Maybe started a general at five in the morning was a bad idea.
But to start things off, which mutant would you want to hug constantly?
Julian Harris
This one
Daniel Campbell
What do you think it would feel like?
Crystal is hard and rigid, she'd probably crush you.
Henry Williams
the one that can roll
Adam Lopez
I figured that the Europoors would've had it in them to keep the general alive for one measly day while the virtuous American nation was out celebrating. Never trust a Europoor, I guess.
Hugging a mutant sounds like a great way to get irradiated, but, in a general sense, everybody at the campfire is deserving of a hug, I feel. Everybody save Yung Venuz, that is, who would be doing everybody a favor by going the hell back to Venus and staying there.
Joseph Collins
Whats wrong with YV? I understand Europeans having to go back, but why Yung Venuz?
Levi Butler
how do I know when I'm supposed to stop
Jack Gray
We had 2 fun threads but we're back to ded now, I think it's time to stop for making threads now.
Camden Moore
When you see things like this.
Nicholas Howard
I invite you to imagine a universe distinct from our own where Y.V. was never added to Nuclear Throne.
Off the bat, you've eliminated the Y.V. babies who can only ever bring themselves to pick him and him alone because he's braindead and is the summation of ages-old jokes that these players haven't let go of. You've eliminated the hipster population, too, who picks up Nuclear Throne so that they can play as their Bill Cipher look-alike and badger mod developers to put Sans from Undertale, their favorite funny skeleton, into the game as a playable character. These are the kinds of players who can't name even one other playable character apart from Rogue, who holds the distinction of being too difficult for them to actually play as -- if they can actually even reach the throne and unlock her, that is. They will never know the pleasures of snuffing an IDPD ambush with a portal strike, running fifty-plus allies against Big Bandit, or blasting the entire screen apart as Melting. Ignoring the rest of the game as if it isn't even there, they only continue to tell their friends about how they can press the B key to blast an airhorn, rallying them blindly to their empty cause.
Y.V. was a mistake, user, and there's no going back to change that.
Joshua Barnes
Robert Kelly
>Implying the game isn't coded so badly that you can actually do this
Andrew Martin
If it weren't for YV, then these type of people would've flocked to another character who makes the game easier, maybe Crystal or Robot. I see your point though, YV is definitely easier than other characters, having low risks for moderate rewards, but even without him there's still gonna be the casual shitters.
And in the long run, who gives a fuck about how other people choose to enjoy things, if they want to have fun by playing a gimped experience, then by all means, so long as what they do doesn't ruin the community of 12 people, a pokemon, and a fruit then you can't tell them they're doing anything bad. Nor are they ruining the experience.
Brayden Martin
How was everyone's 4th of July?
Luke Carter
Brandon Brooks
I think I just spent 20 minutes rerolling coins with the d20 until I got blank card and two of diamonds and then buying items until I got glowing hourglass to cheese the greed machine
watch me die because I picked up a bunch of bullshit like cursed eye and 3 bob's brains though
Juan Cox
It's a fair point to make that everybody's free to play the game how they like, and it's something I considered while typing that reply. The hard stance is more entertaining, though; it's the only real reason I talk snide about Y.V. babbies anymore. That, paired with the fact that every shred of drivel is factual.
I honestly would have preferred a different mutant being the designated easymodo character, though. I have a lot of respect for those who play Crystal or Robot in this current climate because it feels more as if they're playing the game to get better at it. In perspective, Crystal and Robot are characters that fit into the game thematically, even with Robot being an import from Super Crate Box. What Y.V. has going for him is that he's a funny meme triangle from Venus that people are liable to pick on appearance and personality alone; he adds an awkward dimension to Nuclear Throne that wouldn't be there without him. You can never tell if Y.V. players are troopers, like the Crystal and Robot players, or only playing the game to grab some screenshots for the Tumblr tag -- you wouldn't expect any other character in the game to pull this sort of fanbase. They're like some demented breed of waifufag that's committed for the hilarious pranks and not for the meaningful relationship.
Lessons learned at the end of the day, anyway; none of this matters. Nuclear Throne could have felt a lot more wholesome if there was more coherency to the story elements, but the days of change are far behind us, now.
Elijah Martin
Find chaos card.
Levi Butler
someone post that gif
Jaxson Scott
>gif Don't have that but i have this
Jayden Edwards
I agree with your points on YV being the "Hip Cool" Appearance character, I'm sure he even has the most fancontent out all the other characters. He's easy to draw to look at too. As for the story elements, I'm a little disappointed by the lack of lore or story, but it's also a good thing. There's just enough stuff to allow people to explore their own answers and headcanons. Though I hope the things you regard in terms of "story elements" include questions like "What is the Throne exactly? How powerful is it? What does it do? What is looping in an in-universe?", and not questions like "How can Fish roll?". Though by the lack of smug remarks or meme faces you've posted, I think it'd be the former.
Back to YV though, do you think it would've been better if he were completely changed out for another sprite/character, or if he was played straight compared to the monotone seriousness of the GunGodz game? I hope all this makes sense and is understandable, it's been forever since I actually had to type more than two sentences on here.
Liam Morris
Cohesive story certainly includes such questions about the throne and the rest. If I were trying to subvert your expectations with meme questions and answers, I'd be just as bad as the hypothetical Y.V. players I've been talking about.
I doubt that Vlambeer had any sort of organized story to back their game up while they were making it; I actually remember Paul Veer flat-out saying during one of the launch week devstreams that they didn't, but I can't be assed to go through all of the Twitch vods to find it (I'm not even sure if the vods exist anymore). All of the lore that we've gotten to date has essentially been scraps tossed at us by various developers that have gone so far as to conflict in certain situations. As an example, Rami stated nonchalantly during a random interview that Big Bandit, Rebel, and the rest of the bandits were all robotic, which wasn't supported in-game at all and was vehemently opposed by Veer. The entire story realm behind Nuclear Throne seemingly wasn't a priority when they were developing the game, which is honestly saddening considering the creative designs and concepts that were pumped into it.
As for Y.V., it may just be the fanbase that's made the dork the ultra dork that he is today. He's not really exaggerated in any way in the game proper, but he's been made out to be by the community. A character based on ancient Illuminati jokes, I suppose, is inherently flawed to this end.
Blake Morgan
jesus I'm going to be here for a fucking year. Also that 20% chance to jam thing is bullshit, it jams on literally every 3rd coin.
How the fuck was anyone supposed to do this legit? Greed runs can take, what, 10 minutes? 10 minutes to donate 3 fucking coins? Did Edmund seriously think people would spend fucking years doing greed runs and then be "rewarded" with the keeper? This just feels like asshurt over how fast people unlocked the lost, putting up a fucking grind wall the size of Kilimanjaro
Thomas Ross
Gabriel Gonzalez
>inb4 steakmund
Nolan Reed
With this being done, the animation system is complete. Nuclear Throne and Wasteland Kings have character sprites separated between several separate sprites, which has its perks, but all of mine are now in singular sheets, which comes with its own set of perks.
Blake Johnson
looks great
Nicholas James
Afterbirth alone made me lose all respect for Edmund as a developer. I know its his game, and he can do whatever he wants with it, but he just keeps making it harder and harder to actually have fun playing. And the people who praise all this and support him are the biggest cucks in gaming community.
Hudson Clark
What kind of perks? I also like how there's directional deaths now, rather than the set two.
Ryder Baker
It isn't a question of bad code. It's completely intended.
Juan Hernandez
Looking good!
Nicholas Ramirez
breddy gud, spent a bunch of moni on the steam sale. maybe the best sale yet glad they changed the format to be more non NEET friendly.
do it in one run you fucking idiot
Anthony Collins
>do it in one run you fucking idiot
literally what do you think I'm doing, do you not see the glowing hour glass and me asking "how is anyone supposed to do this legit." Don't be so goddamn rude without thinking for 5 seconds
Josiah Walker
my bad m8 i retract my statement
Ethan Rogers
Finer control over the system, and fewer calls to other sprites. If I want to add more animations outside of the basics (idle, run, hurt/dead), I have cells on this spritesheet reserved for that. The worst that might happen is something wrong happening with the animation sequence and having it show the wrong frame, but that doesn't happen if I don't fuck up the code internally.
Also, if I want to edit something, it's all in one sheet.
Ryan Cox
Most annoying enemy?
Jackson Taylor
Overloading magma worm
Zachary Gomez
Mason Lee
Where do you begin Overloading magma worm, missle shooters. Mask+heart. The Bloat. Too many more to list. Nuclear dogs. Popo Cars. Robo Yetis. Snipers. Everything in Enter the Gungeon. But especially those Purple Shotgunkin.
Nicholas Williams
>everything in enter the gungeon The enemies are not that bad. I find the shotgrubs to be the worst enemy honestly. They always hit me no matter where I dodge to.
Jaxon Stewart
>The Golden Lute isn't affected by damage ups ONE FUCKING THING that would make melody fun, O N E, but NO, they have to make EVERY fucking character gutter trash.
Leo Cook
>the bloat >0 fucking wind up or indication when he'll attack, he just does it instantly >parks his fat ass at the top of the room so you can't get above him
Isaiah Lewis
Does anyone know what the current NT world record is?
> I thought it was pretty cool and very creative. Who else does shit like that? Like it or not at least he is making an attempt at being innovative.
William Watson
wait, I'm on /v/ or something?
Oliver Mitchell
I thought it goes by kills?
Thomas Diaz
The game is unomptimized as fuck, it slows down noticeably compared to similar 2d games on the same hardware.
Mason Johnson
oh right 24828 kills my man
Jordan Martinez
the reddit community had fun with it, and it was pretty well thought out despite how needless it was
Edmund is a big fan of stuff like this, so I don't really blame him for trying it out for himself
Levi Martinez
>Doing all that just for an unlock Going a little overboard, but the commitment and drive of the community for it is the most impressive part.
Austin Gray
Let me guess, it's a record held by Horheristo?
Adrian White
Yeah, but at one point it gets fucking ridiculous
Blake Ward
Kevin Cook
I believe I am watching it right now then. Horheristo is insane, not even Ideaot can compete.
I still need to beat Ideaot, at least once, I am not giving up.
Alexander Walker
Town just keep trying
Dominic Lopez
Might be your machine. I've never had any issues at all with the game and neither have any of my friends that I regularly watch play. I'd even say that it is remarkably stable when compared to most games I've played lately.
Lincoln Garcia
Chicken a cute
Charles Davis
>check out that ultra mod >motherfuckers have names Wish pathfinding wasn't so shit.
Alexander Gomez
I wish the ultra mod wasn't shit
Joseph Anderson
Why do hearts drop when you play as Robot? They do absolutely nothing
Carter Parker
>Giving something that wont last longer than a level a name
Ian Myers
Henry Hall
>Getting attached to something that will last that little Why hurt yourself like that user?
Nolan Cruz
APPRECIATE im already dead inside
Leo Cooper
you ok?
Elijah Garcia
Alexander Gomez
Tyler Ortiz
darn 4th
Eli Brown
Jeremiah Sullivan
Hottest character in any videogame
Levi Campbell
>atleast loop 2 to get CoB >golden grenade launcher why
Tyler Diaz
>tfw you get a gun
Parker Price
Parker Lewis
>tfw you get a gun together
Jose Nelson
>tfw you get 20 guns
Brandon Sullivan
Ethan Lee
i wanna get a gun
Matthew Russell
Juan Ortiz
Yes, i want the gun
Isaiah Garcia
Anyone here try Wasted? I'm thinking about buying this game but I'm not sure what to expect.
Joshua Hernandez
forgive me father for i have sinned
Jack Edwards
It's alright, you either love or hate the artstyle. Though beware of frame drops, as well as the stylistic choice to include freeze frames whenever you score a critical. Also melee is shit without sneak because every weapon has insane knockback and often ends with you getting stuck in a death combo if there's more than one enemy with a gun present
Aaron Cruz
>needing extra damage on the easiest rhythm character step it up
Brandon Peterson
>being bad
Leo Thomas
>20 hours in NT >never even made it to the throne Kill me
Isaiah Thompson
it's ok,I realized that she was a very fun character afterwards now I unlocked aria, what the fuck is this shit am I allowed to cheat?
Angel Morales
Literally an example of "mad because bad"
Sebastian Carter
>he doesn't play his game at 120 fps
Brayden Thompson
>gets hit >with crystal Fuck off, I bet you like Widescreen too.
Oliver Richardson
Wow, that actually made me a little nauseous
Logan Young
You go try to dodge that one bullet. When readme told me about fps problems i didn't expect fast.
Benjamin Lee
Honestly? I gave up at that point. I feel like I have a fairly high tolerance for difficult things but Aria is too much for me. Guess I'm a filthy casual when it comes to necrodancer.
Juan Fisher
OFFICIAL RATINGS Fish = Melting > Steroids > The Rest
Robert Jones
>fish that high
Lucas Howard
here's a better one Melting = Steroids > Crystal = Rad Pupper > Chicken > Fish > Rebel = Plant = Eyes > Robot >>>>> Rogue Y.V not included because he's a meme
Blake Robinson
>eyes this low >steroids not meme tier >chicken higher than anybody Shit.