Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/

Gul'dan greets you edition

>What's new
Gul'dan, Auriel and a bunch of new skins:

Gul'dan should show up on the PTR pretty soon.

>where do I find you panda-loving faggots?
/join Veeky Forums

>Do you have a discord?

>What hero should I buy?
Play all the heroes on free rotation and see what types you like. Don't buy heroes just to get into ranked, it's not worth it.

>Links nobody visits anyway
Official Site: us.battle.net/heroes/en/
General News: heroesnexus.com/
Tips & Tricks: heroesofthestorm.github.io/tips
Hero Rankings and Statistics: hotslogs.com/Default
Talent Calculator: heroesfire.com/hots/talent-calculator/
All of the hero voice lines: rpboyer15.github.io/sounds-of-the-storm

Old thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


Your soul shall be mine!

Where the FUCK is Maiev????

2nd for Forced Fifty

Free-to-Play Hero Rotation: July 05 - July 12, 2016
Li Li
Sgt. Hammer
Kharazim (Slot unlocked at Player Level 5)
Tychus (Slot unlocked at Player Level 7)
Illidan (Slot unlocked at Player Level 12)
Tracer (Slot unlocked at Player Level 15)

>its a "johanna feeds the entire game" episode

Seriously though, how the fuck are you so bad that you feed with one of the strongest tanks in the game?

So I just felt like playing hots again on a whim, but It's taking ages to find a quick match, it used to be really quick.

Are most people playing in Unranked nowadays?

also is sniper tyrande still viable or will people reprot me

Does someone happen to have the /hotsg/ logo thing?

I find any kind of matchmaking to be a little slow these days.

Nevermind my question, I found it myself.

Owl build is like her main build right now

Nexus businesses/practices:

>Raiders Rolls
>Jaina's Cones of Cold
>Ashalanore's Salami
>The Soup Dash Sallac Kitchen
>Stormrage 10,000 Step Anger Managament Program
>Morales Bus Tours
>Gazlowe's Gadgets
>Abathur's Hat Emporium
>The 1,001 Gods Dojo
>Bronzebeard's Brew and Bloodshed
>Diablo's Overpowrestling Gym
>5-Man Maw Porn Studios, CEO Zagara
>Rexxar's Exceptional Obedience Training Academy
>Dehaka's Pawn Shop
>Valla's Phone Sex Hotline
>Stitches Comedy Club: Guaranteed to make you laugh, or we give them the Hook.
>Nazeebo's Voodoo Emporium: who do, we do, you do, Voodoo.
>Sgt Hammer's Lonely Blackhearts Bay Band


>Annual March of the Black King
>Sponsored by Cow King whole milk, it gives you Hardened Bones.
>Special guests this year: the Scourge, the Army of Hell and the Skeletal Mages
>Catering provided by Butcher's Slaughterhouse and Stitches' Shish Kabobs.
>any libcucks that protest in the March of the Murlocs against our rightful king Leoric will be Entombed.

>The Cult of El
>Nexus natives claim that the Nexus was once connected to a world where men and women of incredible power flew the skies and performed miracles great and terrible alike
>its greatest hero, Kal-El the Super Man, gave his life to stop Doomsday not just upon his city, but upon the Nexus as well
>The Cult has honored his sacrifice since then and believes he will return in glory someday
>in preparation for his coming, they have painted his emblem all over town, claiming that it stands for hope
>King Leoric has discouraged such treasonous practices and anyone caught praising or worshipping The Super Man will be Drained of Hope immediately


>Torres de Fatalidad

fuck off arturo

Death............ .......... ...................... ................ ....... .............. .......is at my command

>tfw no pogo

Easy, by making terrible calls, having no map awareness, and constantly engaging awkwardly or just flat out piss poorly as the team's solo warrior
>its a muh camps muh camps muh camps muh camps muh camps muh camps muh camps muh camps muh camps muh camps muh camps muh camps muh camps muh camps muh camps episode

how many hours till ptr? i havent slept in 24 hrs cuz was owning ppl up on my sick FUCKING SICK genji in overwatch, like srsly at one point i even took a pause to think of how good i am, i need some sleep but now i wanna own ppl up on my SICK GULDAN

When does the " personal rank adjustment" bullshit ever go away?

If i dont win 60% I keep dropping.

should only take one derank. just throw the demotion game if you can't ignore the bullshit

i deranked from D5 way earlier in the season and I still get that every game

I assume in the higher ranks you have to play a lot more games to keep ranking up. If the people ahead of you are constantly grinding 30 games while you only play a few, then we you get your score calculated again, isn't it going to go down?

I'm not 100% on this, but that would be my guess.

>Weekly Sale Items for July 05 - July 12, 2016
>The Butcher — Sale Price: 4.19 EUR - 3.19 GBP
>Iron Butcher Skin — Sale Price: 3.69 EUR - 2.70 GBP
>Commander Raynor Skin — Sale Price: 3.69 EUR - 2.70 GBP

1 more then. you should really just ignore because it means nothing other than being able to duo with someone slightly worse.

pretty sure it's all small mmr windows except for the very top and the endless bottom of bronze. if you are a certain mmr you go in that predefined division and get adjustments when you are outside of the appropriate corresponding place. it's not something that is dynamically changing where people knock each other around in diamond because it can only be a set % of people.

I don't understand how people pay so much for skins. Even the ones I want I don't think I'd be willing to go higher then $0.99 for. I mean, I wait for games to go under $10 on steam before i buy them and Blizz wants me to shill out $9-4 on visual bling?

Some people live empty lives and the only thing they can get to make them feel unique is a video game skin. And they're willing to forfeit one (1) hour's work at McDonalds to get it.

I thought MMR and rank were only loosely connected.

what the fuck? so I placed Diamond but I have to get down to Gold just to get rid of this stupid penalty?

i'm bad with voices but
is medivh's hots voice actor the same voice actor he had in wc3?

I think not, but I'm not sure

it actually is

the penalty happens if you MMR is lower than your current rank. If you keep a positive WR your MMR should keep rising and eventually your personal rank adjustement would become 0 or positive.

Cool then, love when they use the same voice actors

That makes me really happy. I've always loved his voice.

>don't play this game for 3 months
>come back because of WoW maintenance
>the game still somehow manages to randomly not read mouse clicks
full release version when

rank is only about as loose as you could assume mmr is an accurate estimate. in other words someone at gold 1 could really be a gold 3 but you really wouldn't be able to tell any difference playing with or watching them and a real gold 1 anyway. plat should be obviously better than silver. it's a really weak obfuscation of mmr. like a slightly bent mirror.

only down a couple divisions not full bronze/silver/etc. ranks. others get the illusion of improvement when they "grind" up a little after placement. you're part of the 1 out of 20 out of line more than normal.


really entertaining right?

>the game still somehow manages to randomly not read mouse clicks
i actually never had that happen to me

I'm down to Plat 5 from D5 and still get it

Can we have this as a Leoric skin?

Do you use the Steam service that lets friends watch your game? Nvidia video capture shit that's bundled with the driver? Is it even on?

Those things can cause odd mouse input problems.

My drug money has to go somewhere. I own the entire game from 50% off sales, except 7 skins.


t. Veeky Forums chat



>you have to get like 2-3 wins (and one more for every loss) every single day to just keep your grandmaster ranking

thank you blizz for turning this into a grind competition instead of using mmr

This is why I just play the game and ignore ranked.

I barely have time to play 2-3 real games a week.

Assuming you're him, he commented on how Murky is a good KT counter. I admitted that Rexxar was a good Ching Chong counter... then this happened.

I've been thinking about an Alien skyn for Dehaka, he has the tongue, the spiked tail with a talon, and the theme

Imo it could be pretty sick

(Pic not related)

Would the only difference be the lack of eyes?
It feels like he's too close to that already.

>framerate still tied to ping
>still only two servers
>Xul still hard counters every melee character
welp, maybe this game will be playable in another 2 years

Yeah that's what my friends are telling me too lol
It could have been just one of his tints

>framerate still tied to ping
I actually like that. Let's me no when I'm lagging so I don't waste a long cooldown skill shot.

It's a 'your team chooses the worst lanes to match up with' episode!
Our tank just walking back and forth eating AA's from valla, wells, eats a lot more AA's while fumbling about. Backs right before obj.
4v5 give it up.
He goes to lane with her some more. No one rotates to help him out.
Welp that was fun.
>Valla top hero dmg

I like you

enjoy living in a region that actually has a dedicated server then

Is there any better feeling than when an enemy hero thinks they're going to get away with low health and then you nail them with a skillshot?

Cockblocking assassins as a support. You know they're gonna rage somewhere and demand healers/supports be removed from the game. Same for any other game really.


How would all hero names translate into a forced spanish?

El Mago Medivo
Araña Anubis
José Reynor
Valeria (valla)
Gomez (gazlowe)
Bartolo (abathur)

When they drop PTR?

Diego Raynor, estupido.

Raynor is James, so he would be Jaime

Oh cool, it's our only healer went full damage build and blames team for when he fucks up episode.

Is cute! CUTE!

>mfw switching regions and playing Li-ming against scrubs

Is ming in free rotation?

Yep, seems that way

Illidan = Daniel
Rehgar = Ricardo
Monk = Moncho
Stitches = Puntarrajos
Li li = Lily

I'll start playing Hots again when they finally introduce Ysera's sweet booty.

>have chromie in team who keeps crying that we are going to lose
>says everyone else is shit
>call her out for being the shitter she is, doing nothing
>talks about having 2k more damage dealt to heroes than me
>when enemy has a morales who instantly heals any poking she does
I wish Blizzard could just bump my MMR by 1k so I could maybe have decent games

I kinda want blizzard to bump everyone to grandmaster, and just see how many players go straight back to bronze/silver/gold

>Blizzard hasn't shown the new hero's skills yet
>PTR isn't up yet
Its like they want this game to die

Ysera has been in the game for 15 months

>20 points from promo

Is there anything more annoying? other than shitty teammates

You know what's more annoying? Not knowing Gul'dan's skills and talents

I'm done with this shit game. It has way too many shit players and the mmr system is broken

Fuck the MMR, why can't the shit players get fucking better?




Rain of Destruction looks like a bad choice desu

OP confirmed

>Rain of fire is March of the Murlocks 2.0

Oh for fucks sake.

I can already see the people in my ranks (bronze/silver) dying for overusing life tap and blaming me for not healing them

If that happens it means they captured the warlock class fantasy from WoW properly

Yeah I'm not interested in him, hope Auriel is fun.

Haha holy shit what. How long was that queue ?

Looks cool

>Patch notes longer than the rest of the patch notes this year combined
Game confirmed alive, overwatch confirmed for previously stealing our devs

We fell within the average wait time.

Dem thighs though. I know for sure a fic i could write based on it

400-500s if even. Felt like short wait for TL

NORMIEBOOK . com/BlizzHeroes/videos/475210969355079/

>cone skill shot (oh my!)
>retarded three circle gimmick (more posion!)
>life tap (meh)

zero damage, just some cc that's unreliable due to randomness

>rain of fire
lots of damage, but inconsistent due to randomess



Damn these are pretty long

So what map is the one at 4:20? Looks like a warcraft undead map

holy shit

It's just a background. Like Medivh now has a Kharazhan background on the title screen, it doesn't mean it's a map.

we league now bois
>did you know, teammates who are friendlier to each other win 13% of the time more?

Where were you when Jaina became OP?