/dg/ - Destiny General

Rev up that Arc Burn Edition.


>when inter clutches daughters with a self res
Webm soon

>le WEBM soon meme

This needs to stop.

Is Control actually the biggest shitter mode?

Holy fuck I haven't come across such a huge concentration of dumbfucks in a long while.

Making threads is a ps4 exclusive bv

>tfw too nervous to do raids but want calcified fragments and hard mode Oryx dead for emblem

6th for Furry pride

>This is anything interesting
October 2015 called, it wants its webm back.

>too nervous
put your name up don't be shy... We are not as bad as we seem

just bought this game a few days ago and I'm now currently a level 35 hunter with 172 light score. Just wondering what I should be doing now in order to get the best gear/light score? I've completed the vanilla quest line and have done thee first few taken King quests. I've been doing a lot of cruciblle and vanguard as well.

tldr best way to get from 172 to 260 light?