>anyone here have any experience in plumbing or is a plumber?
>do you like it?
>does it pay well
>see yourself doing it long term?
>anyone here have any experience in plumbing or is a plumber?
>do you like it?
>does it pay well
>see yourself doing it long term?
It's a shitty job, that isn't easy. You can make about 65,000 a year doing it and it has job security since people will always need to shit.
Get a job in a university and you will never work a day in your life and be handsomely rewarded for it
I refuse to be surrounded by sjws and their trustfund fueled cry baby antics
That's only a /pol/ meme
Sjws don't really exist outside of social sciences. In my STEM classes I've never encountered any of that shit
Speaking of this, my dog took a nice shit on the floor, I fucked up and flushed down 3 pieces of paper towels down the toilet along with his massive shit, and now the toilet won't flush, any plumbers got suggestions?
Well im pretty sure sjws will never be found in career fields that require math.
It doesn't occur in business and STEM classes is my point
Trades can be alright but quite honestly I like many others here on Veeky Forums don't enjoy work physically. I just don't see it enjoyable long-term
A plunger, you dense fuck. Do it like you mean it and stop being a faggot. Suck some of the water out with a shop vac if you have it almost overflowing because you're a dipshit and kept trying to flush it.
A plunger?
Yeah i wouldn't want my body to be aching by the time im 40.
Yeah that's what kind of bums me out. I've considered trades in the past but ultimately went for College.
The whole "wading around in people's shit, getting dirty and doing physical labor when i'm 40+ years old" kind of bummed me out about it.
Master plumber and licensed HVAC here
Ask me anything you want
>anyone here have any experience in plumbing or is a plumber?
Almost 10 years
>do you like it?
Overall, yes.
Even on the worse days, it's 10x better than the cubicle jobs I had in high school
>does it pay well
Only if you work for yourself
Expect to be in the $15-$25 range forever as a wage cuck. Some really skilled people can make a lot more with large companies through commissions, but the glass ceiling tops out around ~50k without some kind of commission.
>see yourself doing it long term?
I've played around with the idea of getting into freelance programming and going back to school to get another bachelors degree.
I've looked into a lot of things
Plumbing can be a rough job some days.
It's one thing to come home and be exhausted from a desk job, but coming home and being physically exhausted gets really old really fast.
>The whole "wading around in people's shit, getting dirty and doing physical labor when i'm 40+ years old" kind of bummed me out about it.
the goal is to open your own shop and pay other people to wade around in shit.
that's really the only way to get rich in trades, though lots of self-employed types do alright without hiring others.
>The whole "wading around in people's shit, getting dirty and doing physical labor when i'm 40+ years old" kind of bummed me out about it.
Dealing with shit filled commodes is very rare and actually having to come into contact with of sewage is once in a blue moon.
Would you recommend going to school for it or perhaps enroll in an apprenticeship?
>going to school
If you have absolutely no connections or experience, then it might be a good idea.
You can call around places tomorrow and see if they'll hire you for something right now.
Most business have a really high turnover rate, half addicts and half didn't realize it was so hard, and most helpers have very little to no education or experience.
>$15-$25/hour range
What country?
Do they hire felons since it's a high turnover rate? I am a hard worker with a ton of energy so I'll be alright with the exhausted part. And do you work for yourself? Or do you hire out?
I obviously tried plunging it lol
my dad and older brother are licensed plumbers, i worked with my brother for around 2 years as a helper
it really depends on what kind of company you get into and what type of plumbing work they do. for years both of them worked for contracting companies that bid on jobs around the city (residential homes being built)
they would do everything from grounds - digging and laying plumbing before the house is put in, "topouts - installing the various plumbing into the house once the framing is up, and fixtures - installing the actual sink, toilet, etc.
grounds and topouts, especially with the heat here (Houston) were really shitty backbreaking mexican labor type jobs, but the pay is pretty good once you are past the newbie phase
fixture installing and warranty work on the house after someones bought it and living in it were easy and great (get to work in ac, etc)
The -really- shit jobs - pun intended - sucks though. The wetback mexicans will piss and shit in the shower areas before the house is built, its your job to clean it out when its time to install the fixtures.
Also before its sold, mexicans will take nasty shits and wipe their ass with newspapers and stop up the toilets. guess who gets to clean it out.
any time we had a situation like this i would make sure to return the favor by decimating various parts of the house, so the shitty mexicans have to come fix everything. This would include breaking tile, ripping wire out of walls, breaking windows, shoot silicone into wall outlets, take a boxcutter to the walls, rip the carpet, etc etc. whatever looked like the newest part of the build was would get destroyed in return for their shittery.
if you become a seasoned plumber and go up in ranks at whatever job youre at you will start making some crazy good cash. even moreso if you build up your own team that works under you. both my dad and older bro did this, from waht i know the typical salary is 100-200k (for you), depending on how fast your team works and what kind of pay youre giving your guys.
in later years my older brother started working for metro. the pay was less (I think he was getting like 75-80k salary) but there was a ton of benefits that were great and he didnt have before. vacation time, paid holidays, full coverage health and dental, etc. he actually started complaining that hes always bored because theres nothing to do. for example theyd have an issue and dedicate a full week of his schedule to fixing it, it would take all of 30 minutes to fix and need a part that takes 3 days to get there, and then hed literally be stuck napping in a chair - even though hed tell them its done theyd already have alloted all that time and i guess not be able to change the plans, so hed just ride the clock napping. He actually wound up leaving because he couldn't stand being bored so often. his explanation was hes always been in workworkwork type jobs and isnt used to not doing anything.
Neither of them have a masters license. my bro has been going after it a few times over the years but seems to fail the math portion every time. i keep telling him to just go to one of those cramsession companies that guarantees youll pass and hed be done with it, as i've done with various certifications in my field (IT), but he doesn't listen.
If you get a masters opening ur own company is pretty cush from what im told, if youre already in the game its fairly easy to start bidding as ur own company because ur already known by the various people.
if theres anything else you want to ask feel free, i'll monitor hte thread
if plunger hasnt worked youll need a pipe snake
basically a flexable cable that you shove in and twist, it breaks up any clogged shit in the pipe. thats all a plumber is going to do. itll cost you around 75-150 for them to do it
you can buy one at home depot and return it, probably walmart, or find someone on craigslist thatll rent theirs to you for an hour. its a 10 minute job if that
or you can man up and reach in and fix by hand. glove optional