i came here to ask about subahibi, last thing i heard was that it was getting an official translation and that was almost 6 months ago
Tyler Nguyen
Are visual novel readers the most entitled people in existence?
Hudson Bennett
Sora a cute!
Landon Barnes
Try asking again in a year.
Leo Gomez
How dare you! Anyway, reminder that everyone should learn grammar and kanji on the side!! Even if it takes 3 years it'll be faster than Dovac giving us the 18+ patches
Dylan Jenkins
That was fucking hilarious.
Hunter Rogers
It's not something exclusive to VN readers. PC players as a whole are the most entitled community there is.
Cameron Adams
Dat karma
Zachary Phillips
Don't forget that Veeky Forums made Chuablesoft partner with MG instead of Dovac. We can do anything if we so desire
Josiah Miller
If you don't agree with me then you're entitled.
Camden Gonzalez
Why is she so fat?
Samuel Rivera
At least his avatar is cute.
Andrew Mitchell
Jaxon Jackson
He is so wise
Owen Harris
That Neil guy is a retard. The whole deal with censorship is we can't impregnate the girls anymore. Suou Amane is a slut and deserves a good pounding.
Jackson Lee
What are your thoughts on the translated Seinarukana? Worth the buy?
John Torres
If you translate a game, don't remove or edit content. And if you do for whatever reason, offer an unedited version (or patch, or what not) in a timely fashion. This isn't really rocket science, people are willing to forgive a lot if you respect the community and their wishes. I'd think wanting an original and not something that has been arbitrarily changed to meed someone elses standard is a pretty normal desire. If that's considered being entitled, then so be it.
Sekai's issue from the very beginning is that they dismiss a lot of the fan base as being 'entitled', and hence not worth appealing to. At times it becomes outright contempt for a lot of the opinions people seem to have. And then Sekai has the gall to pretend to be shocked that people would be upset with them after "all they've done to elevate the state of visual novels".
Charles Wright
For me it's just a very real part of the relationship that I want to see. Not to mention I just can't support censorship at all.
Hunter Rogers
Game of the year so far. Though I've only played that and Haruka thus far
Liam Perez
>we can't impregnate the girls anymore. Suou Amane is a slut and deserves a good pounding. That's basically what he's saying. Its not that people care about the story, it's that people care about sexual gratification. >If you translate a game, don't remove or edit content. "No"
Bentley Nguyen
I like lolis ;)
Xavier Baker
Yes and I'm not pretending I'm holding off on Grisaia because the story was butched or something I want the lewdness
John Perry
Thank you based Dovac for protecting innocent lolis.
Camden Sanders
Thanks, ZTD was a bit of a letdown, Root Double is being aite. Though I think I'd like to play Aselia before Seinarukana
Ryder Wright
Why protect Lolis if they're 18+ already. Let me sodomize them all already!
Juan Cox
>Though I think I'd like to play Aselia before Seinarukana Uh yeah play the first game before playing the sequel ?? iumademonai hazu dakedo
Evan Allen
strawpoll.me/10675036 It's currently on a tie so I'm posting it again, please don't shout at me!
Kevin Hall
Half the fucking story was sex jokes, the game could be one step from a nukige with a few tweaks here and there.
I haven't actually cared enough to read the "all-ages" version but I could bet my ass amane and makina's lines had to be heavily edited to get it under the all ages bar.
Parker Turner
Yuuri is the cutest killer.
Brody Perez
If Dies Irae gets announced is it better than Baldr Sky?
Elijah Torres
He is right in the usual obnoxious manchild Moogy fashion (complete with strawman, thanks Moogy), but he's missing the point here. The point isn't about the ero scenes in and of themselves, a lot of them are, as he says, pretty bad. The point is that there's censorship at all. No one wants this to be a normalized occurrence. Not to mention that content other than H-scenes has been removed in all-ages versions, so to imply that there isn't more at stake here is to be intellectually dishonest. It is a slippery slope, especially considering that companies like Sekai and AkabeiSoft2 are trying to sell the 18+ content as DLC.
For things like moege especially I think the H content is important. Those are basically relationship simulators through and through, and people want to explore every nook and cranny of the relationships while reading those, including the sex. It's maybe not the best comparison but look at romance novels; those are full of fucking. You don't see people actively trying to censor those and they're quite popular with college aged students.
Christian Rodriguez
There's barely a connection from what I hear though. At Jast's booth they even said something similar iirc
Austin Taylor
Dies Irae is the better novel but Baldr Sky is the better game.
Jace Hill
I thought it was only a spiritual sequel but yeah, I will
Colton Gray
No. If something gets translated it's automatically shit because I can't feel special anymore.
Dominic Russell
Much better. Baldr Sky is a good game, but the story isn't absolutely amazing. Its more fun to play than read.
Gabriel White
They both become kusoge the second they're translated into english.
Blake Russell
Are the H scenes necessary in Dies Irae? What version would be best for them to localize?
Caleb Harris
Dies Irae is untranslatable. Don't touch it and don't think about localizing it, let it be pure and free from western people
Dominic Perry
These games (well, aside from maitetsu) are being censored because Steam doesn't allow certain content. Games like Gahkthun which had porn that didn't go against Steam were allowed. BTW, what is "allowed" on steam is largely determined by the ESRB (no adult content is allowed in games w/o ESRB rating) so take up your beef with them. The best version of dies is largely agreed to be Amantes Amentes, which is all ages. That's how little the porn matters. Dies Irae is roughly translatable (See conjueror's tl'd videos) but it'll be a completely different beast in english for sure.
Owen Ward
Conjueror and Makoto are the only two who could do it.
Josiah Flores
it's just a fucking Vita port it isn't like they went out of their way to change anything else that isn't allowed by CERO
Dylan Brown
Yes, yes. I know that. And I don't have a problem with all-ages being on steam, but what needs to be ensured is that the 18+ version is also available at the same time. Not months down the line and certainly not as paid DLC.
Hunter Foster
Dies Irae just sounds like power level chuuni garbage. I don't understand how it can have a good "story"
David Reyes
I'm still not reading it until I get to fuck Mitcher.
Isaac Reed
If it's like Tokyo Babel I'm taking my own life. The good side is the world will be a better place
Elijah Allen
fucking retards not allowed kissing is though
Andrew Flores
Mitcher is love but it seems she's gone full retard on the sequel. They retconned her whole route or something and now the other girl was an illusion and she never does clever things to keep the group together and shit
Nicholas Baker
You'll be surprised, I know I was.
Eli Walker
>Grisaia posting
Brody Edwards
it is very philosophical and it has tons of german wanking.
Daniel Barnes
>that lego block in the middle
Parker Ross
I unironically love Michiru.
Charles Diaz
>ZTD was a bit of a letdown >a bit
Adrian Gonzalez
Would you die for her?
Joshua Roberts
He needs to get laid. Also, does he prefer one of those wimpy protags that are pushed around by everyone? At least Yuuji dictates the story
Carson Adams
ungodly amount of complex memes, user
Jace Martin
No, but I'd kill my pet cat if she asks me to.
Jordan Rodriguez
god damn this girl is adorable. Her laughter and that VA as well as the cutesy bits are too much.
Sebastian Brown
This is one moege/w/e I'd like to try but I've heard the translator didn't know much kanji and made up some parts of the story
Levi Campbell
wouldn't know but so far its been great.
Hudson Morales
there's a number of notable ones I can count on one-hand, none of them impact the story in any notable way though. nothing important is lost in translation.
Qoo little-little for mvp.
Anthony Hughes
Lucas Green
Thats not Putin's maid.
James Moore
Nathaniel Howard
I think you might be gay user
Thomas Perry
>big cock >not the girl being tiny
Carter Long
Why can't we all die for a change
Easton Taylor
Caleb Young
Everyone dies, user.
Henry Powell
Real talk? Why does Kuon not get a route? Not in the main game or in the fan disc, that pissed me off so much.
Josiah Morales
I would have loved her to replace Ran-chan in terms of routes.
Sebastian Rivera
i remember seeing this in the thp too. i laughed my fucking ass off.
Tyler Brooks
Remember to complain in Twitter for the 18+ version of Baldr Sky.
Isaiah Richardson
Watch out, dovac will block you on twitter if you hurt his feelings.
John Wilson
god fucking dammit.
Well played game, well played.
Joshua Ward
God remains dead. And we have killed him
Dylan Gonzalez
Cry your heart out Nietzsche
John Rodriguez
I like to think that I have a pretty healthy suspension of disbelief, but this VN is just dumb. Pretty much every character is a cunt, the drama is awful, and the art is kinda strange.
Mild Koichoco spoilers in the image.
Dominic Baker
What did she mean by this?
Mason Parker
That you're her cuckboy
Jace Johnson
that the jews are behind this
Eli Hughes
Seriously, I need that in .wav.
Cameron Powell
This is just like the AAA game devs from 3-5 years ago. Any time you criticize them you are entitled. But they act as if theyre entitled to your purchase regardless of what product they put out.
The thing is I can get their product without paying, but they can't get my money without me buying their product. Brings some joy to my shriveled heart every time I pirate one of their games.
Luis Walker
> From 3-5 years ago. > Not from right now.
I escaped this censorship bullshit from Atlus, Nintendo and others only to fall into the same trap in my final super niche refuge - visual novels.
Fuck, how does cute girls doing cute things get widespread enough appeal to have that happen? Fuck.
Adrian Phillips
Nothin to do with being widespread m8. It's just got to do with laws and shit. If selling 18+ games were as legally simple as all ages then this wouldn't even be a topic.
Thomas Wright
localizations were a mistake
Bentley Sullivan
Except we never had or have this issue with MG or JAST. It's just Sekai Shitject taking a donkey shit on the entire media.
Jeremiah Campbell
in good ol' AMURRICA town, so long as it's not actual CP or hyper realistic drawings of it, it's A-Okay.
Brody Cooper
Weird how those laws only regularly affect SP and not MG/JAST?
Colton Ward
Well, the problem is that they basically need to sell on Steam to keep themselves afloat--along with the Kickstarters. I think they're too deep in at this point that they probably wouldn't be able to do anything else even if they wanted to. Their company has yet to have a single profitable year and the steam bucks is probably what kinda-sorta keeps them going.
I'm sure that being on Steam is probably a desirable option for Japanese producers as well due to the higher sales figures that steam nets, simply by being on the front page for a bit.
I really, really hate Sekai. But it's a complex situation and the blame can go in many different directions. They aren't SOLELY to blame for everything, I'm sure.
Oliver Lee
You forgot that MG is in Canada and they've done lolige, and we have far more strict laws than the US when it comes to pornography.
Literally zero excuse.
Isaac Rogers
Isn't MG based in Japan? The President is also the President of Overdrive..
Brody Powell
>Except we never had or have this issue with MG or JAST. Jast literally had this exact issue with censoring Shiny Days recently Manga Gamer isn't stationed in the USA so it's irrelevant to his question. Seriously, what's with you guys and bringing up MG it just makes you look silly. Most people are upset about Maitetsu. Sekai didn't really have a reputation as a censorship company until the all-ages Maitetsu fiasco, after all they released Nekopara with lewd. And, maitetsu's problem is indeed the young ages of the characters as you mentioned.
Jaxon Russell
>MG is in Canada kek no.
Isaac Turner
I remember reposting this pasta with a magnet full of CP Nice times
Isaac Jackson
And Doddler got to spend a night in prison and officially registered as a sex offender for his trouble.
David Green
Actually MG recently had some issues with a payment processor for Beat Blades Haruka, IIRC.