Is History a meme degree? Is it worth doing? What actual jobs can you get from doing it, and is it useless unless you go to a top Uni?
Is History a meme degree? Is it worth doing? What actual jobs can you get from doing it...
History is the creator of all things.
History is needed to learn all things.
It is the number one subject.
It's practically the most fun, too.
Nobody actually gets jobs related to their degree these days.
As long as it shows you're intelligent, you should be good for a wide variety of jobs.
Anyone here whos done a degree in it, what are you now up to? Can you make a decent career out of it. Not OP but curious
I knew a (((guy))) who had a degree in history
I think he's still a high-school teacher
Not a history major, but there's a lot of people I know who went to professional schools and fields (business/ law/ accounting) who majored in history during college. It's a great background for critical analysis and thought.
Bump for an answer
After living in the world, these humans are way in over their fucking heads trying to structure history especially with their fucking normie programming.
Genetics is the evolution of a truthful history. And then when people become able to falsify that history via auto-modification...history won't matter.
Yeah I've seen this as well. A lot go into administration, journalism and government as well
For what I gather and my personal experience, no, it's pretty good.
Good as in being an actual degree with actual information to learn and mostly unbiased teachers more worried with dilligence and fact checking than pushing agendas.
It's worthless for jobs though. Get a STEM degree or anything goes.
>t. Philosophy fag
bump, curious about this
you can become a high school teacher, which is /comfy/ tier if you live somewhere in the western part of continental europe and absolutely horrifying anywhere else
I live in Germany and this is my plan. currently studying history to become a teacher. Absolutely great job if you're made for it, otherwise hell on earth.
The salary is also preddy gud
Why do teachers always complain about low wages. Do teachers in germany Get paid higher than the ones in scandinavia?
History is my passion but I can't justify taking out a student loan to get a degree in it. So I study accounting instead. From my point of view actually forking over thousands of dollars for a degree in history when you can just browse required reading lists for history classes on uni websites is pointless.
t. Poorfag
I dont know what teachers earn in scandinavia, but the entry level wage for a Gymnasium teacher in Hamburg is ~3900€ which is around 3k after tax.
the pay is decent, but the wage ceiling is pretty low (around 65k yurodollars a year)
I don't know about other countries but many parts of the US are over-saturated with history and English teachers. If you want to go into education you're better off with math or science.
There is nothing comfy about being a teacher atleast when I remember how we were as a class it looked like a slow hell from the teacher's perspective.
Especially courses like history because almost nobody gives a shit about it.
Has anyone here actually done a degree in it? If so, what are you doing now?
>10% hiring rate
Its not even good enough to be a meme degree
> (OP)
>For what I gather and my personal experience, no, it's pretty good.
>Good as in being an actual degree with actual information to learn and mostly unbiased teachers more worried with dilligence and fact checking than pushing agendas.
>It's worthless for jobs though. Get a STEM degree or anything goes.
>>t. Philosophy fag
You know how many people are going into STEM?
I would guess that STEM is a bursting bubble. Kind of like how so many people went into nursing, hospitals will now only hire nurses with 2 years of experience for intro positions.
what part of your ass did you pull that statistic out of?
You can go into STEM, doesn't mean you'll graduate with a STEM degree. Most people who get in an engineering program for $$$ end up getting weeded out in basic calculus or linear algebra courses.
Nothing comfy about being a teacher in western Europe, there's a gigantic surplus and they're paid like shit anyway.
History is an excellent major for a shitload of graduate degrees.
I got into law school with a history BA, a friend of mine even managed to get into med school after majoring in history and he says no one batted an eye admissions wise, plenty of people with liberal arts degree in med school.
name a single comfier job that doesn't have a giant surplus though
There's no such thing as majoring in my country. You can just do a straight up history degree, and then do a GDL Law conversion, which gets you a Law degree in another 1 or 2 years though, so maybe its a good idea. Better than doing 3-4 years of boring straight up Law.
history lecturer/professor. 50-90k a year here in UK, pretty comfy
>not a giant surplus
also, you can try an academic career and fall back on high school level teaching if it doesn't work out.
At least that's how it works in Germany
Well I guess it depends on the country, but here in mine a gigantic surplus in teachers just means you'll never get stable employment and will have to keep changing school every school year. Not comfy at all.
>fall back on high school level teaching
Can you really fall back on something that requires a whole 2 years worth of post degree formation (in my country anyway)?
> a gigantic surplus in teachers just means you'll never get stable employment and will have to keep changing school every school year
that's not how it works in the merry 16 states
> 2 years worth of post degree formation
yeah but you get paid during the process here because you are already teaching
What about a philosophy degree? There's nothing else I really want to study in school so I'm going with my gut "passion" but I'm afraid it won't work out in the end. Am I making the wrong decision by not getting a degree in something more "marketable"? I'd be lying if I said I didn't care about how much money I want to make, but I try not to let it influence my decisions too much.
I'm going for history with the intent of getting a law degree. Not a direct job, but a stepping stone.