>Fates FAQ (please read before asking dumb questions)
>/feg/ Castle Addresses
>Fates FAQ (please read before asking dumb questions)
>/feg/ Castle Addresses
Other urls found in this thread:
Azura a shit
Azura a cute
Azura is shit
Cutest family
Azura is okay
You are the oceans gay waves
Azura is cute
Azura is literal shit
I love Nina!
Azura is cute
This azura is shit this
Azura is literal cute.
Azura is just okay.
Samefag. Fuck off shitzurafag
I don't care about Azura
Samefag. Fuck off anti-azurafag.
Imagine Azuras cute giggling as you play footsies with her
My feets are a little rough and calloused, not soft and comfy like hers, I don't think she'd like it.
Well her and corrin walk around barefoot everywhere so they sure as shit arent soft.
She never wears shoes, there's no way her feet are soft
Imagine Azuras scream of agony as you step on her face
But /v/ told me all girls are soft
Azura is a dancer, her feet are probably rough and calloused too. I doubt anybody has soft feet in the game. Maybe Elise because she uses a horse.
Haven't been here in a while, but I thought this was funny.
Imagine Azura's sweet smile as you kissu her face.
I'd rather punch her in the face..
Imagine her cute face as you hold her tight while sitting under a tree at sunset
I'd rather poke her in the face!
You know, I don't mind Azura. Her hair is nice and I like her dub. It's just that marrying her means I get Shigure and I hate Shigure's design the most in the game.
Yes, even more than goddamn Siegbert.
Why are Azuracucks so cancerous?
>I like Azura
>but man i fucking HATE shigure
Is this bizarro /feg/??
Yeah watch her soft cheeks push in! Cute!
Her dub is pretty shit honestly.
Because you made them this waym its entirly your fault
>not the first post from this IP
I wonder how many proAzura and antiAzura posts you made before making that deduction.
Her hair is shit. So much clipping.
>dressing your young daughter lewdly so men can stare at her all day
Azura's a shit beauty paegent mom.
>marrying cuckmeido
Everyone's dub is shit
At that point its just a matter of what you prefer out of that pile
Flora > Azura in my humble opinion
I'd rather dismember her and leave her mangled body in a shady area to be raped to death by bandits
What was the comfy and humble scale you used to determine that?
Anyone have a link to Azura nudes, some friend is asking for them
Why so triggered waterpal?
They're still reeling from the Roy/Lilina card my dude.
If someone really loves you, wouldn't the right thing to be to love her back?
I married Beruka because shes cute
Shut up Shitzurafag
Not when she's NTRing Brady.
The difference is that Beauty pageant moms live vicariously through their kids. If their kid is a beauty pageant star then they're a beauty pageant mom and therefore not a wrinkled up old husk.
Azura is just teaching her daughter to go into the family business of dancing their way into royalties lap which is excellent mothering.
What are you, fucking gay?
That doesn't even make sense, Azura was royalty to begin with.
Why is Hidden Truths 2 so hard? 1 wasn't that tough, but 2 is kicking my shit in.
>Florafags this mad that their waifu doesn't and will never love them
Shitvera isn't capable of human emotions
Objectively wrong.
While yes, most of the dub for the waifus ranges from shit to mediocre. There are a few that are pretty decent like Elise, Sakura, Charlotte and Oboro.
Then there are the husbandos who clearly got the better dub.
Honestly my standards are so low at the moment that I'd be perfectly happy with a Selena.
Knowing her she'd actually push me to suck less at everything.
She gives it up.
>when the tsun cant hold it in anymore and breaks out that smile
There's nothing cute about Shitvera
Yeah, Vallan royalty. Then she gave her claim to the throne as the rightful heir to Corrin so she could be his advisor/court dancer/concubine or something. I'm actually not sure why.
Anyway, the main point I was making was that she doesn't have to go "My Kanna is a sexy dancer girl so I could totally have been a sexy dancer girl." Because she already IS a sexy dancer girl. Hence, it's family business, not beauty pageant mom syndrome.
Elise is pretty shit I have no idea what you're talking about (that "big brother!" clip is awful) and Oboro is just okay, not spectacular.
I give Sakura/Charlotte's VA points for being able to differentiate between two characters who are complete opposites of each other, but not much else. Diskin did it better.
Spotted the tsundere. Its okay to smile! Everyone here love you!
Thanks for taking the heat off us shitverafags
Would you let Setsuna suck you
I would but husbandofags would make fun of me for my standards so I wont
Please, i need them for a friend
What are some of the saddest unit death quotes you've seen?
>"Ah, it was a miserable life... What could I expect but a miserable death..." -Geitz
Severa is cute.
I always read kys as kiss.
You want to kiss Severa.
Well she has the lips for it.
No, she's my mother-in-law.
I like Hana
But why?
Where do I sign up for the Severa fan club?
>tfw Severa falls in love with you
Sev would be the perfect life coach to be honest.
>calls you a fatty, whips you in shape
>calls you stupid, drives you to learn more
>says the relationship sucks, causes you to become more romantic
By the time you please her, you're a goddamn superman.
You can join anywhete at any time, as long as you love tsun.
How do I recruit him anyways?
I do! I do! She's so cute!
Are you still offering T-shirts for new members?
wtf is wrong with that body. Its like a penis attached to a blob
Fuck off
>Its like a penis attached to a blob
Sounds par for the course for Setsuna if you ask me
>awakening Einherjar have voices
>just not in the dub
We've seen it more fit to provide members with warm & comfy merc jackets, redeemed via one Partner Seal.
Who hates Azura the most?
I dont get it
Honestly? Azura.
She's pretty harsh on herself.
What other cool and comfy prizes can I redeem with these nice seals?
Who loves ME the most?
Shitverafags are shitposters, what did you expect?