Blade and Soul General /bnsg/


>/bnsg/ servers
Mushin/Poharan is for NA
Jiwan is for NA RP
Windrest is for EU
Ebon Hall is for EU RP

>/bnsg/ Clans Info

>BnS Resources

>Soul Shield and Gear Cheat Sheet

>Automated Equipment Suggestions


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Do one for NA

Crimson #1

Max Jin is quite something

Who are these two Handmaidens?

my sleepy friend :)

Minor characters you will never see again. Best bet is Courtesans of the blackram, and one of the few actual yun npcs you meet before zaiwei.

Asura 4 or 6 - up to you
NA# 1762414

Upgrade day...
so much gold...

so when im facing destroyers (as an fm) the only time i should ever tab is when they use fury right?


yeah i know shit sucks

Just filled, sorry.
I'll make another lobby after if you're still around.

you haven't seen anything yet

its only just begun

you could have prevented this

super cool!

Tab when they knock you down. Use the knockback version. Otherwise they're gonna anicancel you to death in 4 seconds.

Been playing since CBT3. This shit is getting absurdly fucking ridiculous.

That's a lot of bots

Xth for Mamuo a CUTE!

best way to get more critical damage and AP? I want to become a high AP waifu some day too.

I can't buy the hongmoon energy thing yet. I'm not even close.

What do bots do these days? I don't speedhackers in SSP anymore.


The full crit damage breeze bracelet. I think there's higher tier versions with python and asura bracelets if you can get them.

damn, you look way better
crushing head with thighs when

Love you too

asura bracelet for crit damage is the best so far. work up crit rate first before the asura bracelet

post a character you've fapped the most to

so there is no point in hongdong bracelet?


It's good when you don't have diddly for crit or need to get into a pug lobby that only cares about your AP.


it's better for sins than asura

moonwater tears dummy

stick with dongmoon bracelet if your crit rate is shit, then go for asura



people will just post their own characters, see


She plays on Jiwan.

L... Link the whole thing?


Blackram #1

use tab when they are in range. use dazing tab, then tech chase with dragonchar. if they have used tab and blue fury you win.

I'm warlock senpai
whats a good critrate?

Who cares. Some of these characters are fantastic fap material.
What I would give to fuck some of these girls.


and also be careful for their own dazing tab, because they can tech chase you too if you are not careful. e or q after using tab if they havent used their own yet. if they just use blue fury you have a bit more time. better freeze then.

fuck off fran

At sucking dick

>8 miniboss boxes
>3 executioner boxes
>no map piece 2

>fapping to someone's character

No one actually does this, right?


I'm fapping to you right now.

warlocks want upgrade brace

Bite me.

Why don't you bite me instead?

You'd be surprised.

I've masturbated to you on more than one occasion.

fix that nose and you would be perfect

You do it so well.

patrice looking kawaii as fuck as always

Plenty of people do.
If they didn't, developers wouldnt make sexy lingerie for these female characters all the time.
It's naive and stupid to think some people aren't getting a hard on for these characters, and fapping to them.

what do you mean by blue fury? im watching for the buff on them that just says "fury", is that blue fury youre referring to?


Asura 6
Good Soulshields never Edition
NA# 1769357

If you still want to run, come here

The cutest little rat I ever did saw!



If you didn't want people to fap to your character then you shouldn't have taken all those slutty pictures in the first place.


fuck off prudence

Fuck me Prudence.

considering playing the game again if it means getting a best friend.

pls apply


I tried doing that. It didnt work for me. Hopefully you have better luck, user!

What's the beastbog treasure room even good for since Naryu tablets are everywhere?

thanks mate


the outfit i guess
it's ugly as fuck but it counts for an achievement

no friends in this dump

These days, just some cheevos, the outfit, and the cheevo for having the outfit

pretty sure they are bringing it back to the cash shop soon

Come get carried by high AP KFM's


not what i was expecting but i can fap to this still

NA Asura 4 #1771316

I told you I'd trade you mine for a black padded coat.

I don't know who you are, but i can try to be your friend

its donnie

Hi donnie. Come to Yiwan.

Or Mushin.


pvp in this game can break down to

>don't attack people unless you're behind them or they're stunned because almost every class has some native resist/immunity/avoidance so even if they're the worst player in the world theyll still avoid damage by doing absolutely nothing on their own

I don't know who donnie is.

Donnie is Courante.... the founder of No Sekuhara, the strongest /bnsg/ clan.

are u new/???

so who likes fem gons?

jin are better

Fucking predators! Go find some xenomorphs to hunt.

You actually look great now. Good job on fixing your sliders.

She looks real hot, user.