Starting college tomorrow. Which car pulls more college girls.. a bentley or 2016 x6?
Starting college tomorrow. Which car pulls more college girls.. a bentley or 2016 x6?
Knowing someone who can buy alcohol pulls more college girls than even the fliest ride, homie
I'm 19 so I can but I'm only going there to experience some prime teen pussy and for some reason I'm feeling very inconfident about this. Just being able to purchase alcohol doesn't sound like enough.. there's probably tons of guys above 18.
Tough decision.. I'd take the X6.
It looks cool and the bentley could look like you're trying too hard.
However I don't know if that's a problem with college girls.
Ps: it's not a biz question
You don't know my whole plan. It is Veeky Forums related hence why I'm asking this here.
neither, because like the other poster, being the alcohol hookup will get you much more pussy than a bentley ever could.
If you go to a rich school, girls will have the money (or rather, their parents have the money) to be around these cars growing up and won't be as impressed
If you go to a poor school, you immediately are the biggest target to get robbed by niggers.
Just stick to frat parties to bang the drunk ones and try to fuck the qt that lives in the same hall as you. Don't be a fucking try hard.
America lol
I don't care about the parties or anything like that. This is just for my own financial gain so I need to maximize my chances of having sex with as many girls as possible. I have my physical appearance and pretty much everything else I could think of sorted out already because I was preparing to do this for the last 7 months. Now I just don't know what car would pull the most girls without making me seem like a huge tryhard. Due to that any sports car is out of question. Also I'm in Europe so being able to purchase alcohol might not work as good as in America.
Obviously the Bentley, everyone has a BMW nowadays and college girls won't know the difference between the 2016 and 2010 model Bentley has great brand recognition as a super high end luxury car and style
Or if you really want to pull girls and not be a bitch get whatever car you like instead of trying too hard to impress others
and from a Veeky Forumsness pov brand new cars are never a good investment
Not gonna lie dude, you sound pretty Elliot Rodgers-esque. I'll keep an eye out for you in the news.
A Bentley would be the epitome for a try hard for fucking university, do you realize how dumb that sounds?
I have both cars already. The problem is that I have researched their interiors and the X6 interior seems to be much better for what I'm planning to do. I can only imagine that hiding cameras in an X6 would be much easier due to the design. Guess I'll just go with it then, I'm fantasizing and getting stressed about this way too much.. only a day left and I still have so much to do. Thanks anyway.
Where do you live cause in America legal drinking age is 21.
I am from Germany.
Dunno what your planning to do but sounds like you should sell one of the cars to hire a lawer for the incoming lawsuits
A early 1970's Chevy Blazer or Ford Bronco that runs well and the heat and a/c works but looks a little rough. Make up some story about how you could afford a better car but your Grandfather gave it to you and has since passed away so you are keeping it in his memory. You'll have room to bang in the back. Plus you can haul shit when they move or lots of people to the party (they're on their own getting home). It will show you're sensitive, practical and have a personality. Get 4wd if you live in an area where that's a plus.
Heed this advice as well Günther
You come off as super rapey
You could pay some refugees for sex if you're that desperate
Chinese posters please go.
I'm almost certain op is a refugee that's been watching too much bangbus and faketaxi
You don't know my goals or plans so please don't assume such things. Also I'm a native german.
So what are your goals or plans?
I see you Rollin up in a Bentley lol I would treat your dumb ass or friend your dumb ass so I get you to buy me everything.
Are you a girl? If not then this wouldn't happen in the first place. If yes, we'd most likely have sex and your life would be ruined after a year. Fine with me, bitch!
>your life would be ruined after a year
yeah, if you're ruining lives with sex you probably need a lawyer or two.
I have discussed this with a lawyer my father suggested me and there's no possible trouble I can get into.
>native german
yeah just like the guy who committed the Nice attack with the truck was a native Frenchman
I'm on to you Abdul.
What are you planning on doing?
I don't think he's coming back :(
Just tell them you took out subsidized loans. The panties will be dropping.
>I'm feeling very inconfident
that's your problem right there, Elliot
>spoiler you will never get laid ever.
>because you're a faggot
bentley my man. Go get them
amateur porn probably.
or he will impregnate them and live off of the child support since the girls will get better jobs than he will
I went to college at age 21 and nobody gave a fuck that I could buy booze, I ended up leaving the dorm after 1 semester and renting my own place because I knew almost immediately that I wasn't going to get laid.
I am. But as I stated I'm not sharing my plan with any of you. It is something very unique and will make me lots of money. I don't want it to be copied.
Where do you go to school?