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“Shurima was once the glory of Runeterra. I will make it so again.”

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First for Yorick

nth for yordlefu

What champions are the best at camping lanes and making someone rage quit?

Yes I know it's disingenuious to abuse someone's mental state to climb instead of relying on your own skill but when you're on tilt yourself you need every advantage you can get.

These are the champions i own that can jungle:
Lee Sin

this is now the duo in the botlane you have to face post >yfw

lee sin is good for that because if they're under turret you can just kick them back into lane. shaco, sej and vi would have to dive which can be dicey early. hecarim does so much damage it doesn't matter where the enemy champion is, see hero kill hero.

Looks normal.

>laning with jhin

t i l t
i l t t
l t t i
t t i l
t i l t

>taking normies seriously

I play Velkoz top and heimer support with a ZZ'rot rush and still win

Tristana is cute! CUTE!!

>40 minute game
>lvl 16

What the fuck happened there?

>Gets carried
>"Wellllll, not really"

Honestly this game is toxicity incarnate. Kids will try their absolute hardest to not admit they're bad.

>guinsoos as your second AS item

I reckon you try playing someone else to break up the monotony, always breaks the lose streak for me.

Also, don't play yi.

You piece of shit.

Not him, but everytime I'm forced to jg I use Yi, because he's pretty much the only one I have. Well Nunu, but he's no fun.

Should I get Zac, seems fun?

Zac is really good

>Yeti of many snowballs
>not fun


zac is good and fun, but sometimes you will find yourself losing because you had sio much fun throwing yourself at enemies and making boing noises

Welcome to humans. It's not the game , if you'd ever get out and take the time to analyse others you'd find that most of what people do is to validate themselves. No matter how much they have to delude themselves they will still believe it's the fault of other people.
The only reason you think it's only in the game is because it is easier to notice since people are put in uncomfortable (feeding) situations more often

Post YFW the enemy jungler tries to gank your toplane

re you gonna buy figma's yasuo figure?

>you're 3/0/5
>your team has 9 kills
>jungle and botlane have been feeding the enemy jungler for 25 minutes

...that sounds perfect.
get's stale after literally hundreds of games with him I used ONLY him for a few years, in all the roles, because R is just so satisfying. BOOM BITCH

Looks nice.

I love Lissandra!
She's a soft plush pure QT who lactates ice cream!

let's judge eachother