wakka wakka addition
old threard
wakka wakka addition
old threard
xth for fertile sluts.
Xth for Katarina
best girl
xth for tell me a secret
>Sid Schaefer
I think trying to date girls online has driven me insane and paranoid.
>spend 9 mins finding a ranked game for placements
>pick rengar
>enemy jungle is Elise
>enemy Wu quit the game in the first second
>Elise invades and i kill her at red
>enemy team surrenders
How do you tell a smurf from a scripter? I consider myself to be a pretty good blitz, my ranked record is 24-8 with him.
There was a kog'maw in a normal I was playing who dodged every hook I through out with a single sidestep. It seemed so casual-like.
Can't tell if shenanigans or what.
However, why the fuck would someone bother scripting in normals?
they tend to jitter around when dodging skillshots
>30 minutes comes
>do no damage in a teamfight because no crit
>Sid Schaefer's life
a scripter dodges the skillshot the exact moment you push the button. but it is very easy to predict the direction a blitz is going to use his q.
stop thinking about this, such scripts are extremely rare. most scripts are for ward jump or certain combos.
>you have to be a smurf or a scripter to dodge a blitzcrank hook
What rank?
give me a (you).
I love you, user. Maybe one day you'll get good and we'll duo.
So is trinity force Darius viable or is it dog shit?
how do I gank/fight with Reksai
Ghost blade into TF into Sterak's is the way REAL MEN play Darius.
I think the biggest indicator is how good they are at non-script things. For example: I was playing Cass into Lux (this was ages ago when Cass wasn't shit). This Lux had OBSCENELY good aim, I have over 2,000 ARAMs and I've never seen anything like it, it was supernatural. However, what I discovered was that WHENEVER she landed a Q, she'd walk up and auto me once. At which point I would drop poison at her feet and begin the E-spam. Now, if this were a smurf he'd realize this tactic wasn't working and would try something else, like focusing on harass with E or not auto'ing me so obviously. Not this shitter. He wound up losing lane and feeding hard because he couldn't grasp the fact that I was intentionally taking Q's just so I could remove half his health whenever he tried to auto me.
I hope this makes sense, on one hand he had perfect aim, but in all other respects he was retarded.
Alternatively make a script joke in chat. Most normal people will make a joke back at you, scripters will FLIP THE FUCK OUT and type up an entire novel denying that they're scripting.
how long before she "accidentally" shows her panties?
I'm literally boosted. I don't have the time for league anymore atm but still wanted season rewards so I got a boost from one of my college buddies.
waiting for that accidental upskirt tbqh
Challenger should be top 100 and masters the next 200
I actually enjoy hard games. I don't know if this makes me a masochist but I'd rather struggle for a victory than have an easy game. Winning or losing doesn't matter, all that matters is how hard I had to push myself. Yes I've had people report me for intentionally choosing difficult matchups.
Why is challenger the highest rank and master second highest rank? That's backwards.
Best girl.
Best body.
Best wife.
>No PBE update for 2 days in a row
Go back to helping le reddit Armstrong
xth for tell me what the fuck was going on before season 3. hooooow and whyyyy could you get almost 30 armor pen from runes?
best male charecter
best chest
best adc
It ain't that easy fag.
I love Lissandra!
i have a friend who doesn't play league anymore because of the changes to match making with the whole solo / dynamic thing
is it fair to leave the game over something like this saying it is flawed and unfair to solo players?
seems like a silly thing to leave a video game over.
League isn't actually fun, the skinner box and grind is what keeps people playing so long. So when a change is made that makes the status connected to the only reason to grind meaningless there's no reason to keep playing.
? ranked got a lot worse with dynamic queue user
>All this post took me a while to write over several months, listing my thoughts.
[Please Laugh]
yea, that and queue times are horrible, I'm getting 20 minute queue on average if autofill dosen't fuck me over and give me a role I never play (300 lp master)
Last Veeky Forums sure was fun
yes, spread the gospel of multi-partner relations, my fellow hagfag
I too worship our waifu lissandra and her glorious raisin tits
you should know better
Is there a list that shows all of the champions in order of release date?
Go away faker
Take your shitfu, Ashe
and go somewhere else.
>20 minute queue on average if autofill dosen't fuck me over and give me a role I never play
you say this even though you are very familiar with how queues worked in previous seasons
>got stomped so bad you're not even gonna post results
top kek
yep, 3 min queue on average all times of the day and night anywhere in master tier.
the other half of that equation is getting fucked over on roles
I stopped playing because in overwatch if I have a bad game, it's over in 10 mins, in league, it lasts 20-45 minutes which sucks
league games are too long
start us all at level 3 at least rito
>playing vg's in the first place
vg vs vg results
that was so fucking weird. her two snaps right after of her crying and shit? lol what a weirdo
you're the fake lissfag around here
you're comparing yourself to me?
you're not even good enough to join the orgy me, lissandra, and the trolls are organizing this weekend.
Are you the guy in the pic?
yeah sorry about the DC but I wasn't down to play a game I wasn't having fun in plus it was way way too stressful.
The first vg I played in, I was against some season 5 diamond jhin. He literally greentexted the entire experience of him getting btfo both in game, and post game lobby.
How can you feel out of place even when wining. I sure as fuck did...
Elise is a garbage waifu
odds play ranked
evens don't
lissandra, or jizzandra as I like to call her, is my beautiful waifu forever and i'll share her with anyone. so should you.
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Why do femanons find Rengar attractive?
it bewilders me, is it his ripped form?
No I'm not Trump silly.
soft like cat
strong like man
fictional like twilight
No he's a cute kitty, not sexy. Just cat.
>double negative
It's yare you fucking baka gaijin
Best ship is when two horrible, fucked up people deserve each other and bring out the worst, most exciting traits in each other.
>tomoka being a spazz
kek what else is new
>fucked up
Vlad is to a degree but Vayne? You really need to stop.
wasn't vaynes family killed? or something, that's why she's an assassin something.
vayne has batman levels of social issues
Year Year Days
>Watched her family die a gruesome death
>became a semi-emotionless hate-filled vigilante as a result
>is pretty much hatred for the impure incarnate
>edgy as fuck
>violent as fuck
How many red flags do you need
>ban Thresh
>enemy Thresh main struggles to actually support and not just abuse an overloaded kit
Winning has never been this easy.
Yes she watched her family get murdered by some witch and she could do was watch while hiding away. Then she used all the money to train her to hunt people who practice black magic. Doesn't sound too fucked up (granted the event is).
>is pretty much hatred for the impure incarnate
If you do black magic then yes.
>edgy as fuck
>violent as fuck
>play ranked by myself
>odd man out of a 2-4 man group
>they only help each other and ignore me
>get camped because opposing laner is in a skype call with players on his team
this is a healthy, flawless system
thank you riot
Most Thresh players are shit, you're more likely to make them win a game by forcing their shit-ass onto something like a Soraka "backup" pick that they can't fuck up no matter how hard they try.
Well if being neglected can fuck someone up, I can only imagine what that would do to you.
yes because riot would know if you've got malware i mean skype installed. faggot
How do you fuck up as Thresh? He'd still be top tier even with his Q,E or R removed.
>family murdered = being neglected
>finally finish placements
>get silver 5
>first game I play I swap lanes in camp select
>get assblasted in mid
>lose game
>got one of my teammates demoted
Feels fuckin bad man
I need 2 more, lolg
Someone carry me
judge eachother
also i finally got rid of ekko so people maybe like me now
i'm saying it's worse. probably.
they find a way
>miss hooks
>miss flays
>don't auto
>don't lantern
>ult when people can just walk around it
derp, forgot picture
stop making threads early you dumb faggots
which league ladies would kill you?
(EUW server so would be bit higher on NA)
Also I don't really see a lot of Xeraths anymore. I never play mid but shouldn't Xerath be good vs champions like Azir that are very in the meta right now?
Xin & malph aren't very viable at the moment. Sion is if you play him well though. Only bad thing is that he has some absolute shit match ups like Graves.
tfw u win a game u shouldnt have
i need diamond again babes when are we playing :(
add me on my accounts ill start inviting you to the games too
do u have more than 1 account??
I thought you killed yourself