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Oгoнь пo гoтoвнocти

>25 min lijan tower, 2:2, 99%:99% with 5mins of tracer spam in overtime
>fucking easy
>gg ez
>not even close

Who want's to rank down with me?

It is easier in a group, since you can still win even if you play like that:


I agree, jap character in japanese sound like trash

>Overtards compensating for their lack of cute fuckable goats with disgusting """"HUMAN"""" characters

Are there any youtube videos or channels that give tips and tricks for certain characters than arent explicitly stated like the genji momentum ledge grab and stuff like that?

>tfw you exclusively play Pharah and you're doing a PhD in combinatorics
am i turning the memes into reality?


Is there a reason to care for anything other than your personal stats in QM? Winrate fluctuates so much with all those retards that cant grasp the basics.

Tfw used to be 60% winrate and now it keeps dropping so fast

What's the deal with points? 300 for a golden skin? By the time I win 300 games, if I'm still playing, I'll lose 300 also. I was stuck in a loop of 46-49 for days because of shitters, but now I'm 51

>being a degenerate goatfucker

Keep in mind that D.Va get drilled, and fucked by the sex-toys inside of her mech.

Must be tough for them, being Muslim and all.

>that russian genji
>that spanish "gay dragon amigos"


I want Soraka mains to leave

can't make this up

Soraka is shit. Asriel is objectively the best goat that is not an Overtard character.

just realized how shit this game is lmao lmao lmao

quitting now lmao

Anyone watching competitive? I have no idea whats going on, I dont even play this game.



To be fair, if a Hanzo or Widowmaker is actually plinking heads they're doing their job.
The real question is what were the other 5 players doing?

>I have no idea whats going on, I dont even play this game.

you dont fuckin say

>Undertale fans

end yourself, seriously

end this dumb bait

Overwatch general, would you fuck this goat?

Seriously consider killing yourself

A Challenger Appears

Sorry, Im not muslim


neck yourself

Cmon man baiting is baiting but do you seriously have nothing better to do with your life? Like fap to OW lewds

>See this ad on FB all the time
>Finally decide to look at comments
>Casuals actually want a character limit
It's like they hate fun


>taking pictures of a goats ass
Seriously though, Im not muslim.

you're gonna have to go full neet mode and play day and night until your eyes bleed

Literally EVERY game would be fucking Rein Lucio Mercy S76 Pharah and a random, these people are fucking retarded

Redirecting the thread, what're some good maps for Reaper flanks?

>xd stacking symmetra on offense is so fun and randum ecks DEEEEEEEEEE
fuck you and fuck your queue terrorism faggot

I want to fuck >her

>medals now completely removed because they ambiguous since you have no point of reference
>in their place is the percentage of your contribution toward the total amount of your teams contributions

so if your team combined has 50 eliminations and you have 10 eliminations, it will say you have contributed 20% of total eliminations


Is Mei canonically thicc?


how about i remove your tonsils and in their place will be my dick nigga

According to her sprays yes. Also pretty lewd

>elimination still count any form of damage done to the target
it's still meaningless. While better relativity would be nice (some times to the difference between gold and silver is only 1 elim/50-100 damage etc), the current system isn't too bad. I just wish blizz would tell us how important personal performance is to rank gain/loss

> play with friends
> 1 out of 5 is any decent but he prefers to "main" Hanzo
> two are sub-40 MMR "it's just a game lol" league babs
> one is brand new
> last one is from NZ and loves to "troll"


Solo queue or make new friends

Someone here said you get points at the end of the season so was that a lie ducking shitters what's the move after this

Clean your fans bruh

>someone on your team says the hero you selected is bad for the situation
>you have four gold medals

Do you use this as an argument against them?
Be careful, there is only one correct answer to this question.

>Kiss me, user

Why was she dressed like that to attend an Omnic event?

Gold medals doesn't necessarily mean you couldn't pick a better hero

The real question is whether your team was winning

No, I don't argue with them at all.

No, I just spam A-MEI-Zing over and over again.

Why do you wear a hoodie and sandals with a fedora?

I didn't realise ranked would be so fucking painful at rank 47
Holy fucking shit just how many autists are playing this game?
I'm consistently getting 2-3 golds and consistently losing, the only times we do a successful push is if I got a quadruple kill
please help, this is suffering ,what do I do

>get matched against some 3-man stack with 75+ eceleb faggot
>not only did we get fucking raped without any chances but team mates were constantly sucking his dick in all chat
haha just a game xD

She wanted to be recognised.
People noticing her brings some small joy, or at least distraction, to her sad, empty life.

idk but heres another picture of that big booty bitch

>play mei
>use shift
>see the ability go on cooldown
>hear the sound effect
>go into third person


so, does detonating mid-air give junkrat ult better area coverage?

no it actually deals less damage


Yes. Image is from the official artbook.

Curvy that's for sure, thick maybe yeah.

That girl's pic is so damn erotic for me..

It could've just been a PR stunt. You know, omnics are Tracer approved (tm) sort of thing.


You'll get bonus points at the end of the season based on your final rank.

her boobs are HUGE

Overwatch is illegal and all its members probably don't have the best reputation. It's kind of funny she doesn't even attempt to hide her identity.

at the end of the season you will get some points based on your rank.
no one is entirely sure how many you get per rank.

So are all the tryhards out of quick play now?

I spent all my time playing supports and want to practice other roles and Hanzo 24/7 without my team bitching at me.

They look relatively big, because she is small just like most of the chinese/japanese/other east asians.

>ywn feel Mei's thighs squeezing the sides of your head

I don't understand the widespread infatuation with Hanzo


She needs the harness at all times or she gets sent randomly through time or some shit.

How the hell was she supposed to dress.

no, they are actually not, quickplay is as tryhard as competitive because people use it as playground to hone their "skills" since competitive takes too long for matchmaking

but nothing stops you from muting chat and just going bananas

Overwatch is illegal but I'm sure some of its ex-members are still famous with positive approval ratings.

>Mei is Chin-chan

Yeah they are. I was playing a bunch of Zenyatta before, no complaints.


Its just fun to spam tree sized arrows against car sized head hitboxes.

Scatter oneshots are satisfying as well.

Oy vey, Mercy, gedoffa me!

We fell on the other side of the horse now: people openly exclaim they don't give a fug about playing outside of """"""ranked`````````````

Pharah is a jew?

I want to fuck a legally aged D.Va in the butt until she likes it!

>he thinks the new skins will be purchasable

> tfw Mei will never give you a soft titjob in the morning, to wake you up.

The gauntlets are definitely unnecessary.

No, Tracer is miserable and I won't let you take that away from me.

How can a shirt be simultaneously too big and too small?

Why does Pharah look like she belongs in Kaiji?