>literally so bad they got kicked out of wreslin will he ever recover lmao
Andrew Ross
How do I fix the part under the mouth/upper chin area shit
It's not supposed to be slightly curved is it
Easton Rodriguez
MMOs are fun, it's just that if you only ever group up with Veeky Forums players for everything ever, it's terrible (But I'm pretty sure doing only that makes a lot of games shit).
>Trap Das ghey.
You're a Mer, so it don't matter.
Aiden Ward
Vivec may have acheived CHIM but I could still beat him because my OC was the first to discover lv2 CHIM where you CHIM from 1 to 2
Bentley Perez
I love you Maxeen! Let me eat that ass!
Xavier Stewart
Pathetic. Get on my level jabroni, my waifu has achieved SSGSS CHIM.
Christopher Cooper
Either get different lip tints or choose a different mouth part. Also lower the nose and eyes just a smidge, she has a lot of philtrum showing and suffers a bit of horse-face.
Isaac Stewart
>there is still hope Anet will one day make a good GW3
>2 of the 3 founders of Anet left >most of the original devs also left >pic related I've lost all hope
Kevin Green
So Amaranth?
Anthony Foster
>it's just that if you only ever group up with Veeky Forums players for everything ever, it's terrible
/swgemu/ was okay, sadly it died because of the slow updates and lack of content tho.
Henry Taylor
i would raid with you
Bentley Russell
give me a pirated copy of the creation kit
Jason Stewart
oh you have 7 days a week ~8-14 hours a day free time too?
Caleb Thomas
Yeah, but is she stronger than Madara Uchiha?
Ian Brown
As a matter of fact i do
Tyler Rodriguez
I'll forgive the #LoveWins thing. Everyone did the LoveWins thing for that week. Also, I heard that a lot of the newer quests and stories are full of Mary Sue's and the ever popular "gay character just for the SJW vote and their only characteristic is being gay and nothing else."
I also discovered that the deader a place is, the better it is because you've weeded out a majority of people who are only there to fuck around with others who are only there to fuck around. To this day, the best ded generals I've ever been a part of is /cbg/ and /codg/.
He was one of them European hardcore raiders. I wouldn't want to keep up with those guys.
Jose Myers
Jesus Christ it's just like Mighty No. 9.
Juan Ortiz
Hah it worked it seems
I tried to make a altmer and gave up so I decided to copypasta the settings on a Breton race and make a "half altmer/Breton" girl instead. I think the crown covering the forehead might be the reason the eyes look funny but I'll change the nose
Matthew Carter
Brandon Reyes
Of course. She's stronger than Rinne Tensei Madara Uchiha with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikidou paths ability) equipped with his Gunbai and control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, a complete Susano'o, with Hashirama Senju's DNA implanted in his chest so he can perform Mokuton kekkei genkai and yin-yang release ninjutsu as well as being extremely skilled in taijutsu and bukijutsu.
Gabriel Price
I don't have a problem keeping up as long as the game is fun to play. I raided a lot of high-end in WoW and only stopped because the game became boring as fuck
Julian Clark
>tfw you're so quiet in Veeky Forums guilds that people rarely notice you let alone bother namedropping
Liam Long
>that "body" >those "textures" >that neckseam JUST U S T
Carson Cox
We won't that dead desu, we had about 100+ active members till the swgemu admins made a post about how long the next update was going to take, everybody said fuck it after that.
I can depending on the game senpai
Kevin Ward
Brandon Moore
Being unknown is always the best thing in Veeky Forums guilds.
Rather be a literally who than the subject of constant shitposting in the threads
Alexander Hughes
Well the problem with that is, everyone will automatically suspect you when chat logs are posted.
Brandon Martinez
>I can depending on the game senpai WoW. No other MMO is worth it or hard enough to put this much time or effort into raiding.
>tfw always become one of the most known people because autism
Sebastian Price
>implying I go on chats, TS and shit like that
Samuel Powell
You're a neet? how do you afford those graphics?
Carter Murphy
>get job >save emone >buy grafix >quit job
Ethan Fisher
>tfw don't play MMOs at all This is the best solution
Grayson Morris
Oh yeah i forgot you're temporary leaving for Legion next month.
Luis Martinez
Make her eyes bigger, she looks really downy right now.
Asher Flores
Does Nirn orbit Magnus, like the earth orbits the sun?
Cameron Barnes
No, Nirn is the center of the universe.
Nolan Sanchez
I am actually a student...well guess thats the same. > how do you afford those graphics? If i want something, i buy it.
Im still gonna be around
Luke Diaz
>tfw always come off as an annoying autist when I try to socialize so just lurk >tfw this happens everywhere, even in the tesg chat years ago
Jace Campbell
Bruh how are you gonna orbit a big hole
Christian Wright
I was going to post something along those lines but then I remember that loads of things orbit black holes.
Brayden Mitchell
Maybe it's a 3 dimensional hole, like a black hole or something
Black holes aren't literal holes, they are round masses just like stars and planets
Kayden Phillips
Just act like a normal person.
Ryan White
A black hole isn't a literal hole user.
Ayden Turner
Your mother's a round mass just like stars and planets.
Owen Cruz
They're holes. They don't look like it but they behave the same waĆ½
Grayson Garcia
They're holes, just not 2d ones.
Christian Martin
That's a misleading diagram. The "singularity" is the mass. It just has such an immense mass combined with a small volume that the gravitational force causes the black hole's escape velocity to be higher than the speed of light, so that's why light cannot emit or reflect from it.
Landon Reyes
They literally have infinite density. It's not a normal object.
Angel Gutierrez
Explain a 2D hole user. Do you work for ACME?
Cameron Ward
The opening of a normal hole is 2d, is what I meant.
Aaron Nelson
Of course it's not normal, but it is still a tangible object. Like a ping pong ball with the mass of an incomprehensible number of Suns. The fact that it literally drags in light give it the appearance of a void.
Eli Young
>I actually think a black hole is a hole Holy shit niggers it's ultradense matter compressed to the point light cannot escape, you're thinking of a wormhole, which is purely theoretical, black holes are at least necessary to explain some regions of space, wormholes might not even be real
Jayden Johnson
>/tesg/ - Science and Math General
Isaac Jackson
is maxeen a black hole?
Jack King
She's black, and pretty dense, so maybe.
Wyatt Ross
Well, it's not a ball, or any other shape.
Jack Nelson
>EU prime time: an actual proper discussion >Amerifat prime time: pure autism and endless shitposting
Easton Fisher
Maybe it's not a hole, as in a rip or tear in space, but it's certainly a well.
Lincoln Hill
And what is that suposed to mean?
Noah Turner
No but it's not a hole It might have no volume but it has MASS. It's a point where gravity becomes concentrated that it collapses beyond know mass structures like atoms/particles, but it's still a point.
Take a look at einstein's balls on a sheet metaphor, heavy things distort the fabric causing nearby objects to roll towards it, a black hole is really heavy, but a wormhole is when something becomes sp heavy that it rips through
Nathan Hall
By hole we mean like a hole dug into the ground, not a hole in a piece of paper. So the balls on a sheet metaphor is applies
Lucas Gutierrez
No, it's not a well in any way You forget that the swartzchild radius is all around it, in every direction, the "well" shape is just used to illustrate the bending of spacetime. If Magnus "pierced the veil" to fuckoff to his home dinension then it has to go somewhere, a black hole is just ultradense matter
Evan Wood
So Magnus is a wormhole.
Blake Williams
So how about them waifus and Elder Scrolls?
Adrian James
Yeah which, by the way, you can totally orbit hypothetically
Dylan Anderson
Magnus is a wormhole to Aetherius, that nirn orbits.
Camden Murphy
But, is the hole he made a 2d one, such as you might make in a wall, implying that oblivion has a kind of hard outer barrier you can run into that blocks it off from aetherius, or is it something you could approach from any spacial dimension, and therefore orbit, hypothetically. Fuck, you answered before I could ask.
Thomas Martinez
are black holes canon?
Nathaniel Wilson
Nah, he orbits nirn.
Eli Cruz
But wormholes don't shine
Xavier Barnes
Fuck off, we /astrophysics/ now.
Hunter Lee
has clones ever released his ENB? i like how it looks indoors.
I was using rampage ENB from nexus, but during daytime it's too fucking bright, like white bright.
what ENB are you using?
Does anyone have a recommendation?
Hudson Howard
Just installed after lurking the general again for the past few days. Did that multiplayer mod ever reach any success for skyrim or oblivion? Not looking for anything huge just wondering if they got lan working.
Evan Anderson
Learn to tweak Rampage, that's what Clones did and the true purpose of it.
Isaac Diaz
They do depending on what end you're on. If you're on the white hole end, which Nirn has to be, then they'd be bright because of all the magic and shit flowing from Aetherius.
Connor Allen
>has clones ever released his ENB? i like how it looks indoors. nope. Its a mix of my old ENB, rampage and the bloom settings from eiries rampage edit.
You can relatively easy achieve similar results by tweaking it yourself
Kayden Watson
>doing anything yourself lmao these guys no, no, I'm just gonna wait until someone who shares my exact tastes comes around and shares his enb. that's far more agreeable to me.
Henry Long
>magic is actually the developed harnessing of electromagnetic radiation pouring through a wormhole Fucking rad
Asher Gutierrez
>white hole that's not even a thing, it's just a theory
Jeremiah Ramirez
where should i look to tweak the day time brightness in enbseries.ini? i mean from 8am to 5pm, it's too fcking bright for my taste
Jacob Sanders
So are wormholes, and also this is fantasy
Aiden Nelson
open the menu, go to environment, lower ambient lighting intensity day and direct lighting intensity day
Jordan Nguyen
>just a theory don't start that
Leo Jenkins
>it's just a theory it's actually a hypothesis
Tyler Lopez
>Did that multiplayer mod ever reach any success for skyrim or oblivion? For Skyrim it got more or less successful, the author from last I heard got quest syncing working along with the rest of the stuff needed for it to be viable, its just that very few people are willing to set up servers for playthroughs to really utilize it with specific modlists
Tyler Sullivan
Oh so it's kinda stuck to playing vanilla? Might be worth it for the gf and I to screw around in. I'm sure animation and waifu mods shouldn't stand in the way though right? Do you know the name of the mod you're talking about? I know there was one I was working with but it just wouldn't let us actually sync into the same game where we could see eachother.
Brayden Johnson
Joshua Lee
will do, thanks again!
Luis Davis
>Oh so it's kinda stuck to playing vanilla? Kinda, if you want to play with mods with your friends, you need to have the exact same modlists or else mod added assets like custom armors and weapons wont appear on their games and will just look weird. So you'd need to coordinate and make a modlist/modpack for everyone to agree to use.
I think this was it.
Ryan Murphy
>Don't want to use fast travel because muh immersion >game crashes if I take 100 steps away from any city.