/simg/ - Simulation Games General


A thread for all simulation games: racing sims, flight sims, train sims, submarine sims, tank sims, anything else sims which do not have enough traffic to sustain their own independent generals.

>Extra attention grabbing search terms for example welcome sims
/fsg/ /dcsg/ /fsxg/ /bmsg/ /shg/ /rofg/ /etsg/ /il2g/ /lfsg/ /tsg/

>Thread trailer:

>/fsg/ Steam Group:

>/fsg/ TeamSpeak:
Or whatever is on the group's profile

>BMS download links

>Planefag pastebin:

>Silent Hunter 3 pastebin:

>Dangerous Waters pastebin:

>FPSchazly's Dangerous Waters tutorials:

>/dcsg/ music playlist:

>Repository of various aviation related material:

>OP pastebin:

>Example of welcome sims:
DCS World
Falcon BMS
Rise of Flight
Combat Helo
Microsoft Flight Simulator
Euro truck sim
Assetto Corsa
rFactor 2
Live for Speed
SAM Simulator
Steel Beasts Pro
Steel Armor: Blaze of War
Enemy Engaged: Comanche vs Hokum
Silent Hunter
Train Simulator
Farming Simulator 2015

>Example of non-welcome games:
Ar*a 3
A*e Cumb*t
Wa* Thu*der
W*rld of ____

Other urls found in this thread:


1st for remove ivan and krasniye

body yourself you fagot

I leave to pick up my car for the shop for 30 minutes and the thread dies. I blame the KA50 posters for this failure.

Literally ops when?

We haven't done ops in like 2 days

I'm having withdrawls send help.


/simg/ dying from a lack of activity?

Looks like /wgg/ will need to come back...

Why is simg so dead? High treason day is over you fucks.




Eugene stay away REEEEE


Where else am I going to dump all these BMPs?

Crazy Ivan doesn't have shit on the OG Badass Jeep driver General Patton. Drifted so hard he warped into a different reality.

>when the attack on Fulda starts at 0800 and it's already 0805

>there were no german forces in fulda and that sector was the american 11th ACR's responsibility

I think you mean the Soviets warped him into a different reality after he said he wanted to take the lads all the way to Moscow and put a boot in Stalin's ass.

T-thanks user

Why don't we just admit the truth.

There isn't anything really to talk about. 90% of posts are just "NEVER EVER" and the other 10% is other shit posts.

Literally all we do is just bump the thread, 749 times and then do it again. Whats the point?

Maybe we just make a steam group or something, announce ops, get in TS, and play.

That's it. Lets just stop pretending these kind of games have enough to actually sustain discussions.

You know its true.

>let's ditch our accessibility to newcomers and anonimity in favor of becoming another closed circlejerk because you people aren't discussing things (that I like) enough

How about you fuck off?


lol enjoy your dead ass thread with a post every 2 hours.

God damn, the B-47 is one of the most aesthetic bombers ever. Way prettier than that ugly fuck of the B-52 we have. Just look at that canopy.

seriously pls do stable ops

Fuck off Tony, update to the superior version you cuck.

We will quite literally hold your hand and baby you through it.

literally just update you nerd

>just download the beta!1!
>It's fine, it worked for me XD

This killed ops the past couple weeks t b h. Just do some fucking stable ops and we'll be good.

kek we've been having literally ops everyday (except the past 2 because of fuck england day) and they have been fantastic.

I'd say we have actually had more frequent ops since the update.

Stop being such a dumb stable cuck.

Literally this

I'm not Tony

Literally Tony is the only one not running Open Beta. Stop lying you 3rd world cunt.

>shistposters piss off the people that were trying to improve things
>they leave/stop posting

>Everybody downgrade back to stable so one person can do ops
even though we have had 10+ person ops since it came out


/cbg/ to the rescue


desu I already feel like it looks like a closed circlejerk and wont join in because of it.

>the ace combat faggot can't figure out how to update


>update to open beta
>crashes every 10 minutes

>literally no one else has this issue
>i-it's the updates fault guise!

Reinstall you fucking dumb cunt holy shit. Clearly something is wrong with your install but you redirect the blame and shitpost in the thread about it.

No fucking wonder you're an Ace Combat shitter.

>someone else posts about doing stable ops instead
>I agree
>this is shitposting

>moving goalposts

I'm seriously considering spending 5 dollars for this beautiful machine.



Tony needs to come fly with me on stable

Is the steam version of DCS 1.5 or 2.0?

Mine auto-updated a while ago and stopped working. It was on a laptop, so I wasn't really surprised.

Standard release version on steam is 1.5.3 right now i just installed it

Whats the best way to deal with enemy fighters in the A-10C? Right now I turn on jammer and go low and put them in 3 or 9 oclock to break lock, and wait for them to get close, and then turn and fire sidewinders. All this while dumping chaff/flares.

kill yourself

In case you're being tagged by his radar or locked, Jammer and go real fucking low

In case you know there's an active CAP flight in the area, use terrain masking as much as you can

A-10 is really helpless when it comes to facing enemy CAP

Actually the a10 can outturn pretty much everything, the manual even recommends putting the gun in a2a mode and just blasting the shit out of your pursuer.

The real danger lies in BVR missiles

Outturning doesn't mean shit if your opponent knows what he's doing.

Most people attacking ground pounders just take passes at high speed to take out CAS aircraft.

People turnfighting A-10s or SU-25s deserve to get shot down

Just saying

ka-50 a fun

>shooting HE rounds at a BMP

you have lost your Hokum card.

Grabbed Eurotruck during the summer sale, any decent guides from back when it was big?

>Sioux City Mayor Craig Berenstein in 2002 described SUX as an "embarrassment" to the city
>authorities found the alternatives offered - GWU, GYO, GYT, SGV, and GAY
Someone in the FAA is a sassy little bastard.

Alright, this is my first time here and I come with a couple of questions given I'll be purchasing IL-2 in a month or so. I've slowly become more and more of a fan of flying sims(mostly old ones and not overly complex) over the past year and I've been looking for a decent flight sim to try out. So here are my questions:

>On steam I see two or three different bundles/versions to buy, as a beginner to IL-2 Sturmovik. Which one should I get?

>Peripherals. I have a joystick(Logitech Extreme 3D Pro) that I got for a friend, what else would I need to play?, Do I need a head tracker?

>If above is yes, what head tracker are out there for a reasonable price?, if there is a link or guide that will do, thanks.

>What is the extent of the control you have of the aircraft?, does the game help you a bit or do you basically have to manage everything yourself?

>It lists single player and multiplayer. To what extent is the single player like?, is the multiplayer enjoyable?

If there is a guide, or link that can answer all the questions above and/or more feel free to post it.

I know this is a huge list of questions, that make up a huge post. I honestly wouldn't want to go anywhere else to ask this stuff, and since I just came here today and thought for a while of what I wanted to ask hopefully one of you or more can help me out. I don't want to blindly buy this game without knowing some of if not all of the things I asked above. Also going around message boards and sites like reddit give me a headache with their weird layout to search for things. Thanks in advance, and hope this doesn't get ignored by shitposting.

How do you feel about MiGs?

everything about that mig-21 is off enough to make me want to slit my wrists desu

>Do I need a head tracker?
Heavily recommended

>What is the extent of the control you have of the aircraft?
Full control unless you untick some options. You can fly as if you were playing War Thunder (SB) if you want. CloD has clickable cockpits, BoS doesnt.

>To what extent is the single player like?, is the multiplayer enjoyable?
Being completely honest, I dont enjoy the SP from either CloD nor BoS. I stick to the good old IL-2 1946 for that purpose because its quite customizable and has a huge range of options.
The MP in CloD and BoS should be amusing. I think BoS has even fewer people that plays MP compared to CloD (with the TF mod). '46 MP is dead.

>On steam I see two or three different bundles/versions to buy, as a beginner to IL-2 Sturmovik. Which one should I get?
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 is the original IL-2 with all expansions

IL-2 Cliffs of Dover is a different, newer IL-2 set in the battle of britain, as expected. Get the team fusion mod for it if you're interested

IL-2 Battle of Stalingrad is an even newer IL-2 set in the skies above russia. It tends to be pretty hit and miss in regards of you liking it or not.

>Peripherals. I have a joystick(Logitech Extreme 3D Pro) that I got for a friend, what else would I need to play?, Do I need a head tracker?

What else you need to play? Absolutely nothing.

Do you need a headtracker? Only if you want it.

Probably delanclip or something in ebay made by a chink in his workshop. TrackIR otherwise has a monopoly on the market pretty much.

>What is the extent of the control you have of the aircraft?, does the game help you a bit or do you basically have to manage everything yourself?

Adjustable in the options as far as I remember.

>It lists single player and multiplayer. To what extent is the single player like?, is the multiplayer enjoyable?

SP: You get campaigns and whatnot to fly in, they're Dynamic too as far as I remember.
MP: PvP and whatnot. PvE maybe, can't remember

>If there is a guide, or link that can answer all the questions above and/or more feel free to post it.

If you didn't read through it, the planefag pastebin has some great general info that might be worth reading.

>hurr guise the thread doesn't make me feel good, lets just trash it because im a total faggot
Who's got a gun forcing you to stay here?

Like I said, first time here. So if this is a meme, I don't know if its a tricked question.

Yeah, I should have been more specific with the game. I'm planning to get IL-2 BoS. Does the game play from 1946 to CloD to BoS differ a lot?, The first two are only 10 dollars each. I could get those to get a feel for the game and see how I'll like it before I move to purchasing BoS and playing the multiplayer there or on CloD first.

As far as the controls though, I feel the option to not go full control is great for me as a beginner. Thanks for the answers

I'll probably start looking around for a cheap head tracker then. I'll give a look at the stuff in the OP then, read up on some of the stuff. Thanks for answering the other stuff as well.

I think I'll probably get the first two(1946 and CloD), since it seems the head tracker is not needed and both games are fairly cheap. That way I can get used to it and decide if I want to get BoS later on or just stay with those two.

Again, thanks both of you for the answers and what not. Was really helpful.

>replying to 4 hours old drama
you're as shit as him

Fucking kill yourself

>Does the game play from 1946 to CloD to BoS differ a lot?
'46 has a "simple" complexity and there's a lot of content made by the users so you cant expect complete FMs. If I had to compare the complexity, DMs and FMs, it'd probably be similar to War Thunder. Its still good though and there's a mod that makes dynamic campaigns something like Blue Flag from DCS
CloD has clickable cockpits with full funcionality (opening the sidewindow to hear the enemy plane feels nice sometimes). The details go as far as you being able to pick individually (per gun) how you want your ammo belt. On the downside, the AI is dumb.
BoS is a bit less complex and the FMs feel more forgiving. As stated, no clickable cockpits. The AI in this game cant be controled and its "decent" if you play on Ace difficulty.

>I feel the option to not go full control is great for me as a beginner
Just disable the complex engine controls and you should be fine.

anyone using webm for retards getting bitrate=N/A when using HQ mode?

>Do I need a head tracker?
Yes, it's as much of a game changer as the difference of having a joystick. Use your phone, there is a guide on how to do it on the pastebin. If you like flight sims, consider buying one of those headtracking kits from the Hong Kong guy on ebay.

Now get out before you start getting cancer.

Why do military sims? Like the ones the miltary makes themselves have such low quality graphics, and rather odd half life 2 tier physics?
Is all they could do is hook up a Humvee and some rifles, and or a cockpit to a pile of computers and a roof full of projectors?

>Why do military sims?

I ask myself this question often. Why do they?

Yes, no but really.. I get the whole lowest bidder thing, but they couldn't shoot for Bohemia Interactive, or even rockstar, or hell even EA to do the world building, vehicle handling, and graphical design?

Instead it's almost like half life 1 and gta III in terms of being out dated.

They're probably bugtested out the ass.

Rockstar and EA create entertainment products, not simulation products.

but gta v in first person is a more realistic combat sim then the simulations I've done at the base, sure gta v doesn't have a giant car and guns that respond to what you are doing with them in front of any PC or ps4, but still the way I control the sim isn't the only part of it that immerses me into the simulation to simulate experiences, if it doesn't look, sound and act real in game too, then it just doesn't help as much.

What we have is almost close to movies like Gamer, a whole room that can interact with a computer sim.

fucking WHEN



>ywn pilot an F-5 irl
>ywn pilot a T-38 irl
kill me

11 o'clock today boys
Chilcot report

Time to re-visit Iraq



lada a shit




WAT pls

you don't mess with perfection.

You right?


ww2 sims SUCK AIDS

next friday news on the F18 fuck yeahhhh

>There isn't anything really to talk about
Because people here are shitters who don't even bother with learning the modules or just fly fc3 shit. More news at 11. You can't talk about anything but 'muh plon is better than your plon' here, because other stuff requires some actual dedication. That's exactly why no one talks about other sims besides airquake in this threads.

Join a VFW, and you'll see why nobody discusses shit.


Who cares senpai it's fun

>a centurion has a higher Vne than the malibu
what is this meme

is there a consensus on the best caucasus texture pack?

ask A-10 players, they're the ones who actually look at the ground

>bazinga xD

Starways 1.1 version, I M O.

Ask the rotary pilots as they are closest to the ground.

Dumb Babby Cliff poster.