I think that PSX/N64 is the next step, probably some 3D low poly platformer?
Caleb Long
I know it's garbage, but I could make a game with Blox
Am I better off using such shit to make a game or trying and failing to do something better?
Benjamin Richardson
Remember to report such posts.
Asher Walker
Those gooks sure do like killing themselves.
Andrew Howard
What's the best tracker for making 8bit music?
Xavier Wright
no sleep no fap till dd9 lets go
Benjamin Evans
what the fuck happened there
Matthew Cook
What are some good genre fusions that haven't been done yet that can prove to be good innovations?
Ryder Myers
rhythm game and shmup
Jayden Brooks
What I could use then? "games" ?
Bentley Green
>Demo day 9 is the 8 of july, not the 9 Shit I thought I had more time
Liam Clark
How would I make a game about a group of friends growing up and showing them drifting apart and betraying eachother?
Luke Sullivan
Make Brütal Legend, but actually good without removing the RTS parts.
Change Heavy Metal for something normals listen to, like Hip-Hop or any kind of Generic Techno shit.
Gabriel Bennett
Dad told the kid to either give up playing games or to shoot him. Rather than do either he opted to shoot himself and ended up dying the hospital later.
I'm not totally sure what the deal is with the rolling around on the floor thing though.
Aaron Parker
Productions. Enterprises (what I use lel) Co. You could use something like "and Sons" which some family businesses use.
William Barnes
We're fucked family
Logan Reed
>and sons >for a game company
I seriously hope nobody ever listens to anything you have to say
Carter Sullivan
I guess it was just handling shock badly but holy fuck.
Austin Parker
Supposedly the Dad smacked him because he thought he actually fired the gun at him.
Then he realized his son shot himself and he broke down.
Austin White
>Don't Talk To Me and Sons Ltd.
Alexander Thomas
Introduce an element that creates conflict. Be creative about it.
To betray each other means they are close to each other without actually being "friends".
Hudson Cook
Anyone have an example of hands done at 32x64 that don't suck complete donkey dick?
Carson Edwards
Hopoo and Wife's Sons
Brandon Rodriguez
>not calling your dev company Dev. & Dev. Jr.'s Interactive Electronic Media Co.
Dylan Gray
When working in low res you have to imply detail a lot, you can't draw every finger.
Julian Torres
That would be amazing.
Mason Turner
Zachary Butler
I did this yesterday, I thought the hands looked pretty good.
Nolan Gray
Im a retard. Heres one that you can actually see.
Jackson Parker
>Why isn't he paying attention to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Women.
Kevin Murphy
are you ready for dd9
here's some baseball
Robert Ortiz
> yes im a virgin, why do you ask?
Wyatt Scott
Well I feel bad as fuck for laughing at it now. Kid was stupid as fuck anyway.
Enterprises or Co. sound more like an actual company than Studios or Software to me.
Carson Gutierrez
>A Hat in Time
Luke Gray
how do i make my assets not just a folder with abunch of jpgs wont everyone in demoday download my game just to steal my assets and use them against me so they can thin the competition
Jaxon Powell
Those are not N64 or PS1 style graphics, not by a long shot.
The geometry is too good. N64 and PS1 had absolutely shit processing power by modern standards. So they had to get really creative.
A hat in time is basically like Windwaker HD.
Nathan Gray
>Being straight
Lucas Brooks
except windwaker hd made no changes to polygon count. so a hat in time is at most gamecube era
Leo Young
>demoday >competition Most engines allow you to have your assets inside the executable. If yours doesn't have that option google about encrypting files.
The jump from PS1/N64 to PS2/GC was fucking massive. Probably the single biggest leap in the history of 3D games.
Robert Martin
thanks comrade
Joshua Martin
kek you don goof virgin
Austin Ortiz
Aiden Sanders
For start I just give stupid extension names to my files like .texture for images and .map for TXT files which store map data. Windows explorer won't know what it is, while the engine can still read it because it does not care about stupid Windows shit and can make a difference (for example) between an actual PNG and a TXT file which was renamed to PNG.
As for I final step, I want to put everything into an archive, like a .ZIP, but I'll rename it again to some stupid thing like .DATA, and let the game decompress and load the data from there.
Henry Peterson
pick potato planet
Connor Butler
its ok my friend, CHAINSKULLZ is a one week thing, you can surely make it if you try!!
Anthony Carter
what can i make out of this from here till demo day
Asher Ortiz
More tetris progress
- color by bitmask - shapes - tetrimino pointers > rotation
Ethan Watson
I'm not a space enthusiast, what is Io?
Bentley Ward
How's my OC donut steel's jump sprite?
Jaxson Cox
>Someone actually wants to remake Solstice.
Levi Wright
Thanks man, I'll keep working, I'll be waiting for your demo too.
Kevin Richardson
Is that a pogo stick?
Its hard to tell. Working with small pixel counts means you need to make things really clear.
Jonathan Price
block pushing puzzle
James Lopez
Add some art, and can you make some kind of labyrinth with that? That's really cute user.
Easton Turner
David White
>shovel ak nice
If someone actually wanted your sprites, that would stop them for like 5 seconds if you're lucky. That's just pointless.
James Russell
It looks like to me she's crouching on the pogo stick.
Ryan Rivera
Music/sound user
Gimme somethin to do /agdg/
Lucas Kelly
big shoes does she have big boobs
Carson Carter
its difficult to read anything below her head
Parker Watson
Yeah, it is. I need to better illustrate it.
Adam Cooper
Io is a moon of Jupiter; the closest moon, and the only one that isn't largely ice/water. Its proximity to Jupiter is responsible for that, as well as it's extreme volcanic activity and electromagnetic interaction (it's responsible for basically doubling the size of Jupiter's magnetosphere, and their interaction generates a several hundred kilovolt potential across its poles).
The game concept only involves robots, by the way. As far as the environement goes, the pros if IO would be things like volcanoes, geothermal energy and a few other interesting things, whereas Mars has some of the more interesting topography, like the Valles Marineris canyons.
Cameron Torres
>Worried about people stealing your assets >Your assets are just traced RUST AK and RUST bolt action Buddy your priorities are a little misplaced there
Luke Kelly
I think it's one of Jupiters moons.
Basically iirc people theorize it can be a potential colony location.
So you'd essentially go
>Earth > Mars > Io (Jupiter)
Brody Sullivan
Needs a spring. A cartoony spring.
It's kind of like how in classic animation to show a phone you usually show a rotary phone even though they're completely obsolete, although now they're probably just drawing smart phones
Jordan Walker
the most successful gamedev is the person who can steal the most
Ethan Brown
This doesn't really look like progress, but it is! I modified my dialog system a little so now instead of having 1 line for in-progress quest and 1 line for quest-complete, I can have 2 lines for every quest task within a quest. Which basically means if you have to talk to an NPC 3 times in a quest, I can actually have different dialog all 3 times - and they can have different dialog whether that step of the quest is completed or not (rather than only checking the entire quest). It's still kinda hacky but I think it's enough to finalize for the demo version.
In related news, I fixed a bug where the text turned back to white instead of staying blue when clicking on a topic (you had to move the mouse over something else, then back to it for it to go blue again). It was super annoying.
Zachary Thompson
>iirc people theorize it can be a potential colony location. Not really. IO is literally the driest place in the solar system, and the most geologically active. Maybe not a bad place to send robots, but not a good place for humans at all.
If you wanted improvised weapon designs why not just take the ones I did that didn't get used.
Or like, ask.
Adam James
Well, Blizzard uses this mpq format for storing data, yet there's software which can just open it for you, however I see no one making games with their assets but it's still a good layer of protection for the game's resources, so the average user won't fuck it up. I know we are talking about an indie/amateur scene where we haven't got the resources to sue each other, yet I can hardly imagine any of us would just steal assets like that and use them in their commercial product. A game's look has to be very consistent, and it's just unimaginable for me how can one just copy paste one of my trees to his game. We are not talking about RPG Maker games here.
Joshua Brown
i would not put my hand near that jagged metal handgrip jesus that's how you get tetanus
Aaron Roberts
wear a glove you gigantic fairy
Hunter Jenkins
Doesn't that take the fun out of making your game? How can you love something that you didn't make with your own hard work?
Owen Harris
I am trying to decide how I show how many jumps and dashes the player has.
Here is an example of it set up like a health bar.
Which is better? Bars on top, right, or not at all.
Austin Murphy
icons, not bars
Grayson Hughes
Weren't you using the heart for that? Was that not readable enough?
Nicholas Diaz
How To Ruin A Pair Of Nice Gloves: The Idiot's Guide
Cooper Russell
>badly designed, ineffective shape >w-well it's made by a primitive group i hate this meme even retards in fuckholeistan know what feels good to hold and what's not good for ergonomics if you can't use a weapon well because the retard who made it can't even make grips that are meant for the human hand why would you ever buy that weapon from them find someone else who knows what hands work like
Leo Torres
Luis Davis
Im gonna second this.
That thing looks like a razor blade.
Any idiot worth his salt would just add some shitty handle made of wood (even if its just a rounded 2x4) or at least use some kind of cordage to wrap the metal so it's comfortable to hold.
Thats one of the fundamental aspects of tools, the handle.
Wyatt Jenkins
I used to use the heart but I had a lot of people say it was hard to keep track of while moving, so I switch it to this little circle you see on the player in this webm.
I honestly think the bars would look better if I just didn't leave them as rectangles, but I do think icons would look better than that no matter what.
Jaxson Ramirez
Light shader option #2 is coming along nicely, currently it's only working suboptimally on the tops, once I get it to stop rejiggering like it is and flashing away and stuff I'll work on the bottom, and then after that corner sensitivity so it casts the lines out at the right corners. Basically if you can't tell it's making an outline of what the light would traditionally look like if it were the original light but it's just the outline. I'm gonna make different textures for this shader option to compliment the effect, I think it'd look really cool. Also some inspirational words from someone in development hell for close to a year now this August.
Bentley Reyes
I know it's not the final design, but a huge bar like that just breaks the atmosphere of your game. I don't know how many damage you'll take, but simply putting Zelda like hearths to one of the corners would be just enough and it would be in tone with the character.
Kayden Bell
She's only 6 user. To the user that made pic related, God bless you
Nicholas Ortiz
Even ignoring the grip, the weapon itself is putting way too much effort into making something unwieldy. Boxy weapons are not common in real life - the cheapest type of firearm design in modernity is a tube-based machine gun ala the sten gun of WW2. Almost all improvised weapons are based on this concept rather than the massive milled receiver seen in that image because milling out an effective receiver is a ton of work and, if you're an asshole in the post-apocalypse, you can probably find a pipe quicker than you can find a block of steel to work with.
Tyler Hernandez
Maybe you should do like a 1/3rd of a circle directly under the character, then break that 1/3 into 3 for each dash?
I don't like the bars, too intrusive. I think a smaller but still noticable indicator is good.
You also just dont need one for the most part. You can let your player count for themselves. Games like Rogue Legacy have multiple jump/dashes with no indicator.
Dominic Kelly
You actually don't take damage. Right now it is one hit and you are dead.
The bars keep track of jumps and dashes, which you only have 3 of each.
I think I am just going to go back to what I had with the faded circle around the player.
Or maybe just have nothing and leave it up to the player to keep track.
Xavier Brown
That is true, I guess I will just have to find a way to convey that to the player easier.
Evan Wright
As an example, here's an actual handmade firearm found in Israel. Note - made from pipe, very simple construction, does not require 800 billion ropes and weird details to hold together.
Adam Murphy
Every time some retard mentions gun control all I can think of is how any dumbass with enough spare time and some basic tools can make a sten gun.
Jose Reed
>leave it up to the player to keep track Or that, yes. I mean, if we can remember that we can jump twice in some games, we can also remember that we can jump three times in others.
Carson Wright
you guys sure are angry about an unused gun design
Mason Wilson
>hey fellas check this out just a cool gun for a video game >/k/ walks in