Sg > Ak edition
/csgog/ - Counter Strike: Global Offensive General
Shit thread, retard. Delete this.
*sees OP*
*kisses fingers*
this is one spicy meme-a-ball! mm!
our guys soon
c-can I kiss your fingers?
why does it seem like the matchmaking queue just breaks sometimes? occasionally it'll go for like 5+ minutes and search forever but if I just leave the queue and requeue it pops in a minute
But spiidi and chris have been playing pretty decently lately. If Niko just pulled his own weight i think mouz could be fucking great.
wtf is this op?
>kioshima was the problem
why the fuck didnt i bett on mouz.....
>mfw all eliminated teams are NA CoD orgs
>actually poisoned dupreeh
fucking christ
based /csgog/
Red Guy is on the sauce again lmfao
rip my pick'em
only got dignitas right so far today
Post game questionnaire time:
How often (if ever) do you upgrade your pistol when using a rifle (snipers not included)? How often do you see teammates doing so?
stop posting ITT
this can't be the thread
there's got to be an envy lineup change, surely?
how much longer will this be allowed to continue?
I won't kill myself, yet
>Oh no what would I possibly donwithout my precious links (which no one EVER clicks anyway)
hmmm :/
loool my g I got a cobble one
kick devil out
who can they pickup?
ex6? lol
another rookie from LDLC blue/white?
u have to be connected to the game through steam?
I'm just watching this major on TV
Fuck off retard.
>cobblestone again
they are literally all choosing cobble to devalue souveneirs, all the teams are in on it
fuck off retard
Both france and NA might not make it out of groups
there are a bunch of frenchies around, but jeez i think the whole lineup needs to split and go different directions
I think they should kick happy too
stay here smartie
>NA CS trying to diss EU
Twitch works too
machine seems like he's the type of person to confess his undying love for every girl he is acquaintances with and is rebuked without fail and he still takes it and "tries to stay friends"
nice! I hope I get one on this match
I have two twitch tabs with 2 different accounts and a third account in-game so I have more chances of getting a drop
whats the procedure? not sure if my twitch is in any way linked to my steam though
machine is the type of nigga to confess his undying love for every girl he is acquaintances with and is rebuked without fail and he still takes it and "tries to stay friends"
>I have two twitch tabs with 2 different accounts and a third account in-game so I have more chances of getting a drop
ppl who do this have less chance at drops because god hates jews and you
got it, thanks guys
Gonna have you figure this puzzle out yourself senpai.
Fuck off, retard.
Machine is the kind of chap who had a big house and always organised sixth form parties and everyone would go there to get drunk and smoke ganja and have sex but he would never get any action himself
anime are cancer
pansy cucked him
just did, thanks
kek, I'm like the opposite. The only picks I didn't get right were the easy choices.
only smug moeime
I'll give you a (You) because I agree.
CSGO is an anime-friendly game.
fuck you kio you weren't the problem but you were a problem you french fuck
fucker started cheating again on faze
*fires gun*
kioshima sounds like he is mentally retarded
*throws flashbang*
>tfw you thought all the animebabbies would leave for OW but they are still here
tbqh kio style fits faze better they need new awper tho
this bo1 system is so retarded for esport. fucking (((they))) just want more shekkels.
only thing worse than anime are the people who bitch about it
you aren't even replying to anyone. starting shit for no reason
eat your own shit
can someone remove this little jason manlet?
janko and thorin are all we need
is there are more unflattering pic of dupreeh around?
"Get in Position"
european names are the most retarded thing i've ever seen
>thonging doesn't wear tie
he think he badboy
y teams no play nhuke
>wasnt interested in this game
>remember the SK are favelas now
>get comfy
"I must say no"
Kill me now senpai
dignitas sabotaging lmao
uuuuuuuh :/
good one brah, good one
Is there a worse caster combo than pansy and blu?
If you get a big lead it's hard for the other team to catch up on those maps. They're safe bets for bo1.
Cobble and Pansy
Just end it please
i like pansy but blu is a chubby numale cuck.
anders and semmler
need black ddk and pansy smfh
>If you get a big lead it's hard for the other team to catch up on those maps
Can't you say this about any map?
cute girl at the library saw the anime you fuckers
memeders and memeler
Why is Spunj not streaming the game?
you could but you'd be wrong
She saw you not the anime.
Is FaZe even trying?
1am his time, he can't just sit in a netcafe the whole night
nice hacks fer
I wonder if you can smell the semen on her
As a Norwegian girl this match gets me so wet. Seeing brazilians dominate these cucklets is so hot
how the fuck did the hues get this good?
serious response please because i know for a fact they dont hack
i remember them losing to shitty tier 3 NA teams like no tomorrow 2 years ago
FalleN is 100% wallhacking