League of legends general /lolg/

I love Lissandra!
She's best waifu and best freljord
All other freljords a shit, especially Ashe
Elise a shit too

Other urls found in this thread:



For Vlad!

This is what happens when you put a bronze 2 jungler in a low gold/high silver ranked match!

Gg dynamic q

Mordekaiser is the least interesting Shadow Isles champ. Just delete him and no one would care.


Xth for people crying about mordekaiser

>ywn dress up as a gook to meet qt grills

you know you're duo queued with the silver 1 guy, right? do you actually think there is a difference between silver 1 and gold 5?

i don't really remember, i'd have to look through your older stuff to get a better feel for it
did you always write dialogue in one paragraph without breaking it up for every different speaker? stuff like that is a huge red flag to me

best male character
best chest
best adc



Passive: Now gives Mordekaiser shield 90% healing with no limit on how much health he gains with no decaying health

Q: Multiples damage by 1 x 1, 2 x 2, 3 x 3. Gains shield on his passive

W: [toggle on-off]
Creates a storm of shards around Mordekaiser that slow and deal damage to all enemies around him while consuming his current shield (obtained from any source). The longer this ability is kept active, the stronger and larger it becomes. Gains shield health on his passive

E: now applies a 0.25s stun to all champions hit and gains shield health from this passive.

R: Same as Live. Gives you 25% of enemy's MS

Post rare Chausters

>play urgot
>with black cleaver and max rank e 50% armour shred
How the fuck is this balanced

You know

I was really starting to like those links at the beginning of each thread

But lissandrafag is so desperately horny for an old bitch that he couldn't even copy and paste them.

Fuck you and your horrid ice hag.

I probably did, I'll try to work on that.

>losing lane to tf
>as zed
Pretty sure he was boosted but still, I was 90% expecting to feed my ass off

>this entire post
Stop anytime.

If ice waifu could choose what male champ to bind in ice and milk who would it be?

preferably malzahar because malz rape is best rape

what links?
The eyoson is there.

Is warwick any good right now?


kill yourself

Why the fuck do you assholes let Lissfag make threads?

>tfw i almost had made a Leona Thread


I'd say there is a difference between bronze 2 and gold 5.

>Links Very Usefull


>6.13 Patch Notes


>Ryze Update


>Champion and Skin Sales


Join us in the /lolg/ Official Stream, find the link on Eyoson

This Week is Summer Games Done Quick, come in and have some Fun !

Dont worry, I salvaged them from earlier threads

We know you were going to make a TrAshe thread.
Dont lie to us

>Urgot is going to get a poppy/sion tier rework before Morde

feels bad family

these 20 min gold v queue times are getting out of hand

are you retarded?

Why the fuck haven't you killed yourself yet?

I haven't played in 2+ years. There's a bunch of new shit like trinkets (?) and other shit, but I'll figure that out. More-so, I feel like easing my way in by playing a bit of ARAM then some unranked for a while. Couple questions.

Can you play the Howling Abyss map but without the all random part?

What are good junglers these days? I used to play a lot of jungle Shaco years ago and that was nice. And any tips for it? Where to start etc. Or is there a good site for rusty people like me to read up on?

Are the lanes still static? When I last played it was a hybrid top that can sustain themselves solo. Solo mid that was usually a mage. Jungler and duo bot of support + ADC. Is this still normal?

Thanks friends and fags.

>a pure void prophet who has to remain abstinent to please the void

>getting his baby batter and his void power milked out of him

>not best rape

yeah and they had a bronze guy on their team too. how come he didn't drag his team down to a loss?

That's a very good question that not even I have an answer to. I guess there's still some Jinxfagging to be done somewhere.

Does Supermetroid actually plays Metroid?

Lissfag is more obnoxious than the Sonafags and the Ahrifags. That's not an easy thing to be.

Nah, im not gonna mess the threads with Best Freljord

Guess the next one will have the PP MF splash
if there's any luck

is tiamat first still good on Renekton or should I just rush cleaver?

Yeah feels really good if you get 6. Wouldnt pick into a really strong invader like nid kindred. Strong winrate on championgg too

>Can you play the Howling Abyss map but without the all random part?
No unless it's a custom game

>What are good junglers these days? I used to play a lot of jungle Shaco years ago and that was nice. And any tips for it? Where to start etc. Or is there a good site for rusty people like me to read up on?
There are lots of meta junglers but for a more shaco style Khazix/Nidalee/Graves Are good. Hecarim/Zac/Reksai are tankier alternatives.

Shaco is still as good as the person playing him. Just look up pro jungler replays on youtube to get an idea of how to clear these days.

>Are the lanes still static?


Passive: Now gives kills all enemy's on map

Q: One shots tower

W: Gives 500 ms

E: Kills all monsters in the JG

R: Turns everyone on the enemy team to ghosts

Lowest rank on thier team was leona at Silver 4

killing machine with the right items

Best girl.
Best thighs.
Best wife.

>implying the malz rape guy is any better

Neryth rushes ghostblade -> bc->ga every game that seems to be the favored croco main build

He also gets a pd sometimes dont do that

their malzahar was literally bronze 1 in their promos to silver 5. go on.


Just turn him into Tager. Let him mqgnetize enemies and pull them in so he can knock them around. Get rid of Iron Man and just give him good bases.

>tfw you want a quick game and end up in a 30 min. aram game

>tfw I'm too autistic to change my build around in order to buy an early void staff

Until high gold, since people don't know what to do in a 4v5 for the first 7-9 minutes in the game.
He's an easy champ to learn jungle with, just don't get cocky and go full damage. Get 2 defensive items after you get your first non-jungle item (bork or wits end) or if you're doing bad immediately after your jungle item.

If you want a better carry champion pick yi and if you want a better tank champion that can gank pick amumu. Vi is also good if you start getting accustomed to jungle.
Gragas and reksai are good at any skill level.

Plat+ or if you're confident in jungling pick nid, graves, lee, elise, gragas, kindred and reksai.

Why hasn't someone made a LoL-themed parody of this yet?


Why did they get the Gold jungler. He was obviously the difference seeing as he absolutely shitted on the bronze 2 jungler.

And you really dont want to feed a Warwick.

>f2p bard


This level of comfy should not even be possible.

>Let him mqgnetize enemies and pull them in
so HoNĀ“s Flux ?

this is just about the silliest match history I've gotten on triumph.gg

>tfw got stuck in an hour long hexakill the other day
never making that mistake again

How do I git gud at stonefu?

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

because the bronze poster queued with a silver 1 guy hoping to get carried. then he got btfo by some g5 queueing with his silver friend, and now he's crying about "dynamic queue". that's why i said there's not much difference between g5 and s1. you just need to make it easier for him to carry you, or he needs to carry you harder regardless of how bad you do.

Don't you mean for?

>6kb of Lulu

you dont

Fuck off, Lissfag.

Oh dynamic queue is fun.

Nothing quite like playing at 3 am in diamond 3 and getting matched vs 1 diamond player with 4 low plats along with 4 other low plats but the other guy playing a favourable match up and you an unfavorable so you lose.

I think I'm just going to leave the dynamic queue if it gets past 10 minutes because every time it does, I will get an absolute clown fiesta match up ever since their update.


Sure, I remember seeing Flux and thinking he was cool.

>Tfw you no longer look forward to free rotations anymore.

I want to go swimming in Orianna.

>friend calls me asking me if I can fix her computer
>tell her ok
>browse her photos while doing so
>see tons of nudes of her
>save them and fap to them

Man, today was a good day.

Anyone has tips in how to play kassadin top?

thats not me.
Dumb jinxposter

>female friend

Haha, you fucking cuck. Everyone, look at the cuck. Look at him and laugh.

that's different. if you're actually in diamond you can complain about dynamic queue because of fewer people at the far end of the curve.

but the other 98% of people? they're rehashing the same complaints as prior seasons except this time it's >dynamic queue instead of >duo bot and >randoms

Doesn't matter. You all deserve to be purged.

what did he mean by this

It's obvious bronze players shouldn't jungle.

Who made that drawing?

>jax doesn't have a keystone
>Jhin is 3-0 by level 3
>le bonk feeding in the 1v1

The downward spiral continues. Send help ;_;

Whats a good twitch runepage? Right now i'm using flat AS Reds, flat armor yellows, flat AD blues, and 2 flat AS quints and 1 flat AD quint.


champion.gg stats are in. it looks like the best bans right now are...
inb4 retards who ban based on muh feelings instead of what will actually maximize their odds of winning a game.

AD red
Armor yellows
Scaling MR blues
AD quints

the rat needs actual AD. you have enough atk speed from his kit and the Runaan you'll surely buy

I don't care, I'll always ban Fizz until they Evelynn him.

>not banning based on match up rather than overall stats

Why can't you waifufags get along like us husbando posters. W-we get along...r-right, guys?

Why does /lolg/ bitch about morde? Even if he got a rework none of you would play him

Sure, as long as we all agree that Draven is the best husbando

See here, this is why I always password protect my photos and shit.

Not that I've got any nudes, but still.

>Why can't you waifufags get along like us husbando posters
Only once they all agree that Jinx is the best can there be peace.

>W-we get along...r-right, guys?
Not the Trundlefags.

>banning something with a 1% chance of being picked because sometimes you play badly against it instead of something with a 20% chance of being picked and a decent chance of carrying the enemy team

So I'm returning after a long break, who're the best junglers now? Is Kindred still good or at least viable?

You misspelled GP. c:

husbando posters only care about getting attention for their shitposting. they dont care if people believe what they say is correct

Jinx will never be a good waifu. In fact, i respect even lulufags more than jinxfags

Both waifufags and husbandofags have their needy, attention-depraved no lifers. Just need to separate the good ones from the bad ones.

>force feed adc 9 kills
>peel for squishies and cc high dmg targets
>tank anything and everything
>"GG ADC carry too gud"

Support gets no recognition.

GP is a dirty old man, what do you see in him?

They're both shit waifus but Jinx is superior to Lulu. Lulu is too small for leglocking which automatically makes her shit

who in their right mind would think that some cringy crackwhore skeleton is the best?