Fighting Games General /fgg/
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p...p.. pxxxy...
who are the best discord posters and why is it doug
sfv eu?
Daily reminder that SFV is shit
Ah my favorite fighting game character, xxx from yyy!
Best samsho.
will you finally play me in 5 tonight or what
anyone here main Bison? Any tips on how to play him? I'm not very good with charge characters. He'll be my first attempt at learning one.
why'd you spoiltag that
Nice to meet you 16er
join the super secret discord and find out.
I didn't mean to, actually.
If you want play with russian noob, lets play.
If you like whores maybe
probably not because I'm in the last two weeks of my master's project and have to do a lot of work every night but I might have some time at the weekend
whats your cfn?
silent cus lewds
Aren't we getting a new KOF trailer today?
Yeah, Mexico team
anybody got a link for the /fgg/ discord
Second best samsho. I like both of them, just iroha a bit more.
>still a month and 16 days
at least EVO should be cool, we'll probably see the remaining 12 nonboss characters there
dem pecks
thanks man
gonna be loads of fun :)
Look on the bright side, only 14 more days to Meitenkun.
Has anyone hotglued yet?
>$3.99 for a single costume
maaaan come on
His is name actually Meitenkun or is it just Meiten and you're being a weeb
he might be playable in the E3 build, an Atlus rep said in the KOF chat at CEO that the next public build would have all 48 nonboss characters
It's actually Meitenkun.
So is Balrog actually bad or is PR just memeing
I really like the character, he feels good, but if he's bad I'll drop him out of discouragement
How do I learn natural
he's doing whatever it takes to win including getting his char a buff
what is even the point of these discords? like, if i wanted to chat/play games with you gay virgin loser nerds i could easily just set that up in the thread
unless youre on his level balrog will always be bad in your hands especially if you have in your mind youre already playing a 'bad' character
activate your almonds before practicing your combos
guess I'll drop him then
>no pictures of kum and cum
>cursor on screen
What cutscene is that from
Does May want to get the fuck out of my face
Will Sako play Ibuki at Evo?
The dream sequence when Revelator comes out on PC with PSN crossplay
he should play a cool char like birdie instead
Basically the same thing. Just you can post porn without getting banned. That's about it.
Most likely.
anyone have balrog and ibuki colors 11-15?
At least i win some fights. This is my third day using fightstick. My input is so horrable. Thanks for thet game.
Seems like Birdie has assumed his usual position at the very bottom of the tier list, with futile playing laura now not a single major player mains him anymore. How would you fix him /fgg/?
>tfw bad at fighting games
when will this hell end...
>jax and daxter run is the first legitimately hilarious run of sgdq so far
>gets $40k in donations in 2 hours
>everyone's laughing their heads off
>sgdq staff trying to kill the fun
>getting completely ignored
this is great
I wouldn't. He's ugly and gross, he should stay at the bottom of the tier list. Top tiers should only be cool characters and pretty women.
samurai sniffdown 7 when desu
>unironically watching SGDQ
you just keep getting more and more autistic
Neo_G wants to make it, apparently with Mortal Kombat levels of gore
Is Guile still considered low tier?
>with Mortal Kombat levels of gore
i wana sniff her melty blood
that would make me so horny and cummy
guro is the best
idk I like flying around the stage with him so more move moves that do that how about about air bull charge
Enjoy it while you can because Bonesaw is totally getting banned
I'd say the only legitmately low tier characters right now are geif, fang, birdo and maybe rashid, everyone else can do fine. You'd probably have to learn his anime combos to use him to full effect though.
Wait, the player is getting 40k or the organization?
is it as cancerous as I feel it is?
What do you think?
That run was the best SGDQ has seen in years, honestly.
>You'd probably have to learn his anime combos to use him to full effect though
Execution in SFV is babby tier though, you can learn that shit in 1 day if you're not stupid.
>very bottom
The organization dude, that's the point.
Will we ever see Werster again?
Let's see you crush counter into 3 flash kicks daiper.
Not really. Just a group of guys eating shit and playing FGs.
The boom loop is legitmately hard, even chris g whos known for his execution fucks it up about 25% of the time.
No, he's banned and even if he wasn't he hates GDQ events.
How does one get banned from GDQ
Well, at least I got to see Bonesaw's last GDQ ever.
You do you think is below him? I'd argue he's on the level of geif and fang, both of whom actually see more representation than him these says.
>it's a floe gets a trophy for being ass at Street Fighter episode
By saying fucking niggers on stream as well as generally being Werster.
lift a finger
He said the word niggers for charity.
Also having fun in general
By saying anything one might find offensive.
wow what a dumb reason to get banned. literally everyone says nigger ne way, who cares
PR Rog thinks America has no chance of winning this year Evo, do you agree with him?
Gief, FANG, potentially Rashid. It's not unusual for low-mid tier characters that are perfectly usable to be under-appreciated, but there will ALWAYS be an Anakaris player.
america has no chance of winning evo
europe has no chance of winning evo
how is there any ambiguity in this?