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"If You Would Shine Like A Sun, First You Must Burn Like One."

Old: Praise The Sun Edition

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>MF gets the best skin but the shittiest splash

I mean then again I can also get Taric who is universally loved.

>ywn capture Riven
>ywn torture Riven
>ywn execute Riven after her mind is broken and she's given up all the information she has (making sure to drag it on as long as possible)
>ywn mix Riven's ground up corpse into slop and feed it to the pigs


Lux wants the Big Purple Cock

What the hell is wrong with you

Best girl.
Best eyes.
Best wife.


this is why you are single

Literally just send support tickets and ask for a redo.

i dont get it. are they taking pictures of her? that seems kind of weird

>lee using the meme where everyone thinks hes blind so he can get a close up shot of her vag


How did they fuck it up so hard?

>Healthy Enough

When you're demoted from Diamond II to Diamond V as a top laner, you naturally stop playing top and do this to get back on track


>it's not going to be until next YEAR that we get the Mordekaiser rework
>Urgot and Panth are probably going to be placed ahead of him
>plus Ryze, AGAIN

Hold me bros.

I actually like her new splash more.

Who's ready for Project Kat and Ashe?!

And this is why Jinxfags are better than Rivenfags.


Okay so I started playing after the rework so I don't see this very often.

But what is going on with that dagger? It's got a sheath on the back but the handle and pommel are on her hips. Seriously, what even

How did sjw Riot get away this this?

reddit is whining a lot, at the very least we'll get it touched up

honestly i don't know how they even shipped it, it looks really bad, like just not riot current quality

>all these champions that make playing not fun at all even if you "shit on them"

Toplane its Irelia
Midlane its Azir
Botlane its Caitlyn and/or Janna
Jungle its Reksai and.or Lee Sin

What made Riot think fun was such a bad thing?

>not seeing the joke

fuck now I've made one.


I made a thread about it on the boards.

Trying to be clever and diplomatic here. Help me out and don't go full manchild and Riot may be benevolent.

Look at the bright side: Riot will compare this to how loved PP Fiora is, and may realize that sex sells.

Notice her pose. But iirc they typically had that for posture and as a last resort.

>but its far from bad

no dude, it is really bad

Why is it so shit? Why is it clearly a different artist than Taric's and Fiora's? And why did it take so long to come out? My gut feeling is that the artist who made Taric's and Fiora's splash also made an MF splash but it was deemed to sexy by Riot so they scrapped it and got some other shit artist to do the job instead.

This looks so bad..

>MF is the sex appeal champion of the game
>Fiora is much more serious
>Fiora gets a 10/10 fertile demacian womb splash
>MF gets shit

not that I care since I love Fiora but it doesn't sound right

I'm being optimistic that it was a new artist Riot was giving a test run, who will quickly be "let go" after this blunder.


Well it's the only reason how people are still into this garbage game.

What the fuck? You guys seriously don't like this? It's sexy af

Agreed. I genuinely enjoyed the PP-Fiora/PP-MF mini-rivalry that had developed here, and while I was rooting for Fiora... Not like this. I wanted to win, but not like this...

yeah if you like lego toes lmao

and no ass. also lux mundo and lee are giants compared to her

no, there's you being overly dramatic
there's quite a lot of artistic skill involved, but it lacks the passion and attention to detail

Why do all the new and reworked champions have such stricter, more linear playstyles created by inter-ability interactions in their kit?

Like, on old Darius, a pentadunk was pretty cool to see. But on new Darius, the new Noxian Rage sub passive is clearly designed to give the player an incredibly specific way to achieve said penta.
>successful dunk
>rewards you with insta 5 stacks of hemorrhage and up to 200 bonus AD to dunk the next guy

I think this was drawn by an artist who was in over his head. Honestly that perspective is insanely hard to draw well and eh the result is not bad but it's certaint not professional quality.

How the fuck am I supposed to carry these games?

>tp ignite AD nunu
you're doing the lord's work son


also she has no ass. it's shit

She looks like a coked-out Jennifer Lopez that's slowly trying to build her life back up after the flop that was Fast and Furious 9, so she hides from the public eye by wearing a wig and pretending that she's a nobody when everyone can see that it's clearly her but she pretends that she's not her.

I want to apply suncreme to nami's body to protect her from the sun!

They wanted to capitalize on his dunking part of his kit I think. The bonus AD is way too much, but with old darius he just couldn't stack easy in fights and was more for 1v1/2's at most.

i want nami to show me her ocean home and supply me with the oxygen needed to visit it

>Against the waifu circlejerk
>Spams female vlad every fucking day

Gotta build the #LCSBIGPLAYS directly into the kit to enable literally every player to do the same iconic one from time to time.

What happened? Is he feeling okay?

No it's trash fuck off

cant help but think god is trying to tell me something



Lux is cute
Lux is CUTE
Lux is C U T E

What champion should you play if you have dreams of being carried to challenger by doing nothing or very little work

>game is in its shittiest ever state
>literally hemorrhaging players everywhere
>goyim in this general most worried about the splash for the skin they paid sheckels on

Literally as cancerous as Reddit in this bitch.

Wait. Is Lee Sin using a cellphone? Wait again. Is Is Lee Sin taking a picture? Wait yet again. Is he ogling MF?

Why? How? Lolbabs??

The feet got messed up but some other parts are pretty good mang
learn to evaluate things objectively

it's not bad for a regular artist

for the current riot standards it's pretty bad

yes, he's saying to stop taking tp/ignite on immobile champs

the objective answer is janna. press e on carries. press r if they fuck up

soraka or janna

she looks like a crack whore

looks like he tried fixing his teeth. i'm guessing the painkillers have made his tongue numb

>sexy long legs
>she's literally wet
>big ol titties
>Muh random perspective ain't right

Yeah no fuck off. There's little things that could be improved on gut overall it's great. It's a selfie shot, so some of the perspective may seem skewed to retarded nerds who have never taken one before

I'll always be here

I like this dragon.

>when fagets think they're home free after a fight and DFT gets em

>lee sin holding his phone upside down

Man, that's fucked up.

I said the "my waifu isn't pretty enough" circlejerk
eg Janna's new splash complaints were bullshit imo
but here there's a legit problem
please learn to read

solo queue never ever

Why is her foot literally a rectangle?

literally all of reddit and lolgen disagree with you and vlad fag

both of you can fuck right off, it is objectively a shitty splash

>TP nerfed
>debating taking exhaust top again

Those champs you will NEVER catch if they're good enough:

Traditional fencing involves the rapier and the main gauche, which is used to parry attacks.

By the time enemies are smart enough to take advantage of him, your team should be smart enough to protect him and you just ride that 55% chance of success all the way up since all you need to do is stand back and attack-move



>that tongue
Mundo goes where he pleases and pleases where he goes

goddamn ezreal

Sona is the most beautiful woman in all of league of legends!

Oh no the retards don't agree with me

>all of lolgen
Probably at least 3 samefags whining about it if not more. What the fuck were you guys expecting?

riot is incredible

they have managed to make MISS FORTUNE the premier tittymonster in the game IN A FUCKING SWIMSUIT SKIN look unattractive

holy shit

Turn this guy into a champion.


>3 samefags

look at the announcement in the last thread. Look at the responses in this thread.

It is getting an overwhelming majority of hate and for good reason

it's a bad splash.

>that blade
Is that from Mu Online or something?


Lux is tight

>enemy top takes tp and doublekills your botlane

>Hasn't even been confirmed healthy enough for childbirth

What expression is this face trying to convey? Sexiness? I'm not really feeling it...
Also, those Rock-Lee tier eyebrows.

I guess now we know for sure that Sona's the biggest titty monster

Soul Calibur.

Confidence, I guess? The artist must've fallen asleep.

>we'll never get old Morde back
>we'll never get a shiny new Morde
>we'll never even get current Morde all patched up after Riot admitted he was a failure

Like, Mordekaiser's rework was SO FUCKING BAD Riot fucking apologized for it and acknowledged it was a failure. How is he NOT the first in line for another rework?

Baywatch sona next year to bring honor back to the tittymonsters

being tight is being cute


can you guess the stream?