/hsg/ - Hearstone General

Yogg-Saron edition

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General down for a half hour edition is more like it

Trying to dig through the shit ranks with Evolve Shaman. Even when I lose it's pretty enjoyable.

I wish spurdo would come back

2 MANA 4/4

1 in 3 chance in getting acidmaw tho

Need help, is there any good free bot for HS? HearthRanger cucked me with 120 min/day max time

What the hell do you plan to accomplish with a bot?


100 gold per day?

This game seems like its going the way of Starcraft

Twitch seems dead

Fuck me this general is dead. Did the wait between LoE and ToG kill it?

I just made a tempo mage decks, anyone got any replacements for arcane blast? I am currently running ice lance, but I feel maybe loot hoarder is probably better for the card draw.

Should I craft :

That and the shitty meta has put me off playing. If they updated it frequently having a shit meta wouldn't be so bad but we have to wait months at a time before anything happens, even then it usually doesn't change.



Grom, he sees play in almost every meta Warrior deck right now, but thats only if you want to play warrior ofc.

Cairne would be my other choice, and alkair if you want to tech in a counter to all those decks running harrison/acidic swamp ooze.

Ysera, Malkorok and especially Baron can wait unless you are in need of those cards for a slower dragon control deck/need to finish tempo warrior/ want to tech in a zoo and shaman counter in your control deck.

MC and aggro shaman killed it

>Missing all those too
>Grom is obvious choice
>All those decks run the others too
Feel like I should just craft a bunch of epics instead

If you only need one lego for a deck, I'd craft it. If you're in need of multiple, I'd rather go for epics too

overwatch killed it


Hey nerds.

Rate me.

>try to make n'zoth priest
>resurrect has anti-synergy with museum curator

whispers killed HS

Grom is gonna be in every warrior deck you'll ever build and really fun.
Ysera Is really nice but most of the time not necesarry
al akir, cool card but often not needed, will mostly just be a cool finisher for games already won.
Don't have malkorok
Don't have cairne
Barron is often a great way to clear a board and force your opponent to react, I always get value out of him.

>costs more than entomb
>does less
Just to get even value wise you'd have to destroy a 7 mana minion, not worth it.

>taunt cards with less than 3 toughness

for what purpose


U wut m8

>yfw your opponent yogg heals,buffs and gives you card draw

im having so much fun with yogg huntard
tomorrow i get raven idol and go to work on token yogg druid



How do I beat +4 armour a turn?

oh god snipe is the best card in the game
azure drakes, patrons, knife jugglers

>2x Mindcontrol and 2x Entomb.


>2 (two) Mind Control
No, this ain't love

You can't steal love, you need to be proactive to earn it

Just play a few games each month since wog released.
The meta and the cards in general are incredibly fucking boring.
Good to know I'm not the only one who is massively disappointed by the game in its current state

I got a little bored too and tried out Duelyst, actually pretty fun desu

I don't think I could sum up everything wrong with this game better if I tried.

Double lava blast and rockbiter?

Oh I forgot to look at the side bar

How do I git gud at this game

I lose every time

you literally could have played around three burn cards that he hasn't played all game but you decided not too s.m.h

You really can't get mad, it's just a lucky draw, it's not like they always draw all of their burn. Also you should have been stabilizing your health as priest

>aggro shaman has the best opener in the game
>0 mana 5/5
>20 burst from hand

do they test this game

>be shieldbearer
>play shit decks
>get stomped by good decks
wew lad
should've played le weapons swings and whirwind effects tactician

Everyone complains about 477, and they're right, but no one realize that the biggest culprit from wotog was 055

when i was writing that post i wasn't even thinking about 477 which is saying something

In case you missed it, the point is that fun and value are dead against faceface.

Strategy and Value should outweigh all. Mindless decks should be a sub-par niche, not winning the Regional tournaments and dominating the meta.

If you had Shadow Words for every minion he played then he would be here complaining instead of you. It was a nut draw.

FUCK varian wrynn is so FUCKING FUUUN

>evaluate when to trade and when to face
>don't overextend
>count his removal
>count burn from hand
>think of ways to setup multi-turn lethal
>me see minion, me remove minion
>me maybe play around burn, maybe not because me stoopid

Why contain it?

I honestly can't remember the last time I played against a Shaman in arena that didn't have 477 on turn 4 followed up by either Totem Golem, Tuskarr Totemic or Feral Spirit.
In fucking arena.

Any guesses? also an epic in there

Blizzard decides to ask for your advice in the next big balance update. What do you change?

PO gives +3/+3

Priest get's their own fiery war axe

We don't even know the set you cunt. FUCK.

I don't think you understand

>feel like playing freeze mage
>haven't seen a control warrior in like 5 hours
what the did i do to deserve this
why are my opponents so lucky literally every time?

r8 & h8 pls


I get pyro for reach even though it's not the best, but why the FUCK would you have maly in there? What happens when you draw it on a bad mulligan? Double so for tempo. You don't even have any dragon trigger cards like technician or guardian.

that makes it more challenging

/spoiler it's tentacles set /spoiler


- Violet Teachers
- Cabalists Tome
- Malygos

+acolyte of pain

nice malygos pyroblast synergy

First arena run

How will I do?

+flamewaker, wtf is wrong with you. Who the fuck picks teacher over flamewaker? Are you retarded?

Incoming get carried by tirion

Minibot and belcher become part of the classic set


You played freeze mage, despite how much I hate control warrior you deserved it.

Garaunteed 6 win if played right

Thing from Below costs 1 less for each totem you've PLAYED this game.

Bloodsail Cultist 2/4.

Darkshire Councilman 1/4.

Flamewaker deals 1 damage rather than 2 when you cast a spell.

Blade Flurry hits face again. Cost increase remains.

Infested Tauren's slime has taunt.

Ancient of Lore costs 6 rather than 7.

Shadowform costs 2.

Power Word: Tentacles costs 3, adds +2/+5.

I don't know how you'll do, but i'd run that list. Sure.


I introduce the class minions from the previous /hsg/ thread
Also Thrall's new hero power is a suicide button that must not be pressed

pretty neat, also very happy with the epic

thats what you get for playing the most broken and anti-fun deck in the game fucktard

>We live in a world where Miracle is the least cancerous deck


Flamewrathed overload up to 3, councilman 1/4, Justicar gives 3 armor, Thing from below gets discounted only by totems played from hand, CoW to 9 mana, freeze mage loses everything that makes it even remotely viable.

While i share your concern with the meta, miracle has always taken skill to play.

thing from below is 8-10 mana so it's not mana efficient after one fucking totem

tunnel trogg is 1/2

flamewaker 2/3

someone who doesn't own blackrock

People without BRM?

Just don't play tempo mage then, Waker basically carries the deck. It's like playing aggro shaman without Trogg basically. Try C'thun Mage, it's not great but it's good enough

bought my friend like 200$ worth of packs yesterday and crafted him 8 solid decks
went on strivewire to do a tournament and we finished 2nd place, i was coaching him tho

Does this friend have tits and give you blowjobs?

Too focused on the current meta
Respectable player that has made it to Legend

I don't think I had ever uninstalled and reinstalled a single game as much as Hearthstone.
This time for good.

>93 posts in 3 hours

>stupid rogue and priest buffs
Yeah sure whatever, we need another fun and interactive oil rogue for skilled players

I don't blame them, every time I can't answer a 4 mana 7/7 I just go play rocket league or some shit.

This shitty game wasn't so lively in quite some time

>Play Renounce darkness
>Get Shaman
>Tfw playing a 3 mana 7/7 next turn

is it actually possible for not too skilled(rank 10 max last season) ftp player to reach 5? Warrior and shaman maybe lock