First thread, let's see if anyone gives a fuck edition Open beta is now live.
>What is Riders of Icarus? Another free-to-play MMORPG being brought over from the East. It's mostly generic fantasy stuff but with some very unique features. The main thing here is that any class can tame mounts. There are a huge amount of them in the wild that you can collect. Mounted combat is a big part of the game. Your mounts level up as you use them. You can convert mounts into pets that fight alongside you instead. Mounted aerial combat is also a thing. Basically it's a mount collecting simulator that's actually really fun.
>Is it pay-to-win? Not at all. There IS a cash shop that sells only quality of life stuff and costumes. Extra bag slots, increased XP gain potions, mount skins, etc. You can earn cash shop credits (called Ellun) in-game without spending money.
>Is it another Eastern grindfest? No, nothing even close to a game like Black Desert. You have to do quests if you want to level up. No need to grind mobs.
>What about crafting? The crafting system is pretty intuitive. You aren't locked to a specific crafting field like in WoW. All the recipes are these already, you just need the materials. The only downside is that there is an RNG element to it. Enhancing your gear for example can fail and cause it to downgrade instead.
>How's the PvE/PvP? I can't tell you about PvP yet since I haven't done it. But the game has good instanced PvE content in the form of dungeons and raids (up to 10-man). Grouping up for quests is also highly encouraged to tackle tough monsters. Groups also get added benefits like increased XP gain.
I don't know if anyone gives a fuck about this game but I have to say I highly recommend checking it out. Currently the best new/in-development MMORPG I've played in a long time. This is one you'll want to keep an eye on.
Gabriel Rodriguez
>basically the posterboy raid boss is the most boring fight I've seen in a MMO in fucking years please tell me it gets better
Jace Reed
Do you fight it on a flying mount or something?
Julian Adams
Yeah, its midair but you mostly just stand at the sides of his arms and shoot your shit at him and some balls he summons every now and then
Jordan Johnson
James Moore
this game is fun pls dont die
Gavin Thompson
I would make a Veeky Forums guild if I had the gold and if anyone here played it
Nicholas Martin
how much gold is it to make one?
Mason Morales
Eli Collins
oh that's barely anything i'm level 20 and have 9 gold just from questing, I could make an EU guild but i'd never be a good leader for it
Grayson Morris
dont die on me
Tyler Moore
What's the best way to level a mount under level 10? I want to equip one with claws and a saddle. Do I just ride around on it til it hits 10? Doesn't seem like I can really fight with it.
Eli Rivera
just ride it, it's all dependant on your amount of time spent on the mount, you could even stay still and get exp for the mount
David Wright
>can buy copper ore for 50 coins unlimited from an NPC >retards are trying to sell them for 90 coins each in the auction house
Evan Stewart
thats me :3
Dylan Edwards
is it even working?
Hunter Jenkins
Michael Peterson
where the hell is this white-whisker bitch i've flown all over the fucking north woods and literally havn't seen a single one
Angel Wright
Where do i find Faint Spirit Water? Just started this game and i tried google it but i'm stupid.
Cooper Young
Is this shit even worth the bandwith?
Gabriel Kelly
This game is absolutely fucking terrible. If you guys haven any sense don't bother with it.
David Peterson
i'm pretty sure you have to craft it
Jeremiah Thomas
Thank you, i'm fucking blind.
Charles Morris
Yes. Just give it a shot before you listen to naysayers.
Why? You can't deny it's better than all the other F2P trash MMORPGs out there right now.
Michael White
Same person here. I really love turtles but is there a flying turtle available?
Asher Sullivan
flying? not that i know of but there are ground turtles
Jose Rivera
What are those little tokens that you can use to revive>
Oliver Gonzalez
Pretty sure you buy them with Ellun in the cash shop or you can buy one right there in the menu when you die and revive.
William Campbell
Benjamin Diaz
you know i would stay up and bump this thread all night if i could
Lincoln Howard
>the wizard class can only use offensive Fire & Ice magic
holy FUCK when will developers stop doing this
it is not interesting in the slightest and shows a severe lack of creativity
Michael Russell
I'm downloading, how are priests? Are they good as slutbois?
Christian Campbell
Isn't this shit just Dragons Prophet?
Blake Ward
slightly better than that shit, but yes
Christian Gomez
what do you do
spoon feed me I might play your shitty game
Andrew Campbell
Any decent guilds recruiting?
Brayden Torres
Wildstar is F2P and is extremely polished these days as well as it had a decent steam launch. The combat and game itself is a lot better and smoother than this shit
Charles Foster
I hate the Assassin class so much but stuck with it to level 20 and theres no fucking way im playing through those shitty questlines again on a different class
Liam Bailey
this thread died as quick as the game will :)
Hudson Martin
i am enjoying this game, it's nothing fantastic, but there is no mmo that is atm. at least it is slighty different with the flying combat and mount collection.
Carson Brown
Downloading now, but I don't like how ded this thread looks Is this worth the 10gigs?
Evan Bailey
We just need to start avatar posting like other MMO threads instead of discussing the game.
Would you bully my priest?
Joshua Powell
>>We just need to start avatar posting like other MMO threads instead of discussing the game.
i'll get started right after i download senpai
Connor Flores
Can I see some screenshots, please? Is it tab target or what? How many gigs free will I need? says 10 but the site says 30 You guys on steam I assume?
Jason Russell
This game has nice butts/upskirts.
Evan Brooks
what server are you faggots on
Kayden Williams
OP really should have put the server in the OP, or literally anywhere within the thread. Bad omen.
Austin Walker
Baellas or something along those lines
Gavin Long
tab target its not that much, like 10 yes
Jack Wood
Where can I tame a big ass wolf? Then I can name it Fenrir and participate in bestiality.
Isaac Garcia
This game is alright, honestly. Reminds me of RaiderZ but not as garbage.
Jayden Johnson
Have you tried Alaska?
Oliver Morales
this game has the least amount of content in any MMO I have ever played, there are 4 areas and the level caps is 25 (which is reachable in 10 hours or less)
Ayden Baker
Hahaholyfuck. That's pretty bad. Jesus.
Dominic Peterson
Nice, thanks for the response think I'll give it a go Any certain server/channel for na fags?
Blake Hall
Allegedly Baellas or something alone those lines. Should be the first one in the list. Not sure about channel. Doubt there is a set one at the moment.
Thomas Fisher
well it is currectly in open beta, more content is being released gradually im the following months
Anthony Garcia
>Nexon >Korean shit game #7899033122455 >Shit
No thanks
Landon Peterson
It's quickly losing that new game smell. Obtaining skills is so few and far between. Might be just because I'm a Guardian but eh.