graves.
hey where is everyone?
we need 2 more persons to join so we can start this Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA pass vidya
why aren't you playing gnar's top counter user?