Synths aren't people and must be wiped from the Earth.
Blake Ross
ADA best waifu
Blake Williams
The Master lives.
James White
Elianora looks cute.
Carson Ward
5th for buff and his skeleton cow
Tyler Howard
F4SE beta .19 works with the release patch 1.6 just in case anyone was wondering.
Josiah Davis
Maxson did nothing wrong
Josiah Roberts
Smelly Piper and nat farts!
Andrew Diaz
I want to feed her vanilla pudding for 3 days straight so she can make creamy defecations into my mouth.
Adrian Harris
Repostan from old bread
Where should I go to get help with my fnv game? It is a pain in the ass when the game crashes and when it works, red triangles and texture hell is everywhere. Plus fnvedit shows nothing wrong with the load orders, and LOOT shows nothing wrong with anything
Mason Diaz
Gentlemen, how do we make the Institute great again?
Connor Thomas
How do we use it though? I remember in FNV we could just use the "-editor" flag to be able to compile scripts with new function calls right from the CK, but it looks like that functionality isn't in this yet. What does it actually offer?
Also, unrelated, but is there a good text-to-speech synthesizer I could use for a mod? I have an idea that would need a few voiced lines from a new NPC, but I don't want to have to voice them myself. I guess I could hack together pre-existing dialogue sounds, but that would take forever and probably sound off.
Ryan Brown
Chase Sanchez
100% guarantee some of these concept ideas are going to be used for new armor sets in Nuka World.
Colton Cooper
Better weapons, give them power armor, better goals in general
Jonathan Evans
She would be a good mother to my kids.
Connor Clark
Whoops wrong image.
Seriously though some of these look pretty cool and I'm sad they didn't make it in.
Leo Russell
Most relevant websites require registration but there's one that has tons of free info, I'm not sure if it is still up though but you can check it for yourself
Parker James
Jeremiah King
maybe here with these nutters
Zachary Taylor
> that top left fuck them for leaving that armor out
Lincoln Myers
>Hard work is happy work lol commie
Nathaniel Butler
Send liberty prime. I don't give a fuck.
John Richardson
looking good, love those baggy pants
>dirt on cheek
Mason Johnson
Joseph Morris
...this Is what we could have gotten.
Josiah Phillips
Wasn't there like a cut joke ending or something in NV where you could just bail out of the Mojave from the Outpost? I feel like I've heard about it a few times but never saw a source.
Luis Mitchell
Downsize Gen III Synth production Bring back Virgil to help work on treating the Super Mutants. Recruit Curie and the Cabots for centuries of extensive medical knowledge. Fuck gorillas, start making other animals to help rebuild the biosphere. Restart cybernetics program. Human/Synth cross-breeding program.
Jayden Morris
Post sole survivors.
Ayden Reed
I think the thing that annoys me the most about Fallout 4 is that literally the ONLY clothing that can have armor on top that covers the entire body (including hands) is the BoS jumpsuit. There isn't one full body edgy suit.
Sebastian Turner
Caleb Thomas
xth for finding love and happiness in the harsh wasteland
Brody Gray
Jacob Johnson
There is in fah habah
Hudson Lee
buffscale in disguise?
Kayden Rogers
> he loves a crack whore who has fucked half the wasteland including the wildlife
Looks like something crawled up and died on your head.
Jonathan Hernandez
Kevin Taylor
>that cats face in the thumbnail
Andrew Lopez
Not including the not-Chinese stealth suit Marine wetsuit.
I ain't modding shit till everything is smoothed out.
Cooper Gray
any tips? I think I made a lot of the face to thin.
Brody Hill
Levi Perez
Jaxon Roberts
Put an end to the synth gorilla program and the FEV program. Using research acquired from Vault 81 and with assistance from Curie, begin mass producing the all-in-one cure for diseases.
Look into force field generators and anti-radiation bubble technology for use by those on the surface. End result intended to protect entire settlements.
For anybody having trouble running FO4 on Intel graphics (like ):
You have to disable combined objects and gore in the ini. It will only work when you start a new game, though.
Add this to your Fallout4Custom.ini :
[General] bUseCombinedObjects=0 bDisableAllGore=1
Jaxson Baker
But isn't that disabled by default, user?
Bentley Davis
Anyone here managed to get the latest version of 'Modern Firearms' mod?
Any chance the mod will be upped back again to Nexus once the stolen assets issue been fixed?
I need my new weapons fix.
Jonathan Bennett
No, combined objects are meant to increase performance.
Carson Walker
Where the fuck is my Institute Power Armour?
Charles Taylor
Still waiting for that bacteria launcher weapon.
Tyler Wood
And disabling them is going to muck with placing items in workshop mode. I found that out the hard way after trying out DDP's castle wall fix
Jeremiah Perry
better? I actually like the freckles. Fail to see how the nose and lips are nignog.
Easton Carter
That sucks. I only ran around the wasteland a bit, when I tried it. Playing with 30 fps at 800x600 just wasn't my thing.
David Wright
I made keanu reeves with wavy hair
literally just one of the asian presets but with wavy hair
Matthew Cook
aww shieet
patch time.
What's included today? The Vault-Tec stuff?
Charles Hall
Now she just looks like cait.
Brody Russell
300 new codsworth names and support for addons. also the game saves when you exit now in survival
Logan Hill
If you're talking about actually fixing it:
1. build out CIT's actual office a bit more, add things like gyms, workshops, and (most importantly) a library 2. have institute people/citizens wear normal prewar clothes, jumpsuits are only for synths 3. quest: where CIT takes over Boston Library. After it is completed, BL refeshes to a "clean" tileset 4. quest: where vault 81 aligns/allies with CIT. After it is completed, using synth slave labor they add a train station 5. quest: where CIT slowly takes over the underground MBTA network. When finished, there is a direct rail connection between CIT, BL, and vault 81 6. quest: go into the Glowing Sea to find the location of a Enclave base. Then you have to clean out an underground rail tunnel (full of radscorpion kings, mega deathclaws, robo-tanks etc) to give CIT enough resources to take on the brotherhood 7. quest: following CIT booting up their new reactor, synth troopers (dressed in prewar military garb and police uniforms) then patrol the Boston area and secure it. 8. final quest: the PC has to fight his way down through Long Island (which is like Far Harbor but much worse and constantly irradiated) to Manhattan, to find what happened to his parents . NJ/the Hudson is totally impassible due to high radiation.
Julian Walker
Jose Reed
better but the face is too contoured, it could be flatter also a narrower chin would be good and maybe raise her upper eyelids a bit because she looks high
Grayson Campbell
I just want to trade a few things.
Tyler Parker
Swatta champion
Chase Ramirez
Trainwiz and Niero were going to have it in the courser overhaul
Jack Wilson
as soon as you enter the institute, start doing shit to get on their good side, then, when shaun tells you to go blow up the railroad or some shit, tell the railroad to shut the fuck up for a moment and stop doing everything, then go to the institute and tell shaun they's all dead as fuck, then, when shaun names you his successor, shoot him in the goddamn face
every time someone says BUT YOU'RE A MURDERER talk to them about how they're shitty murderers too and if they don't follow you, you're going to show them how much of a murderer you are by shooting them in the dick
so now that you are the new leader of the institute, you tell the people making synths to stop making synths, but to instead start making children. not for blending in with humanity, but for WAR
start mass-producing chillunbots, train them in the ways of espionage and war, and then take all the normal synths and put them in brotherhood armor, walk into the prydwen, and murder everyone on it and take the prydwen for yourself and give it to the minutemen
the railroad can fuck off, they're no longer needed now
everyone wins
Gavin Reed
>300 names >mfw he's not joking
Thanks Todd.
Juan Gonzalez
Joseph Carter
>were going to have it >were
Don't make me start my unholy empire now.
I'll fucking do it if video games keep getting shittier and shittier.
Aaron Garcia
What? List?
David Campbell
is that literally all it is though : /
Ian Sullivan
That looks retarded.
>brb no peripheral vision >brb not being able to turn your head
Leo Rivera
>were It's still happening, just not right now. Also wow, this person really holds a grudge.
Nicholas Williams
don't you still want it in the game though
Parker Smith
NEW FEATURES ExitSave - Exiting to the Main Menu will create an ExitSave. During next play session, the ExitSave will delete itself after you load it. The Existsave works in all difficulty levels including Survival. New Add On specific icons in Workshop mode More than 300 new player names added to Codsworth's vocabulary Support for upcoming Add Ons FIXES General stability and performance improvements Fixed a crash related to targeting an enemy weapon while in VATS Fixed an issue where a Companion would become stuck walking and unable to run Fixed issue in "Mankind Redefined" to prevent the player from getting stuck in elevators while in Mass Fusion Building In "Boston After Dark" quest now completes properly when waiting for Old Man Stockton Fixed occasional issue where player would become permanently invisible Dead settlers can no longer be commanded or assigned to supply lines Fixed issue where deleting saved games would cause other saves to disappear Fixed occasional issues with activating mods that did not come from Minor bug fixes and optimizations to Mods load order and browsing
Xavier Myers
>YOU WERE SO FUCKING TRIGGERED is this person trolling?
Jordan Lewis
>tfw forcing random settlers to team up and fight my arena champion >champion has full marine armor + armored military fatiques and uses a fully upgraded irradiated Gatling Laser
David Adams
We hereby find this so called Wizard of Trains guilty of: COMPLETE DISREGARD OF THE LORE
Brayden Jackson
No. They were this person. Amusingly they've followed me everywhere. Nexus, apparently even Youtube now.
William Torres
>Check the BethNet forum for a list of the new names Codsworth can do.
What a cluttered unappealing mess
Isaac Wilson
Is there a list on said cluttered unappealing mess though?
Carson Murphy
its so trash its amazing how unusable it is for a forum in 2016
Ayden Taylor
>There's a Chuck YES
Anthony Perry
Not that I saw at a glance. It's so bad I didn't feel like even trying to dig and just closed the tab.