League of Legends General - /lolg/

Fiora is The Best and Cutest Girl on League

Old: Lewd Pool Party Edition

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>6.13 Patch Notes


>Ryze Update


>Champion and Skin Sales


Join us in the /lolg/ Official Stream, find the link on Eyoson

This Week is Summer Games Done Quick, come in and have some Fun !

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1st for Draaaaaaaven!

Why Do You Always Type In All Caps When You Create Threads?

xth for the biggest and best breasts in league of legends

Place your bets.

Xth for slowly losing hope.

My most played is pic. On a scale of 1 to 10 how much of a faggot am I?

it's the thread subtitle, duh

Reminder that Ionian Summer Camps are the best!

why are you losing hope?

source pls senpai

not much considering he's one of the most fun champs to play

xth for nasus

secondary xth for post con depression, and no gf




What is even the point in playing top? You lane control each other so much to the point that you're automatically behind every other lane. You're very unsafe from ganks, and in a lot of games end up being weaker than your jungler. If your jungle decides to ignore top very likely the lane is impossible to win. Even if you do win it often does not matter since the bot lane or mid lane is dominating and are stronger than you.

Fuck top lane.


Healthy Enough.

Why not ?

>Friend is bad, really bad, like feed every game bad
>Sends me invites to play everytime im on
>Decline and makeup excuse everytime because i don't have the heart to tell him he's garbage

Who else here shares this problem?

I've been abandoned to play alone again and anything but my main is a 50/50 coin toss.

Do you ever get tired of your ADC's bullshit and just carry the game yourself?

how was anime expo weldink

i was so sad i couldnt go :(

Looks like the karma contest pic. Didn't know it was finished

i can play with you


Akali sequel when

Better yet

Syndra sequel when

>no sightstone
wow dude..........maybe you should rethink your life...........

what rank are you? i can play with you on a smurf or main if you want

it was okay but pretty packed, they moved the artist alley into a garage type area and didnt turn the AC on for like 2 days so you can imagine how that went there :^)

otherwise it was fun, just sad because there was so much shit to do and so many panels to see but with the huge crowds there was no way that you could even scratch the surface and see everything youd like to. We were all sad and missed you too sir ;(

I'm gold V, half my friends are really good, half are shitters. So I share your pain, and am also the cause of it

>Still no word on Contest Guy's Vi and Caitlyn one.

Feels bad.

play a carry & snowball

well it's still not as packed as san diego comic-con from what I heard so

ah well, I finally got out of school and landed a job so maybe next year

>ywn knock Karma up with your shota buddies

Feels bad man.

>implying you need a sightstone as support
next thing you're going to tell him not to build damage on leona


I had a sightstone but Vayne kept getting killed despite seeing the gank miles away. I got tired of her bullshit and started building damage since Vayne did nothing but play under turret even though we were ahead. Then Leblanc "outplayed" me for 3 kills which was my boiling point and went full bruiser.
I would have been top fragger if it wasn't for Diana trying to get every kill.

NA, IGN: Hellbear

Thanks, bud.

but you didnt have full build??????????
why sell sightstone lol???????
so stupid........lmao

this thread sucks

this game sucks

and yet im still here

and yet i still play

jungle rammus, flash or ghost?

we all pray for the sweet release of death

This is probably the best contest results of all time, amazing pics all around

The tits are amazing but yeah MF needs a buff to her backside

>Not realizing it's a Blind Pick Normal where the builds aren't real and the results don't matter.

Because I really needed the money for hexdrinker and like I said, Vayne was getting killed despite seeing Tryndamere so it was useless.
My 2 wards plus a pink and the zzrot provided enough vision to not get "mechanically out skilled" by Leblanc and my extra tanky build allowed me to withstand full combos from the enemy team and not die.

Building vision on Leona feels like such a waste of stats, specially for a champ who requires to go all in to succeed.

>I'm barely 30 games into ranked this season and I'm about to lose my 3rd gold promos in a row
send help I'm doomed to be trapped in this cyclical hell forever

I've wanted to get into drawing for a long time but I don't think it's happening


Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.

oh man you sold it for hexdrinker!!!!
good thing you had a red trinket though.........
i bet the enemy team really hated that you broke all the wards............good job!!!

It was finished though. Literally, check the eyoson.

I had stealth wards, a pink and zzrot for a total of 4 wards on the map.
Man are you retarded or something?

It might be too late to fix it but she really could use more hips

For all that memery, the R63 contest was also really good, Velvet's Femgar is hot

>side head shave

fucking disgusting. Riot always have to waste thing that could be good.

>Not liking sidecuts

Get a life?

Why isn't the karma one on eyoson yet?

To be honest, everything Velvet does is really hot.

oh boy 4 wards........ what a great job my friend................but the enemy had wards too........and you didn't remove them??????
maybe do your job next time lmao......

Ebin, simbly ebin.

I'm actually with the Leona carry user on this.
All meta all the time makes user a salty boy.

Urshkiburdle. I never check the eyoson. Thanks!

Fuck if I know, I don't follow contests much, let alone who's doing it.

R63 contest was also the birth of this amazing Veigarette meme

I think she's hit or miss, to be honest. Her faces sometimes are a hard miss

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

too late, i got in first

It was just a generic MR heavy bruiser Leona build. Not that off-meta.
You are probably going to see a lot of Leona bruiser top or mid after the next buff.

who /e/ here?

I'll bet 50 (You)s on red team

Just a reminder that contest pics have always been great (but yeah, this round has been amazing)


>No older, thicc doggirl girlfriend

>Playing first ten ranked games
>our whole team gets fucking rolled in one of them

Jesus Christ I feel so bad for doing so bad but the enemy lane was straight up just better

Yeah, we lost.

In hindsight, no one wanting to pick a front-line champ kinda fucked us.

Karthus got camped like crazy and tilted. Tryndamere didn't buy any items until about 5-8 minutes into the game. Bot did alright I guess. I was too busy trying to get Karthus off tilt most of the game.

>stream over



Watching Welding play has given me new hope. The amount of stupid decisions in Diamond makes me feel much better about myself.

>Not banning Voli

go play ranked right now with your new found hope

>on hit teemo


>Remake is in red

Oh I'm mad.

Your team's comp doesn't look that bad desu, but Blitz should've gone BoS instead of TLD and then you'd have a frontline (although you have a splitpush comp desu)

Looks like you couldn't win with that team though, better luck next time my man

can't stop winning stupid normals with dumb meme teams

they can't handle corki top and sion mid

Fuck no.

Does this woman irk anyone else?
It really grinds my fucking gears how reddit praises her and thinks she's funny.

She provides with no substance, and always tries to copy the men, trying to "burn" at inappropriate times. God. Fuck her.

Thanks, that helped so much!

Thanks to everyone who stopped by tonight. We have another slot tomorrow, and then I'll keep you posted. It sounds like you guys want more hips and ass and that's fine. I'll talk to aka about it. I would have brought it up sooner but I passed the fuck out about halfway through.

Not up on eyoson yet. Here's the imgur:



/lolg/ is obsessed with her, you'll find no compatriots here.

>I passed the fuck out about halfway through.




Id fuck her

She is there for nerd fapbait, not insightful commentary or bantz lmao

and you fucking people wonder why i have such a shit win/loss ration.
literally 80% of my games are like this. I do well, but my team sucks ass.

So far the pic looks great, MF's frontside looks fucking amazing, but I could take a bit more ass. Buttplug being bigger would add more bling too, but I trust aka6 and you

maybe if you got a bigger monitor you'd be able to perform better in-game

are you playing on a nintendo ds?

If you're actually not shit, you can easily get out of Gold.

If you're "trapped" there after 300 games, it's because you belong there.

That said, Gold is fucking piss easy to 1v9 in.

>he doesnt know basic ms paint, crop/resizing.
damn son

That Karma pic is


thank you so much

I don't get the two color schemes though

Looking for a ranked duo partner.
Last one tilted hard enough to uninstall from a soloQ game.

Currently Silver 2 0LP
Support main, Sona and Braum primarily. Can top and jungle, OTP Annie in the midlane and I can't stutterstep well enough to ADC.

Been playing since S2. Currently 56W-108G in ranked.

I also own all but 24 or so champs, mostly 6800IP ones

Please no ERPers, but feel free to tell how I suck.

this post is a disaster

>anime avatrfaggot
>relevent opinion

>Literal garbage player who is stuck in a trashbag elo and complains about "muh teams"
>Reaction image

Well I was giving you actual information, but desu you should probably kill yourself if you spend that much time on this game and can't get at least Diamond

It's really sad in a that "watching that guys retarded cousin try to help" kind of way

>vi still build damage even after being so far behind
damn, i thought gold players were better than this?

gold is silver with a free skin

>anime poster getting butthurt on getting called out

thanks for everything, faggot