Native Americans even amount to anything?

Native Americans even amount to anything?

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Completing the Anthropocene hundreds of years early, possibly.

They really just got fucked over by the weather and other stuff a lot.

Constantly warring with other tribes, a little rape and pillage here, a little ransom there. The White man showed them total warfare.

The geography of the Americas doesn't particularly favor communication between the various civilizations. An Aztec would have to cross a ridiculous amount of natural barriers to get to the Incas or Cahokia. They also had no real beasts of burden like in Eurasia, so they were never able to farm efficiently or invent the wheel.

Native Americans were cucked hard by Mother Nature.

Mesoamerican civilizations were pretty cool.

>he capitalized white


They were cannibals

inb4 revisionists defend cannibalism

Alcoholism and loan sharking

> (OP)
>They were cannibals
Boy, this doesn't sound like an agenda at all. I'm sure we can trust everything said here without scrutiny whatsoever.

All of those are citations from different authors from various time periods

Valley of Mexico and the Andes had some neat stuff going on

explain what makes cannibalism worse than other corpse disposal methods

Don't see how eating your captured enemy soldiers is worse than just executing them.

Tenochtitlan and Aztec Mexican buildings would've been cool as fuck if the Spaniards didn't burn everything.

Why do they all look like Africans.

Was this picture made by an Afro-revisionist?

I think Native Central Americans just looks like that.

desu Tenochtitlan would be probably spared if the Aztecs never rebelled against Montezuma.

so what you're saying is that we were not, in fact, mesoamericans and shit

It's by Diego Rivera, one of the most celebrated Mexican muralists. It's a detail of a larger mural, the pictured figures are darker because they're in the background.

he's very good, wish I could finder higher res versions of his stuff


Most likely not

For more fun, read the comments.

Unrelated question, how does Mexicans generally defend priding themselves as the heirs of the old Indigenous people while oppressing the shit out of the indigenous people that still exist?

>welfare is oppression

How far can these revisionists stretch reality

don't know, you'd have to ask them.

I'd assume they could justify it by claiming most of them are of majority European ancestry, which is largely true.

>by claiming most of them are of majority European ancestry, which is largely true

Did a mexican tell you that?
This is kind of cool.

They consider themselves Mestizos mostly. Pure indian are considered dumb or at least very provincian and uncultured. Pure Criollos are considered fresas or snobs. The darker/prieto you are the worse you are considered at first glance,unless you have power or money, than is what really counts in Latin american countries.

we are an angry and cruel people

because your'e in your heart just as savage beast than they were

Compared to Euros no, they were doomed to remain early iron age nomads till the sun exploded.

>but muh Aztec and Inca

but they weren't early iron age. they were barely early chalcolithic.

But muh Missipie culture.

Not an argument

Did the NA try to domesticate their bisons? It certainly would've helped them a lot if they did.

>le spook xDDDDD
>fuck off grandpa so what if I sold your meds for drug money obligation to family is just a spook

The progress of technology does not work like it does in video games.

>It certainly would've helped them a lot if they did.

Would it? Natural populations were super abundant and easy to hunt.

not a single tribe on the continent had discovered iron and even primitive copper tools were limited to couple peoples from south- and mesoamerica and that has nothing to do with video games.

the Mexica had discovered copper smelting just 700 years before the Spanish arrived. It took thousands of years for people in the Old World to make the leap from what were essentially pottery kilns for copper to bloomeries capable of smelting iron. It'd be pretty phenomenal for a civilization that had been around for about as long as Uruk period Sumer to suddenly develop iron working in such a short span of time.

Holy shit, your post is a mess.

there were 30-60 million bison living in North America circa 1500. There were bewteen 7 and 18 million humans in North America at the same time.

There was no need to domesticate them, they had more meat than they knew what to do with. They would run them off of cliffs by the hundreds and only take their pelts and best cuts of meat because there were so many. Similarly in California the majority of Indians never needed to develop agriculture or pottery because there was just so much food all year-round that growing it and storing it for later was unnecessary.

Well, aztecas did the same thing to other indigenous people so ... why not continue the tradition?

Go home, Caesar.