/wtg/ - War Thunder General

Cadillac Edition

>Official Site:

NOTE: You get given a premium aircraft for your first victory in game!
Need a faster download? Switch Language in Launcher.

>Wiki with Release Trees and General Tactics:

>Fan created skins, missions, locations, fictions etc.

>Ammunition Types

>All the Air RB/SB maneuvers you would want to know + Engine thingamabobs:

>Every Airplane Instrument Panel translated

>Youtube Channel with Tutorials and Gameplay Videos

>Steam community:

>vg chatroom:
Type " /join vg " into chatbox.
If prompted for a password, use "memes".

>A teamspeak server you can use:
password is 'Spitfire'

>Joystick Comparisons:

>DIY Headtracking

>Chart displaying weapon effectiveness against ground units - OUTDATED -

Other urls found in this thread:


First for what is best tier 4 german plane to grind out tier 5 with?

Second for Grouchy and his wife posting nudes and ERP'ing on /soc/

Fw 190 D-9


Source is Grouch on the TS


Okay what the actual FUCK has Gaijin done to guns? I swear to FUCK no matter what plane I fly, on what server, against what nation, no matter how low my ping is, 9/10 hits produce nothing but sparks or minor hit +1

I'm used to watching bombers tank hundreds of rounds but we're talking about any plane, even fucking biplanes tanking HEI cannon shells like fucking nothing

Come fucking ask him yourself then

I'm on the ts right now, theres no grouchy and its all people talking about war thunder.


what? I'm in the teamspeak server listed in the OP.

watching magz play dcs is great, he's basically my goto guy as to what not to do in dcs

/wtg/ TS is ts.gonnahate.org
Not the Gaijin teamspeak

If thats the /wtg/ ts why isn't it in the OP?

ok magz

Because autists shitpost about it instead of coming on and seeing it isn't actually bad.

ok ts aspie
why don't you go run to your safe space to circlejerk about how bad your RNG is with your other 16 year old inflation fetishist friends?

This was what I was talking about

>Hit T54 frontally with Tiger II 88
>"It seems we missed!"

>T54 fires massive explosive filler AP round at my very steeply sloped side armor
>pens it like butter and kills the entire tank in one shot despite missing all fuel and ammo racks

Fucking... it's just not fun.

>tfw you get a 4 real player full bot EC match
cant hold all these free RP

I got on once and it was all a bunch of insular man children. I don't know which TS YOU'RE a part of, but gonnahate is a fucking autismal cesspool.

Post butt, Monara

>Being a rude little twat
It's fine if it's only a handful of people, more than eight and it's just people talking over eachother

>steeply sloped
yeah ok dude

>Vegeta makes fun of Grouch being a step-dad while yelling at his kids and being a shit father

Grouchy is a step dad? That's cute :3

>detrack zsu at very end of game
>this happens
for what purpose


ok dudegoys

When will they buff gunners again?
200m range are a fucking joke.

>ywn fondle [QT508] dudegoys through her frilly pink panties

Okay Anonymous

That's pretty lewd.

>tfw no Catalina to travel the world with my qts

>tfw you get shot


>ywn inject [QT508] dudegoys with a muscle relaxant and take pictures of her in embarrassing positions while she's fully conscious

>[player of your team is beign hunted]
>"what does that mean?"
>suddenly jumped by 3 Focke-Wulfs

ok Mark Jefferson

>not Nathan Prescott


Stop saying lewd things about me.

>you fell for the Me-410 B6 being a good attacker meme
feels bad.

It used to be great, now it's just okay.

>ywn hold down [QT508] dudegoys and fuck her face and piss down her throat while she struggles to get away

>hit T-54 frontally

want me to tell you where you fucked up?

>tfw always miss out on the flavor of the month meme


TU-4 still rapes.

It feels like a lot of stuff is over-penetrating and going out the other side.

Cannon deflection shots at ~600m +-100m work well. Nothing else does.

>Wirbel and Ostwind are cancer when the ZSU-37 can easily pen and kill you from across the map with it's HVAP
And it fires slowly enough to not blind you with smoke as well

>ywn give [QT508] dudegoys a buzzcut in her sleep so she gets bullied for being a dyke

lets ignore the fact that the ZSU-37 is utter garbage until you've grinded to that HVAP.

it's also absolutely fucking garbage for actual anti-air work because the rate of fire and turret traverse are abysmal

>oil leak
>keep reducing thortle to reach airport
>about to stall just in front, push throttle
>125 degree in few seconds
>reduce to zero to not expolde
>hard touchdown before strip, break gear and propellant
>plane will be repaired in 00:29
I'm having fun, are you?

Currently grinding out german planes with EC.
Easy RP but a bit boring 2bh.

This sounds like a whole lotta bad.

>not wanting to be a retarded grindmonkey makes you bad
naziboos, everyone.

I said STOP

Well you're already a retarded grindmonkey since you play this game, senpai I don't know what you're trying to say

>its absolute garbage for like a day
>but then its rape machine
>shut up that one day is all that matters

>rape machine
with that speed?
lel no.
if you manage to get outflanked by a ZSU-37 you might as well just leave the game.

>implying anyone can flank a T54 with a Tiger II

>Implying sniping with a Tiger II wouldn't mean engaging it frontally anyway


Top 30 to get two vehicles that were in the Summer Madness event)))))

>he thinks I play this game and don't just shitpost on the general

190Ds are okay, but either of the T4 410s will be more consistent.

>Hey guys I piss into an ocean of piss!

>ywn spank [QT508] dudegoys until her ass is bright candy red

l fuckin mao

>he doesn't enjoy shitposting for the sake of shitposting


>EC is full of bots
RB EC seem to be doing just fine though. Honestly I would love this mode to stay for good, there's tons more players playing RB than SB.

>ywn force [QT508] dudegoys to piss herself in public

>landing anywhere and bailing the plane doesn't count as a death
how long has it been like this? I thought you had to land on airfields. This is going to be so good for games where my entire team dies.

>caring about stats

feels good to deny a kill when you don't get outplayed
I suppose I could just bail in the air as well, so it's a little bit statwhoring.

>steeply sloped side armor

>I suppose I could just bail in the air
that pisses people harder than landing your plane

even if I sit on the ground until they dive on me?


Fucking idiots
I meant that I was angled such that I was nearly facing the enemy, but that I had angled myself slightly to increase my effective armor angling.


Something tells me you were angled more than you should have been. Remember the tiger II's side is only 80mm.

>some random sperg was autisming in chat in-game over how Hillary will rot in a jail cell

Can't wait to get on again and see the reaction.

when will boredom post his qt boipucci? :3

Was his name YakLivesMatter?

Nah it was in an arcade game I was in for some grinding. That mode still attracts a decent number of knuckle-draggers though.

it won't piss them off as much as bailing out right when they get behind you after turnfighting for 3 minutes

I had someone do this to me last night.
I already had 3 kills, so it was like... "Thanks for saving me the ammo bro!"

All I care about is costing them money. Dead is dead.

then they eventually would've outplayed me, though. I feel they deserve the kill if that happened.
Besides, if I'm in a scenario where I can turnfight for three minutes, I can probably also just win the game.

Sometimes it bothers me, sometimes it doesn't. But what you must never do is say something in the chat about it. No matter what you say you will appear bitter and rustled and that's what they want.

Just stay silent and fly away like nothing happened. He's dead and you're alive and that's all that really matters.

Why is EC so dead?

>people trying to head-on my A-20
I thought it's us, who's supposed to be bad at flying?

Going to dip my wick into >>>tanks

Which nation is the most hilariously overpowered, undertiered bullshit between 3 and 6 BR?

if you're a lucky bastard, slavs
if you're unlucky, nazis

Is anyone interested in joining a group that will organize events similar of that to Sensha-do like in GUP? If so I'm the most of such a group, previous groups lack in the amount of organization and dedication I have to this group. We are currently lacking in members and I ask for anyone interested to join! This group is more in depth then any other group before it, thanks for your time!

What does luck have to do with it?

angled armor only works occasionally, with nazi armor you know what you get
now that I think about it, nazis may be better if you're lucky so that your shells don't get fucked by slavs RNGing your shit.

either way, slavs or nazis. Pick your poison.

just join SIEMA

Kill yourself.

May as well go Slav.
At least I know I'll never get nerfed.

Sorry but I want to try and create an enviorment separate to previous predecessors, I only wish to improve.
Sorry if my advertising is out of place