>Character Planner
>Character Planner
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First for put the draw section back in the OP you mongs
nth for don't shit on gank squads, if they have fun playing that way, let them play that way. Don't invade if you don't have fun.
shh, mods are asleep. Post ds1 fashion
If I held two morion blades and had RTSR active on a 40/40 quality builds, what would throwable weapon damage be like? I think it would be fun and to lpay, if not easily hard-countered by shields (but even then, you have 60% extra damage on a straightsword with decent AR). Holding max kukri, thowing knives, and poison throwing knives (as well as maybe some firebombs, black and normal), I'd say you'd have enough options to mix things up (though whether or not you would be able to actually kill someone off of throwable damage alone would be debatable). What do you guys think? Would this be at all effective?
I agree
I'll add this to the next thread:
>Community & Fanart
>decide to make a 60 dex build
>literally 2 weapons benefit from it, the rest are better off refined
nice balanced game you got there, hackazaki
I just BC out when I see four dudes chilling in a circle with their hands on their dark dicks. If I keep getting nothing but the same gank squads I take a break for a few hours.
post your souls fan art
low level pvp is the best.
what 2 weps
>a build focused on 2 offensive stats is stronger that a build with 1 offensive stat
You don't say!
Chaos Blade and Dagger.
Priscilla is a deluded crossbreed bastard who gives me nothing but a shitty daggar.
Pumparum is a cutie who gives me cool shit.
>27/60 loses to 40/40 every single time
>what are soft caps
>str is good up to 60, 66 for overkill max twohanded
>dex is only good up to 40, every point in it after that you might as well level vit
>try a 66 strength build
>strength weapons now deal the damage the ought to
>realize that this is the DaS3 equivalent to 40 strength in either previous game, and arbitrarily forces me to invest 26 more levels to achieve it.
From just hates anything that isn't quality, really.
how rare is the Black Knight Greatsword?
>magefags pretending their 60-point softcap doesn't apply to melee
What's the most annoying build you've ever fought against /dsg/?
Favorite DaS fight, go
Bloodring full Thorns Armor.
So. Much. Rolling
/dsg/ What's your favourite build to use in pvp? Das3 preferred though any game is welcome.
[build] + bloodring
Demon's - False King
Dark Souls - Artorias/Kalameet/Sif
Dark Souls 2 - Raime
Dark Souls 3 - The Champ
Anything with bloodring really. I'm never ready for it and fuck up my rollcatches, taking that delicious 500 damage L1 from go tards.
Dual Ultra Greatswords in DaS3. Yes its absolutely awful, yes its a terrible waste of stats, yes you will be parried. But in this shit meta-driven game, I enjoy running around with them.
DeS - Old Hero
DaS - Gwyn
DaSII - Sinh
DaSIII - Oceiros
parrying gundyr felt so good
Soul of Cinder
is das3 too linear?
Not anymore.
DeS: False King
DaS: O&S
DaS2: Pursuer
DaS3: Soul of Cinder
i loved it
maybe it was just because he was the last boss in the game, but i was beyond ecstatic when i killed him
>get to post pontiff
>pvp is a fucking janky joke
>push through learning curve
>git gud
>branch out in weapon choices
>get comfortable with the 15-20 I rotate, and can fight them better because of it
>git gudder
>learn parry timings to the point where they're reflex
>pvp becomes trivial
>maybe 1/10 players actually gives me a challenge
im leveling a pyro, mage, and bolt chucker to mix things up but I'm worried that eventually the same shit will happen these builds as well and they'll be a ton less versatile than my main
Anybody else hit this wall? If so is the only solution retarded gimmick builds at that point?
did something change?
We have the dancer skip and the doll skip now
What mongoloids voted in this fashion?
rofl fuck off that doesnt change shit
Sadly, yes.
I was really getting bored of duels so I decided to do some gimmick shit, and I'm having surprisingly high win rates with a bow build right now actually.
and why not?
>maybe 1/10 players actually gives me a challenge
Bruh it's like this from the get-go of every souls game. The vast majority of players are very bad.
Here, I fixed it.
Old Hero
Sanctuary Guardian
Sinh the Slumbering Dragon
Soul of Cinder
How does anyone actually have fun in PVP?
Dueling is a bore and invasions are fucked.
>dancer skip
Wasn't that patched out?
Iudex Gundyr becomes a straight 1 when you learn that constantly staying behind him trivializes his second phase.
If you're talking about the sword master glitch, yes.
But there's a new glitch that uses Tears of Denial to put you at the first bonfire in Lothric Castle that I don't think has been patched out.
I think I'm at the gudder stage. I'm starting to learn how to parry r1 spammers but sometimes it doesn't work. At least I have something to work for.
What's wrong with gimmick builds? I for one had a great time PvPing as R. L. Stein in DaS1
>immunity animals do not work
too bad immunity cat already made it ineffective
Wow, interesting.
Maybe PvP isn't for you?
>people struggled on Oceiros
>actually farming for it
you poor soul
Finally got 30 swordgrass, now time to become a cop. :(
What is the doll skip?
Those were all from invasions?
Demon's - Penetrator
Dark Souls - Ornstein and Smough
Dark Souls 2 - Sir Alonne
Dark Souls 3 - Twin Princes
Bloodborne - Gehrman, The First Hunter
glitching doesnt make the game better. it may solve some issues, butnwithout glitches there is 1 branch outside the dev intended route and that is very difficult on ng.
>Grass Crest shield is one of like two shields with a unique effect in 3
>out of dozens of mostly useless shields because there's 1-2 best shields in every class with the rest being filler
I miss all the unique shields from 2.
>beat Lothric and Lorian
>notice that their death animation has Lothric use his last bit of strength to reach over and clasp his brother's hand
>Sanctuary Guardian
why? I thought that boss sucked
I got onto the souls train late. Got invaded maybe twice in my das run. Dick around pvp with friends in 2. Das3 is the only one I've really heavily pvpd in
That's another thing on my to do list but outside of faith in das2 I've never really bothered with magic so I thought I'd focus on that first
Nothing at all. I'm just slowly dreading replaying the story to level another character because unlike my + cycles that take 0 time and effort it will be a hastle.
I have a weird hang up where if I'm making a character I stick with it. Period. i want to enjoy the new playstyle of a different build, but this can create problem areas in the game for obvious reasons
Wrong general.
Well thats cool as shit.
Could he walk to the Dragon area from there?
Also, patched out or not?
Why are NG+ bosses so weak?
They do so little damage I can literally hyperarmor trade them to death. NG+ Nameless King was a joke.
Right general
been trying to get a BKGS for 2 hours and nothing. wat do? used over 25 rusted coins + using avarice
I don't remember any other than the 3 stam shields.
You also forgot about Greatshield of Glory in this game, stam regen penalty for higher than normal stability, Archdragon Greatshield has passive HP regen (like Abjudicator's), Yhorm has poise (lol), Shield of Want has a souls gain boost, Wolf Knight Greatshield has resistance boosts and Bonewheel, Havel and Dragonslayer's have special WAs.
So what's the difference between blue sentinels and darkmoon? do they both reward concord? and do they both get auto summoned to people with way of blue on?
And do I need to sit in a zone I want to assist people in? or again does it just auto summon me when someone around my level needs help?
Chaos uchi worth until I find something better, or would it be a waste of a gem?
yes sir
keep farming fuck boy
The difference is hardly there, it's almost the same HP. Not only that but you're already your endgame self, so it's basically starting NG over with a finished character.
I'm incredibly burnt out on my current build. I know that there's only 2 worthwhile builds in the entire game, so asking for something fun isn't going to warrant any significant results, but at the very least could someone suggest a fun/unique weapon or weapon combo? At the very very least someone just give me an overpowered build that I can stomp people with.
can i tank hits with a greatshield like in das1 or is that gone?
Woah, epic...
what are the 2?
I'm not because it's clear you don't want to play the game.
Just leave and go away.
there used to be good block frames on running R1s with the greatshield and with estoc pokes, but they changed it so you take tons of stamina damage and partial damage when you do those now
you bet your bottom dollar you can
Is Wolnir's Holy Sword any better?
>doesn't let you choose the BB sound effect
fucking gay