/mkg/ - Mobile Kanojo/Kareshi General

Mobile Kanojo/Kareshi General #247

"Myroid Highlight: HMX-13" edition

Last Thread: >Main games of discussion are Moe Can Change!, Dream Girlfriend/Nijikano, Fairy Doll and Gijin Kareshi/Animal Boyfriend but people are encouraged to introduce new games.
>Games of occasional discussion are Potion Maker, Mandrake Girls, Soul Girls, etc.
>To our newfriends: please remove any /mkg/ tags, and lurk more to ensure proper etiquette. We might be a dress-up game general, but her name is Serio.

>/mkg/ Tips, Etiquette and Linkdump (includes spreadsheet of names for MCC, DG, AB, GK and FD):

>English Wiki links:
MCC: myroid.wikia.com/wiki/Myroid_Wiki
DG: dream-girlfriend.wikia.com/wiki/Dream_Girlfriend_Wikia
FD: fairy-doll.wikia.com/wiki/Fairy_Doll_Wiki
AB: animal-boyfriend.wikia.com/wiki/Animal_Boyfriend_Wiki

>JP Wiki links:
MCC: www56.atwiki.jp/aimi-mcc/
DG: www8.atwiki.jp/nizikano-2d/
FD: www55.atwiki.jp/fairdol/
AB: www38.atwiki.jp/gijin-kareshi/

>Expression/hair viewer/background viewers:
MCC: dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/25352599/MCC Combined Viewer.html
DG: dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/25352599/DGCreator.html
FD: dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/25352599/fd expression viewer.html
AB: dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/mbajihnc2d2lhuq/gkab student expression viewer.html?dl=0

>Moe Can Change! Item Dump:

>Other Mobile Kanojos Games (Includes link to the apk downloader):

>tfw you rolled 5 times and got this 4 times
Suffering. Good thing I used mostly free G but still.

AMB seems really taken with this "back accessories as backgrounds" idea. One of the new back items in the next event is a window. Here it is with the sports ground bg.

I fucking love this idea. I often use the cafe back accessory because it works similarly.

Looks great. Imo AB has better items then MCC when it comes to versatility and such. I find it a lot easier to make an outfit in AB than MCC.


I want to make a crybaby cry as I fondle her tits.

>subtle clusterfucks

She's getting ready for a photoshoot.

Hey dude, I think your roid might be half-demon.
You should get that checked out.

What kind of favors did she have to do to get there?

Use your imagination.

It was a beautiful morning of July and Anego was watering his crops when an old man approached his fence "Som' goo' lookin' fruits you got there m8" said the old, fat man "T-thanks" replied the young farmer, "This are some big onions, if you get what I'm sayin', may I take some home?" said the old man while looking at Onion, this wasn't the first time this happened and she was well aware of what was going to happen next, doing her best to forget about her own pain and just do it for her master, she did her best to not cry, "Of course, if you can pay you can take the vegetables!" the happy farmer and the old man agreed on a price and everyone was happy ever after, but onion because vegetables don't have feelings.

Fuck my sides.

>mfw someone would buy Onion instead of Leek

>because vegetables don't have feelings

Oh right, I'm an idiot. 30201 is the Utaware gacha's first and only hair thing, 30211 is from the event, and 30221 is the new doc pack thing

Yuri confirmed.

Actually, everyone but Doc, the servers and Shara like girls.

>wrong image
Puush pls.

Also, looking at it now, I don't know where 30211 is from. Maybe Kanna or something. there's too many similar looking equips.




I warned you.

Don't count on ever getting what you want out of the wig gachas.

I- I had hope. I thought I might get lucky.


You never do.

>tfw you still lack yukata for summer festivals

Everyone wants to be That Guy who walks out with 10x earnings after he enters a casino. Their sincerity doesn't make them any more successful.

>That Guy

It's telling you the only way to escape this hell is to drink heavily

I haven't opened FD in 3-4 months, should I just delete it?


>My merits are... that I don't want to work...

Cool gets cheeky when she's lazy.

ded game

end their suffering first

For this event there's a limit to how many cheer passes we can use in the boost, right? How many passes is too many to keep stockpiling?

If you keep good time, you can use something like 12-20 passes an hour. Boosts usually last several days, so you can easily fit a few hundred or so. You'd have to remember to check nearly constantly to do that though.

There's no boost on per step things I assume.

Just realized I had 85 E drinks saved up somehow.

who's up I need to level up

What's the point of leveling up?

Atomize has 1 girl available.
Cathexis's girls might be available.

So I can get my 4th girl and never wake them again

Too many shitters here don't wake their girls in the morning. Or even in the afternoon.

And yet they still take the time to shitpost in the thread.

This, holy shit. Finding randoms to work with in the morning is such a pain too.

>total 1823Pts
>got this on 19th roll
NEET is love NEET is life

>wake me up inside

I've posted about wanting this before, and it's great they're finally doing it. Too bad I'm pretty much ded now.

You can be alive just for the event. It's not hard to rank in AB events.


Please recommended a lewd game for Android phone.

Soul Girls

What are the jobs for today?




I love myroid!

I want to XX a myroid!

>not XXXXing her

i want to xx a 1x year old xxxxtary school girl

How disgusting, preying on the mentally stunted.

>not wanting to xxx an x year old

In the butt?

>it's Tanabata
>no Kanna's Shop with festival backgrounds

Meanwhile, nips get this. First set is event tie-ups.

I want to hug a Cowna!

>>it's Tanabata
It's also Eid

Those Kannas are very cute, I need them!

Also this, Doc's Daily Gacha 4. For some reason they forgot to change it so the corresponding announcement says 3.

Damn, the recoloured scooter looks pretty nice, and the evening version of its background is good too.

Nothing particularly good.

Can I please get last bothers? It's Fantasista.

Thanks, Douglas.

No problem

How did this guy get the ranking background before it was released?

Check the cheer up rewards.

Why do so many people in this general not actually look around events and just assume they know everything?

Filthy casuals.

Is /mkg/ a tight knit community?

needs more incest

of course.

>he doesn't already fuck his mkg siblings
get a load of this loser

tighter than Bendy's butthole

I don't feel like working if there aren't 4 hours works available.

You say that like you're the one doing all the work. I'm sure your myroids won't mind it.

ultra ded

Checking on them every one and half hours is a pain in my ass, I'll just give them a free day.

so the double candies will affect EP from cheers or no?

It's written in the help.

Is that a no?

It's a yes.

Which myroid is the most molestable and why is it Kino?

San-hei and Onion are more molestable.

Someone start bating please.

Oh no, if I don't stop recommending this person they'll report me! doushio....

Sure, what are your next girls going to be like, Steven and Titikay?

How horrible! If only there was a way to block recs.

rec em again

Pls rec them again and post results.

I neglected to clear recs for a few hours, and this is what I ended up with. It's almost beautiful, in a retarded way.

This was actually their reply to my informing them of the rec block settings. The first person this happened with was far more grateful.

I actually wonder if AMB might consider it a form of harassment or not.

Report them for threatening you. Giving recs is part of the game so they can either block them or live with it.