>What hero should I buy? Play all the heroes on free rotation and see what types you like. Don't buy heroes just to get into ranked, it's not worth it.
Free-to-Play Hero Rotation: July 05 - July 12, 2016 Li Li ETC Sgt. Hammer Li-Ming Johanna Greymane Kharazim (Slot unlocked at Player Level 5) Tychus (Slot unlocked at Player Level 7) Illidan (Slot unlocked at Player Level 12) Tracer (Slot unlocked at Player Level 15)
Grayson Richardson
>its a "johanna feeds the entire game" episode
Seriously though, how the fuck are you so bad that you feed with one of the strongest tanks in the game?
Landon Howard
So I just felt like playing hots again on a whim, but It's taking ages to find a quick match, it used to be really quick.
Are most people playing in Unranked nowadays?
also is sniper tyrande still viable or will people reprot me
Parker Young
Does someone happen to have the /hotsg/ logo thing?
I find any kind of matchmaking to be a little slow these days.