/rsg/ - Runescape General

/rsg/ - Runescape General

fucked up scale edition

Official World: 42
Official FC: "grindanfc"
Clan: GrindanScape (For an invite, go into the FC and ask for one. No requirements.)

>Official runescape 2017 survey time

>I've been inactive, what did I miss over the past x years

>Latest Update

>Latest Patch Notes

>Money Making Guide

>Gear Guide (Very outdated)

>July's BTS

first for dead game

That's a big dragon

How can I make decent money with these stats? I haven't gotten a single Barrows item in the past 40 runs and Duradel keeps giving me shit tasks.

runecrafting maybe?

train your stats because they are dumpster

Post 3 people you like and 3 people you hate.

my mom
my dad
my dog

the guy typing this

>spend half an hour killing fungal mages
>realize my task was for spiritual mages


do you not have the slayer counter enabled

I do but I wasn't looking at because I find slayer tasks usually feel like they go by quicker when I do that


Is there a single boss pet cuter than Corporeal Puppy?


Nexterminator :33


You're bankstanding when this guy walks in and slaps your boss pet's ass, what do you do?

slap his ass for not knowing his place as a shitter.

He would want to fuck a cat. Duel and destroy this degenerate

grab the boobs

i'd kill myself

>theiving daily challenge
>have to steal from gem stall
time to kill some guards I guess

I roll to report & hide shitpost/spam

I don't have a boss pet

i can't decide on good perks for my slayer legs. i have dragon/demon/undead/genodical on the top. should is stick with impatient/biting? i don't really care about devo.

yup. You can get devoted 2 with impatient 3 though. Might a well

i was looking for an option with less hassle. amd i'm not usually starved for adren during slayer. but i'll probably do this.

>laugh because I always bankstand in the max guild and he can't get to me


How many pulse cores have you nerds saved up



I used all mine on mining already.
>still haven't gotten 89

>look up pulse core
>"Pulse cores are items obtained from Treasure Hunter"
Am I the only one still boycotting spin2win?


i have 12 but they'll probably just sit in my bank for a decade

Yeah, I still can't seem to do spider properly. Already spent more than a mil on instance cost alone. These are my stats and equipment. Inventory is an Overload, a few Rocktails and Sara Brew. My turtle is also full of sara brews.

You should only need like 5 brews and majority rocktails. Wtf are you doing? Also if you have access to death lotus I'd use that over armadyl until you can get pernix

Don't have Death Lotus. It'll take a couple more months till I get the scrolls and shit.

And I don't know what I'm doing wrong. First phase is easy enough but everything goes downhill on the second and third phase.

also stop buying instances while learning. Just use public ones and bring a pheromone. Which path are you taking and what are you having trouble with?

Stop being retarded.

Ahh shit. I forgot the pheromone has a use besides resetting enrage.

All of them but mostly 2. I gave up doing spider if path 1 is open since 2 and 3 seems the easiest but I still fuck up from time to time.
I'm not sure where to stand in path 2 so he gets acid on himself while also being close enough to those 3 egg spawns to avoid the 3k damage.
Plus sometimes those eggs are right underneath him and he sometimes cleaves me in the face afterwards.

Also I'm using revo and when he does the web thing and reflect damage even if I click out of him I still attack for some reason and the reflect damage hurts.

for path 2 just camp him in the acid and when it's full run up to the top of the ramp and move 1 space down. Then if he swipes you can move back 1 space. You can run to eggs and move back if you want. I use revo all the time and never reflect on myself. you just gotta have quicker reflexes

Do you use a shield switch for the reflect?
Also how do you avoid the OHK spiders that spawns close to you?
I used Death Swiftness at the same time it spawned close to me and I couldn't move fast enough.

>Do you use a shield switch for the reflect?
I do, but only when I need to heal.
>Also how do you avoid the OHK spiders that spawns close to you?
I will just and stand on the other side and then move back up after, if it's still close ish but far away I'll let it move close and then surge
>I used Death Swiftness at the same time it spawned close to me and I couldn't move fast enough.
Just be aware when he shoots a green thing out and prepare for it immediately. Remember he does a spec every 5 attacks

>Just be aware when he shoots a green thing out and prepare for it immediately
Oh, I didn't know that.
I'll try again but I need money to buy a pheromone and supplies.

yes. he'll shoot a green attack out that will splat on the ground where a green square will be on the ground


Your personal crusade wont persuade Jamflex when there are youtubers spending thousands on keys to do siq videos.
Might as well get that free exp.

Is it me or have the Aviansie been inspired a lot by Israel?

>Society is tribal
>Youths have to go through an initiation rite to come of age
>Used to worship spirits until new monotheistic religion unites them
>(unintentional) Pronounced nasal features
>(possibly unintentional) Homeworld is a dry shithole where getting water is a chore

And there's more I can't recall off the top of my head.

But they love justice and aren't traders

I've long since given up on the "crusading" part of it, i.e. writing RS forum essays complaining to Jagex and trying to convince other people to boycott. I still refuse to support the MTX content by using it, though.

I don't think jagex can even tell if you use your free keys or not.

Yes they can. In response to complaints about the squeal of fortune, they released a statistic saying the 90-something percent of players use free spins.

They used this to say that anti-SoF complainers were a vast minority because "9x% of players enjoy and support the content".

Sure they can, even you can tell, free keys are very distinguished by being in the "earned keys" or "daily keys" category when you hover over your key amount.

Friendly reminder that I am monitoring the FC for mean words.

Let's all speak to each other in a cordial manner that falls in step with Jagex's ToS.

Now have a good day now ya'll.

I'm probably the best Araxxor slayer in all of /rsg/. 6k+ kills to my name before I stopped giving a fuck.

If you're struggling at 0 enrage, accept the fact that you are fucking garbage. Araxxor can be done naked w/ a t80 weapon and no turmoil/ovls.

Here are some tips to stop being fucking Trash:
>learn to count to 5
>use revolution since you're clearly too dim to multitask pressing buttons and counting to 5
>take him down to 5k hp in p1 and p2 because you clearly suck too much AIDS infested dick to handle more than 2 things on your plate during p3/4

Araxxor is not hard. You are bad and should feel bad.

dumb y'all poster

ah okay

> tfw you're not a psychopath who ruins careers

Deader than Bandos

does anyone do trusted shorts?


>learn to count to 5
What does this do? Does spider do his special after 5 seconds? How would you prepare for it though? Just use Anticipate and Freedom?

Also in path 2, where am I supposed to stand when he's filling up on acid?

And how do you deal with the reflect special? I keep auto attacking even though I clicked on the ground already.

what fc


>Meteor storm promotion

Think A Friend will finally max out his p2win account?

>need 100k magic XP to get from 45 to 55 and get high alch

The XP for a skill from 1-92 is the same as the XP needed for 92-99.

Start crying now.

I already know that user.

It's just that I'm not in the mood to level magic with the equipment I have.

Combat exp is fast as fuck unless you're f2p.




What's the most afkable skill that ideally doesn't require you to bring stuff along to do it?

div with familiar

Ivy, drop fishing, most activities in prif.

Has the skill grinding gotten any less painful over the years? I just want to quest


I played back in ~2006. It's way faster now from what I remember.

Nice, ty. Guess I'll reinstall.

>Talking to co-worker about a year ago
>Talking about childhood games
>One of us brings up rs
>Mention I got back into it a bit before then for a nostalgia trip
>He starts playing again
>Few months ago talking to different co-worker
>Same thing happens
>MFW second co-worker hits three 99s in ~4 months in F2P while first co-worker doesn't have any 99s

not having 99s is not nearly as repulsive as being a weeabo

what's wrong with liking animes?

>I don't know what the memetic actually means I just heard reddit use it wrong so I'll follow what they said


> inv looks interesting and useful, maybe I'll check that out
> remember the requirement of 80 something and crafting, have to level both of those a little bit
> look up skill to check it out
> also need 80 div, currently level 1
How is div training? Fast, boring, afk, what?

its the slowest skill and the annoying kind of afk

think agility but slightly less clicking

>Daily challenge: Luminous memories
Does anyone actually use this shit location to train or do people stick with Radiant memories until 95?

Fucking jagex, every time. Guess I'll just have to get all those xp lamps.

Just do caches

It's not THAT bad, I've never done a cache and I'm 85.


Stand here

i dug every square
do i need a sextant or something

Do you have one?

You need a chart, sextant and watch
But you can toolbelt all 3 so it's ok iirc

yea i just found out and am now getting those