Dueling Network General #2227 a Remove Kaibaman edition
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Dueling Network (High Res): duelingnetwork.com
YGOPro: ygopro.co
Other urls found in this thread:
>Not RIP DN edition
you had 1 job user
>DN is dead
Hosting Tag. US.
>DN is kill
>final duels on DN were trying to play a stupid horakhty FTK deck
oh well. RIP DN.
>For legal reasons, Dueling Network will be taken offline until further notice. I apologize for the inconvenience.
>Note that the third-party requesting this takedown was not Konami, but another authorized party.
/dng/ goes back to /ygp/ thread name wars
We already have to deal with trip drama
1 more.
Asking again in this thread for real. Anybody have a good Cyber Dragon deck?
>cyber dragon
>No more DN
I'll miss it, the only reason why I started playing this game again.
A mediocre petdeck then? ;_;
I miss it already ;_;
Dumb phoneposter.
GG, meme magic too strong. Hosting another tag.
Stop using your tripcodes.
You are welcome to get a trip and shadow duel us.
he'd have to wait at least a month tho
Ok sure. Ygopro right since uh the DN is dead right?
Used to post here a long time ago when neo and bonbon were still around. Just came by to pay my respects to the now dead DN.
Getter's meme game's too strong
Who invited this puerto rican
I can't say I miss those two (especially Neo), but Blu, Accel, and a few other will always have a special place in my heart :(
I'm not. I just wanted to get involved with the community. Is the duel going to be done now?
>getter making monarch shiranuis viable as fuck
god fucking bless him
>El Pollo Tropical
you from miami then huh?
Okay guys, I'm going to host a match on percy for this shadow duel. Password is pikante
sick I won the first tag duel I played!!
Yeah blu actually was a good player and accel earned me a few sheckels from things I missed. I sometimes miss the old /dng/ but I hate this game too much now.
Could be Central Florida too
For fuck's sake Vorcia you thought card of demise made you draw 5.
It was 5 in the anime, this was my first time playing Demise Qli so I never read the card.
I ran into blu a couple of times on DN after he left /dng/, but I never knew what happened to Accel. Guess the trolls drove him out.
I knew a few good players who lurked here, a few who posted, but they're all gone now. This community's future - not just /dng/- isn't looking bright. Why must the most fun TCG be handled by the most unholy trifecta of companies?
So are you going to reset or what?
accel stayed on skype. when he left for discord I stopped paying attention. last I heard he and gay tomo were unironic trump supporters.
yeah that too
I'm betting he's Puerto Rican tho
>Come home, wanna play some YGO
Sorry my mom got a phone call so it made the onternet off Ill restart sprry!
Anyone up for another Tag Duel? Hosting.
Oh wow. I can't say I'm surprised, but I lost a bit of respect for him. Glad I was able to avoid talking poilitics during most of my time here.
What politician do you think Vorcia/Neodasus/King of/dng/ supports?
>There are people right now that complain about Maxx "C"
I see what happened. It IMMEDIETLY performs damage calculation, so that happened mid-CL2. Weird shit. Sorry for the time out.
Cruz all the way
I am not complaining that much, but I am really not a fan of how Maxx "C" alternates between being fucking useless and being so damn incredible that it essentially wins games instantly.
It's a card that gravitate towards the extremes and I really don't think it's particularly healthy to the game.
Yeah just let D/D/D have unbreakable boards with no form of counterplay right? ',:^)
>STILL named /dng/ even with dueling network killed
Proper new thread, /ysg/ yugioh simulator general.
NO tripfags allowed.
It was fun duel Gen-KY! glad I got my first win in the community shadow duel!
Here we go
>This Thread
>"TCG Format: 40 cards with 3 mandatory main deck Upstart Goblin, Terraforming, Chicken Game and Pseudo Space for maximum deck consistency."
Why should I use your thread if you can't even get the fucking format right?
Remember to migrate.
Proper new thread, /ysg/ yugioh simulator general.
This thread is obsolete, dn is dead.
Here's the list since you asked IronCore. You can find my other version with cupidity in the last thread.
Hosting Tag Duel again.
Host it here
Proper new thread, /ysg/ yugioh simulator general.
Do you think Ultimaya is at the point where it is banworthy?
Who the fuck are you?
That ftk isn't working on ygopro. Threw engraver, horaktty, exchange thing, and lullaby and I got the loss when I chose to summoned it to the AI field
Good game, man.
congrats you learned the ruling
My name is Enqrique.
Friendly reminder
Proper new thread, /ysg/ yugioh simulator general.
show me some bishbasketball masturbation.
Thank you for at peast taking the tripfags.
Wanted to start playing again and DN got killed off.
That's just the thing though. There you have an example where Maxx "C" autowins the game instantly. And in another situation such as you drawing it on your turn or just having it against a different type of deck, it does fucking nothing.
Either it does ridiculously much, or it does fucking nothing. There are almost no in-betweens with Maxx "C" and it's either on the extreme end of uselessness or the extreme end of being super useful. And what kind of card design is that really?
>playing on DN
You've only got yourself to blame.
main deck ratios/better tuner options for shit petdeck also appreciated
bruh legit shut the fuck up with your "healthy card design" shit, maxx c is a necessary card, or you honestly want no out to a board like that?
You're probably b8ing and i feel for it
So how did they get it to work on devpro in the video? If it's a coding error why did no one call him out on it
Having to rely on Maxx "C" is a problem in itself. It does not make Maxx "C" a good card.
> If it's a coding error why did no one call him out on it
what makes you think this didn't happen
>3 Veiler opening hand
>Still managed to dredge a win thanks to Getter carrying my ass
That was painful as fuck. Hosting again.
>yugioh is on the verge of death
>100% to die after the nostalgia ciclejerk ends this year
>dueling network death
>hoban doesn't even play anymore
Post your face when DN was kill
Hearthstone and Magic strong.
>all this hate on me when it doesn't even matter
>mfw DuelingNetwork is finally killed so shitters don't try to cheat or enforce OCG rulings that KoA have explicitly stated several times don't work.
God bless Konami.
Maxx C is a fork. Your opponent either accepts the consequences or stops in trade to fuck you both over.
Fuck off.
Fuck off.
Fuck off.
This I can agree with.
What's the discord? Im interested.
I hate you. I hate tripfags too but I hate specifically you. It's about time someone beat you so you can put your shit vetween your legs and Fucked off.
>tfw this and a cuck are your worlds contenders
Well they ain't goin down easy i'll give them that
>or stops in trade to fuck you both over
How is forcing your opponent to just pass the turn something to "fuck you both over"?
At that point you've just royally screwed your opponent at the cost of but one or most likely zero cards.
Im sick of this violence. If I beat you right now you have to leave forever. This isnt fair.
>Play DDD
>Opponent drops Maxx C upon me summoning Kepler
>either let the opponent gain 8+ cards or sit back with a monster with zero defense while his starting hand is 4.
Don't even get me started on Synchro based decks.
Lol I'm not being violent but sure I'll take your challenge. Hosting on ygopro EU server. Password is pikante.
Valkyrie, could you share your U.A. list again? The picture last thread was too pixely.
Fuck you and your floodgates.
Hosting again.
what was everyone's last game like? :~:
Share pet decks.
>while his starting hand is 4
You mean 5-6 cards right?
If he was to drop Maxx C upon your Kepler he would start with 5, if he was to drop Maxx C on the advent of an actual special summon, he would start with 6.
Under no circumstances would it end with him starting with 4.
Getting 8+ cards is for all intents and purposes an immediate victory.
But fucking the opponent over to just have Kepler or whatever on the field with no other support is just as much of a victory. You essentially got him to do nothing with his entire turn just by dropping Maxx C.
sup iron core, you had better perform that combo in an actual duel, I can't wait!
I need to sleep.
Yo guy, I'll share my webm as soon as I find it, but here's a decklist.
I love Igknights.
Here's a similar, in-duel, 9 XYZ Summon combo.
Share your build, friend.
kanji looks like christmas trees and algebra
Christ almighty