Name someone alive who made a bigger impact to the world than Elon Musk
You literally can't
Name someone alive who made a bigger impact to the world than Elon Musk
you're turn , science.
Jesus is not alive
not sure what you trying to say with the second part of your post
Justin Beiber
Came here to post this
agree with this, but in the last 100 years? Fucking Tesla Numbnuts ()
this is a christian imageboard
>George dubya
>bill gates
>Nigel farage
>Augustus (he is eternal)
>Nigel farage
Charles K Kao
Father of fiber optic
Provider of high speed internet porn
Musk is an idiot with grandiose ideas at best and a snek oil charlatan at worst.
Bigger impact? Barack Obama
Biggest positive impact? Bill Gates (arguably)
Damon Wayans
Thinking about it, Page and Brin
>Google is the leading factor in turning the internet age into the information age
>leading company involved in artificial intelligence
>google fucking maps
>created an entire industry/medium in YouTube. They didn't invent it but google Adsense allowed it to become a job for people.
>practically the only name in quantum computing.
Christ if I didn't despise google's power so much I'd probably blow them
Yeh, the leading man behind Brexit, could turn out to be a massive global shift. Politics trumps business now and then
Came here to post this
Vladimir Putin or maybe George Bush.
Hey you never said positive impact.
what has he done really? meme city? debtsla motors?
if you don't know his accomplishments you shouldn't be in this board
if you are a faggy nu-male living in the bay area then elon musk might have an impact on your world. no one else gives a shit.
elon musk has literally done nothing to impact my life
i don't use paypal, i don't have solar panels, i don't drive an electric car, and I'm not going to space.
Kim Kardashian.
>what is an economy
Paypal influenced economy, solar panels and el cars influence economy & politics;
don't even have to mention the effects of SpaceX on the neo-cold-war space race.
Best known as the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki has challenged and changed the way tens of millions of people around the world think about money. He is an entrepreneur, educator, and investor who believes the world needs more entrepreneurs.With perspectives on money and investing that often contradict conventional wisdom, Robert has earned an international reputation for straight talk, irreverence, and courage and has become a passionate and outspoken advocate for financial education.
It's funny how It has been almost 20 years since that book was published and a lot of what he warned about has come true.
More stress on social security, medicare, pensions down the shitter. Wealth divide even larger.
And people still trap themselves in debt and the rat race.
It's sad.
>snek oil
This stuff really works.
to be fair, that's been a recognized pattern since the 70s tho
This man here.
I mean he's up there sure but I wouldn't put him at the top
never again will I purchase anything endorsed by this creature
Are musk nut huggers the biggest cucks on the interwebs?
Arguably the worst online payment processing method. Sides with scamming pajeets and chinks 100% of the time. Everyone that is a seller hates this.
In the red since day one. Has to hide loses in other companies.
>Solar City
Fake company that exists just to hide Tesla loses.
Sole reason NASA is dead. Celebrates when a rocket doesn't blow up. Has accomplished nothing with tax payer money.
George W Bush
There are actually good arguments out there against Elon Musk's business models. You don't have to make shit up bro. Saying stuff like this just distracts from the real problems.
2 b fair this bloke. Probably.
Those are basically the "real problems" with all of that stuff.
None of that is made up.
>ctrl + f
>0 results
Is that books for cucks or what
Ol' Rupie.
This megalomaniac motherfucker has had more influence on British and American government policy than any one man ever.
What's so amazing about it is that it's all soft power, he doesn't need to pay kickbacks or fund movements like Soros, he does it all through low quality journalism.
Also, albeit somewhat counterproductivley considering his conservative politics: name a bigger influence on pop-culture than the Simpsons?
>what does "alive" mean
The author literally said "I wrote a simple book, it's not for Harvard Business Students", make of that what you will.
I make it to mean he's saying
>"I'm taking your money dumb housewives, see ya later suckers"
Zuckerberg, Bloomberg, Buffet, Soros.
These people are alive.
With the exception of Soros I fail to see what "impact" any of them have had, anything to affect the status quo from where it would have gone otherwise?
Soros has donated millions to organizations charged with specific agendas.
I don't think Zuckerberg has drastically changed human interaction that much, Facebook is more just the flagship of how the internet has changed society rather than the sole reason.
Bloomberg, explain?
Buffet's whole principal is investing in companies that would do fine with or without him
What impact has he had?
He is scamming diots trying to wish their way to an oil free world by running a car company that loses money and using that to buy his solar company that was losing even more money and on the side has a rocket company that is rebuilding 1950 Russian knockoff tech.
His impact remains to be seen. Even if Tesla goes belly up, the market he's created for electric cars, for new forms of battery storage could have wide reaching implications for society and many industries.
But as it stands, all he's created is hype, it's yet to be seen if that hype changes anything.
like .0000000000000001% of the economy
Without me, you wouldn't be in front of a computer screen right now and the internet will only be a privileged by autistic nerds who know linux
Do you hate money?
I don't think anyone except maybe Newton has made a bigger impact so far. Those two are the forces and inspiration behind so many advances
>only privileged nerds who know linux
Reeeee why the fuck did you fuck this perfect future up.
>Bill Gates
Ding ding!
Musk is a capable businessman who's not made too many mistakes, but he's not a world changer like Op implies
Dennis Ritchie
Bill Gates is a fag
i thought he was dead kek
Bill Gates is such a dork man, Wants to ruin the education system
He had one real achievement and that was paypal. Everything he's done since then has been a failure. When Space X inevitably loses it's government subsidization he's done. He's had 4 failed launches that have totaled to more than 2 billion dollars in costs. If he didn't have crazy government money he'd already be done. The Solar City deal won't go through because it's a pet project of his personally that he's not allowed to vote for and the company is also bankrupt. Tesla is going under because they're not capable of producing a return. They only rack up debt. I'm sure he's hoping the government will bail him out, but we all know it's just a matter of time until the 'musk' brand becomes a warning against marking driven futurism hype.
Pol Pot.
>Bloomberg, explain?
Bloomberg terminal pretty much revolutionized and modernized financial markets
As far as public tech founders go? Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Larry Page & Sergei Brin
The majority of people do not own a Tesla nor do they need anything shipped to space.
Who is that man standing next to Ben Bernanke?
the first neanthertal to fuck a homo sapiens chick was pretty important
This man knows Jack.
a l i v e
m o r o n
1) Muhammad
2) Newton
4)Cai Lun
5)Johannes Gutenberg
6)George washington
8)Paul (the apostle)
his only significant contribution is paypal which is a middling accomplishment in just one sector of the economy
Not that I believe he had anything to do with 9/11, but that event changed society almost as much as the internet, and his along with George W are the faces associated with 9/11
>inb4 Elizabeth Holmes
I 100% agree with this post.
Reddit retards fellate Musk because they don't look at the fundamentals of his companies beyond "ooh Teslas are pretty!" For some reason, the same people who think Musk is great also fellate(d) Bernie Sanders, and that says a lot.
To add to your complaints:
50/50 good/trash engineering. Literally preventing you from servicing your own fucking vehicle. Doors won't open if the battery dies. Dumbshit abounds, and yet no-one likes to admit it because the 'tards buying $100k cars aren't willing to admit they got roped into a prototype at best. Considering the other significantly better $100k cars out there, not even worth looking at.
>Solar City
Until photovoltaics become more efficient, this entire company is one big money pit. I suspect its existence is solely due to government money at this point.
kaboom, literally
He's also a pretty hardcore prepper these days. Interesting to see the kind of podcasts he appears on lately.
ITT: Morons can't read, also jesus is alive
The prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
my BBC
You guys sound like idiots. Tesla was the first car company to mass produce electric vehicles. They're the reason why you'll be driving an EV 20 years from now. They're also the only car on the market with autopilot, and you can get that at $72k, not $100k
Ebay has had PayPal a lot longer than the PayPal mafia had it and moreover, if Elon has his way it would've been an online banking company, not just online payments. In general PayPal, as is, helped popularize online shopping..
SpaceX is making rockets that can hold twice as much as any rocket on the market for a fraction of the cost. They're pioneering reusable rockets and generally trailblazing in the aerospace industry. They're the catalyst for all of the innovation in that arena.
Windows, Facebook, Amazon and Google have all had a bigger impact on the general western population than anything Musk has built at this point.
I thought I'd never get too old for Veeky Forums, but at 24 I'm genuinely starting to feel like you people are immature idiots.