League of Legends General - /lolg/

fertile demacian wombs edition

>rengar still not deleted
>among other things, still has 3 passives


xth for lolg is a reason to live

xth for you guys dont even lift

and you should

>he is back

back to your containment board

xth for my cute mexislut gf

fiji pls no one wants you lmao

no it's not

Good morning lolgen!
Best of luck to you for your games today!

How do I Fiora? Laning is no problem, i can win pretty easily, but after that I have no idea how to play in teamfight. Also, for builds, if I go tank i deal no damage, if i go damage i get blown up instantly against 2 or more people. Do I just splitpush all game after winning lane?

Lulu is the loveliest lady and i wanna cuddle and protect her until the end of times!

Xth for leagues most titanic titties

her build is pretty clearcut as rav/cleaver/bt/situational

bt can be swapped for tankiness if you need it
she isn't a good teamfighter at all and usually you're better off just splitting unless you get significantly ahead and can solo their backline by yourself

if teamfights do come and you aren't big enough to go wreck their backline just focusfire their tank and try to get your ult off no matter the cost, it's basically a won teamfight if it goes off

anyone want to make a smurf on EUW? leveling up alone is boring

>Leona has the highest win rate of all the supports
>she is getting more buffs soon




Thanks, have a nice day!

Is BT any better than Death Dance? I like it more because of the CDR

no u

>Being Gold IV means I'm literally better than 80% of the ranked players on this server and lolg

>tfw how it feels to play Jax again after I get into the zone after a loss streak

BT is better because of the shield it gives, as well as your Q and E also applying lifesteal fully. You get CDR from Black cleaver already, and some from SV if you build it.

i like bt a lot more because the shield is actually a big source of survivability for Fiora, and 32% lifesteal is neat. bear in mind all of Fiora's physical damage procs lifesteal already so you aren't getting any benefit from the physical spellvamp

also pretty common to run cdr blues on fiora for 40% cdr with cleaver visage and runes

Whose dick do I have to suck to see smochi's pics

>Tfw how it feels

havent had enough coffee yet.

and still deals tons of damage while building a mix of tank items and ap with an ultimate ability that gives him a second chance if he plays bad

>want to make ebin utility assassin
>end up making the perfect bruiser

great job riot

Smochi's dick.

literally who



>not banning jayce in hexakill

not enough bullets to your head, you mean

guess elo

platinum 3

>tryharding as jayce in hexakill for several games
>building cleaver and LW
Show the enemy teams, I better see 4 tanks in every game you went BC LW

Bronze 0.5



I'm having more fun with this game now that I just play normals really


every mage builds wooglets son i'm all about that true damage eq

youre not cute you disgusting doritos stained gremlin

amelie is cute
you're not cute

>enemy team has fizz yasuo lee sin and janna

You are boosting my friend. That doesn't count.

Frostbutt or Order of the Lotus Irelia?

I play normals since S1, this is actually my first account in ranked

>riot STILL hasn't fucking added AP scaling to his passive slow & haste

this is blizzard levels of ignoring the issue

Worship me.

>Want to play Udyr jung
>Diam friend tells me he sucks dick in 6.13
How right he, /lolg/? How bad can be this based champ?

Udyr is garbage. If the Emperor hears my prayers he'll stay garbage forever.
Fuck Udyr.

>no trip
Son, no matter how mad are you, it's not going to work.

You can get Master with any champions in this game

After the nerfs on the ap item and removing devourer, yep he is garbo

and i mained udyr in Season 5

So I just started playing again after a while and even though I have like 210k Ezreal mastery points, getting the level 6 on Kindred with like 33k shifted her to my top thing

It's kinda annoying, now I gotta grind S games on Ezreal if I wanna unfuck it

I'd rather get Shyvana to 7 though

If you're in low elo, and you're actually good, you can make it work. But Udyr is in a pretty shit spot right now, I don't think trick2g plays him much anymore.

Fuck. Well, time to get back on my Xin I guess

I know someone who has 800k+ mastery points on Udyr and is still Bronze.
Don't do it.

can somebody teach me how to play this game?

how do i get good again?

i was gud once but ive lost it

Who do I play in League of Legends if I want to be a goofy psycho that kills people with poison or damage over time in general

Watch ICU

Practice again




Sona is the most beautiful in all of Runeterra!

ded gaem

>irelia carries u
you mean the bipolar one trick faggot that throws a fit and quits once every month or so?

practice motherfucker


no Sarah is the most beautiful

I've got some bad news for you son.

He is pretty okay, he explains a lot of stuff and so on.

I dont know why he quits the game once in a month.

I want somebody to teach me not watch a video, it's different.

Would knights crown sona the queen of love and beauty?

Then watch qtpie, jesus christ

Ayyyy, lets go feed my ass off

Ya damn right, holmes.

She`s Yummy`s Ghostbabe,
The Bustmaid of Fuck-Yarrr,
ALL cuz she got that Crack Cleavage.

I make sure to always report anyone who picks rengar.

but i can't do it

i used to be able to carry 4 people i'm completely unable now
i do well in lane i get assraped later on in fights, i misposition or just get run over

i can't carry a game where my team is doing badly while i remember in s4 some games that looked completely fubar but i caught fire and won them anyway

>Leona is making a comeback

Gonna kill myself desu. Laning against leona is like being the husband in a cuck porno


>Taliyah is flat
>Illaoi is flat for how huge she is
>Kindred is flat
>Kalista is flat
>Jinx is flat
>Lissandra is flat
>Quinn is flat

7 of the last female champions have been completely flat. Why is this allowed? Where are the big tiddies?

>dodge a game because enemy team has olaf ryze taliyah
>wait my 5 minutes
>choose fill
>next 6 champ selects have dodges
>game that i don't get support the champion select forgets to make sound during my ban phase
i'm going to fucking kill myself

Sona has enough tiddies for like 4 champions

Usually if you play with the mentality that you don't always have to follow your team to death and know where you should be at any point, you can at least stall the game out until the other team throws or your team scales. It's all patience. If you dont tilt there's always a 50/50 chance that you can win the game

Like I had a Lulu on my team that was titled from champ select and tried to macro manage the team from level 1 by spamming in the chat. Then proceeded to get caught out of position in lane and got cucked twice by leona, flamed me for not all inning where I would just feed and said "GG" in all chat and went to go lane with the top laner. This was 7 minutes in the game that this person thought it was GG and proceeded to tilt the rest of the team.

at least she's aggressive

fucking janna and soraka are like playing farm simulator since they shut down all aggression


Off yourself

>How to dick on kids


>pick trundle to at least go even with olaf early
>enemy team picks ryze and lets olaf jungle
>rest of my team has no escapes or cc

Just dodge the stunlock bro




it was a shen guide

>implying Trundle isn't strong as fuck and wouldn't shit on Ryze in a late game split push scenario

Maybe on NA.

Just no. This mentality is the reason I need to dodge every fucking Lee on my team because I know it is a lost game. If you're at diamond 3+ your comp is more important than your individual skill most of the time.

i've seen trundles lose to yasuos
>ryze hits w
>olaf walks up and hits trundle twice
>if trundle has flash he's out and if not he just dies

Is this some EUcuck delusion or Korean dickriding delusion

he had depression or something a while ago
think he's been doing fine with his new girl.
though to be fair can't blame master+ players from quitting in s6