The Warzone Firefight update is here! It includes the following: - Warzone Firefight (available on 6 maps) - Campaign Score Attack - 1 new arena map - 1 new warzone map - 1 new warzone assault map - 1 new forge canvas - New bosses, including the Grunt Goblin - New reqs, including the UNSC wasp vehicle and the Halo 2 Beam Rifle - Req items available in forge - 5 new campaign score attack achievements - 3 new warzone firefight achievements
What the fuck, game? Why are you never this useful outside of the worst game mode the franchise had?
Adam Davis
Elijah Sanchez
>hitting the image limit Stop posting you're moeshit moeposters!
Nicholas Hill
Spartan ops was F U N
Ryan Hill
>"you're crazy user, Halo 3 was released in 200..." >check Google >2007 >mfw
Anthony Allen
Connor Howard
That has to have been the shortest /hg/ thread ever. Only 496 replies.
Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
Benjamin Hernandez
Bad, the image limit was hit due to shittery.
Juan Bell
Well, it means we've got a bunch of people, since we hit 106 posters at 496 posts
Austin Sullivan
Don't encourage them
I'm looking through it now and it is overwhelmingly Halo pics and Halo webms.
Ryder Taylor
I can't watch this without getting emotional.
Please come back, Bungie. Please.
Austin Reed
In Halo 2 on the level Quarantine Zone, I always Dutch the spectre for the guasshog
Robert Russell
That's how it usually is, considering anime images are usually reaction images.
Hunter Torres
Yeah, I looked through it too, there's random spikes of anime shit all throughout, if there weren't any of that the thread probably would've gotten at least 600 posts.
Posting Halo related image complete with hnnng back arch.
John Reed
>it's a namefag complains episode
Grayson Harris
What's with the diaper?
Thomas Taylor
What would /hg/s fireteam name and colors be? It would be nice to get something officialish for screencaps
Matthew Brown
>It's an episode poster episode
It has something to do with pelvis protection, because the pelvis you know, is a really important bone.
Jace Myers
>implying people care who you are Take it off, nigger
Jack Powell
Fucking shut the fuck up you fucking retard
Angel Young
>mfw people are get this triggered over a name
Liam Lee
Carter Foster
There was a time, closer to when Halo 5 came out, when nearly everyone in the thread posted with their GTs, and it wasn't viewed as a big deal.
It only changed when faggots like you suddenly decided that a GT = a tripcode, and started derailing threads by constantly impersonating/false flagging.
Jason Brooks
That's not his GT, and he's not looking for lobbies.
Jace Howard
Join me and wrangler
2/8 for firefight
Luke Fisher
Hey now some of us do it ironically
Ethan Collins
>There was a time, closer to when Halo 5 came out, when nearly everyone in the thread posted with their GTs, and it wasn't viewed as a big deal. Yeah. because they were posting their gamertags looking for a game.
Christian Collins
Any news on whether we're getting future updates?
Oliver Peterson
We fucking better. They owe us an Assault map.
Gavin Johnson
>they owe us an assault map How many did we get?
Logan Bennett
Henry Sanders
We get one assault map per warzone map, and before launch we were promised six of each. The Sanghelios map just came out for warzone, so we're missing its Assault variant. And this is assuming we count Urban, which is fundamentally broken and shit.
Kayden Bailey
Levi Allen
Isn't this cool guys?
Jonathan Gomez
What, your complete lack of ability to draw a fireteam group?
Samuel Sanchez
Remove Urban
Lincoln Lewis
6666. I thought it was pretty cool guy.
Henry Hernandez
That's pretty low, senpai
Blake James
>not clearing away from the vehicle spawn
Ian Gomez
The bungie you knew and loved died years ago user.
Dylan Taylor
# >Apex 7 the best map Fuck you. i hate this map because every fucking objetive in firefight is fucking far.
>Inb4 lol complains about lolsmall maps you fucking newfag.
Fuck you too, i know the maps aren't at big. but in this modeeverything gets too fucking far.
What the fuck is wrong with the dificulty in firefight? everything can kick the shit out of you, even a god damn grunt. This is the first time i run from the minions. And the best part are the time in each round, it seems to be too fucking short. Five fucking minutes to kill 2 bosses and we still at level 5 >hurr durr git gud no fucker, this shit is really hard sometimes.
Fucking firefight.
Michael Wright
By average gamer I am referring to the scout warthog pro gamer who plays maybe 100 times a week, when they are busy with scout warthog school. This is evident in the choice for multiplayer they have made in Halo 5. CSRs based off of how well your scout warthog tower looks, matchmaking that focuses on speed over quality of scout warthogs so that there are always those well above or below your skill level in a hog. These so called seasons and the rest you have to go through in order to rank so that you can hopefully have a match with players of similar skill level and enjoy itare amazing. All of this shows they are catering to the proscout warthog gamer crowd and those who it is their major hobby in life. This leaves the average gamer with an excessive enjoyabletimeor totally enjoyable experience. They send out surveys butwe should never, never, never ever, ever, ever talk about the surveys. For all these reasons I say 343 does care about you. Now on a side note I am not a 343 hater, I rather enjoyed Halo 4 and even the MCC (when it worked) and I am not a Bungie fanboy. I am just a guy who likes the Halo games and universe and am excited to what's to come.
Dominic Myers
>running from grunts >being so bad at the game that you run from the cannon fodder >this somehow makes Apex bad And if you want stuff that's too far, Apex has that problem the least.
Ayden Sullivan
I doubt there will be more named updates but there's definitely more stuff on the way. >W10 Forge >2nd half of REQs for Forge >In-game file browser >Prefabs sharing >Esports weapon skins And this is speculation: >1 more WZ map (they said 6 after launch). >Sanghelios objects for forge (Tom French asked for suggestions). >Plasma launcher from Reach (unfinished version found in the first day of WZF). >Race mode (they said the MP team is "aware" of this petition, something similar was said about infection). >Frankie said updates weren't officially over after WZF.
Brandon Hughes
Oh boy, falseflags once again. You can tell this isn't me because I would use a more creative but equally as ineffective insult.
Bentley Phillips
>26 more uncommons >feeling hyped for all the dank shit legendary shit I'll be unlocking >60/133 rare emblems
Say it ain't so lads?
Robert Howard
Actually, is more easy to kill another spartan than a promethen soldier. The actual problem in firefight is the hordes of enemies, the number of Npcs.
The times a get the objetive of protect generators, we get crushed by only crawlers. 343 really need to work with firefight even more. Is not that bad, is good, but the short time and the bosses make this shit sometimes impossible.
Leo Mitchell
>now it's Soldiers >Soldiers somehow make Apex a bad map
Leo Reyes
Emblems don't take up unlock slots anymore. Don't worry about them when buying golds, unless you really want legendary emblems or something
Samuel Powell
The hordes of enemies is what makes it fun
Some rounds there's fucktons of enemies and it's awesome. I think it's the most enemies at once in any halo game
David Wright
No, Apex is a bad map because is shit. not because of the Soldiers.
Fuck you.
I know, but i don't get it when 8 players can't fight against all this fuckers in only 5 minutes.
Don't really know what is wrost, the short time or the bosses/hordes minions (because they take a lot of damage)
I'm sure there are some Flood levels that have higher enemy counts.
Joseph Price
>No, Apex is a bad map because is shit. not because of the Soldiers. Well your reasoning so far has been that grunts are too difficult and soldiers exist, so I'm going to say that you're wrong.
Austin Ross
I dunno, they've been completely silent about this subject since the game launched. It kinda makes sense to break that silence just to brag about their numbers.
Kayden Stewart
>Halo 5 has had the highest monthly active players for a Halo title since Halo 3. That's a lie. Unless they're talking about Halo 3 just before reverse compatibility came up.
Alexander Turner
It's probably so high because the game was just free for a week. Of course that would add more players to their monthly amount.
Halo 3 isn't backwards compatible
Michael Baker
Yes, i'm going to asperg.
All the enemies in firefight is hard. only that. even the grunts can kill you now. Some bosses like Wardens can heal himselves for example.
Eli Williams
was forging when I noticed pic related.
You think he's the one puppeteering warden in campaign?
Aaron Moore
That's just bad playing.
David Rodriguez
It all makes sense.
Caleb Perez
sounds in tune with what frankie said a while back about hundreds of thousands of daily players. they could also be sued for straight up lying about that shit
its gud news, and i like that H6 was at one point above Destiny and Overwatch
David Jones
>Protect the Generators on Darkstar no thanks.
Connor Taylor
The only generator defense that's bearable is Sanctum
Dominic Ward
Sanctum does everything right, best fucking map ever made. It's a shame it's wasted and restricted to WZ, i wish i could peacefully explore it in Forge.
Benjamin Stewart
Sanctum's nice because round 5, the hardest round, is a nice vehicle romp against fun covenant enemies.
>round 4, 4 enemy mantises surrounded by soldiers >one is inside the second floor of the garage Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Jacob Young
That's if you get relics, otherwise it's Mythic Wardens.
Samuel Carter
>Round 3: Defend the Armory from Prometheans >Round 5: 3 Wardens in the core Base
These are the only two rounds I still have trouble with. Everything else I now have a good strategy for and pretty much always succeed at. Banshee raiders? Not a problem. Grunt Goblins? Simple. Kill 60 soldiers? They give me all the suppressors I need. But these two rounds I haven't figured out yet. With the 3 wardens it's mostly just a time issue. If they gave us the full round time just to hit the 3 wardens, it wouldn't be an issue. With the defense of the armory, I have no idea how to strategize.
Adam Diaz
The 4 mantis round is not difficult. I thought it was the first yime, but with a coordinated team it's actually pretty simple.
Anthony Cox
Well teams are never organized, especially when half the party refuses to use a mic. Usually, even if they do talk, it's like three people all trying and failing to angle their tanks to shoots through the window while I'm on the room with two kinetic BRs.
Mason Cox
>What the fuck is wrong with the dificulty in firefight? everything can kick the shit out of you, even a god damn grunt. >This is the first time i run from the minions. You need to play campaign and git gud. The only difficult thing about firefight is the amount of time they give you. If you're dying more than 3 times in a game, you need to stop what you're doing and reassess how you're going in, because the enemies themselves are not hard
>He's not playing firefight with a full fireteam That's your fault. Not the game's. I'm not defending 343 btw. WZFF is not great by any means, but it's also not that difficult. If you're going in with less than 5 people, you're only making it harder on yourself.
Asher Ramirez
>That's your fault. Not the game's. Except I do, but half of /hg/'s active players don't use a mic, you illiterate.
Nicholas Cooper
The amount of time they give you for certain objectives is bullshit, but the enemies are not difficult.
If you're dying constantly then that's your own fault.
Asher Rivera
The Wardens in the back of the core room are a pain. My suggestion is, rather than wasting time trying to maneuver and position tanks to fire at them, put on an Overshield and use the ONI or Jorge chaingun. If possible, get multiple teammates to do that and split the Warden's attention. Scenario like that is why I really wish the Mantis was able to jump, or step/clamber up onto things.
Alexander Kelly
Julian Ross
Just played CE for the first time. My first Halo game was 3 and I've played all the games since.
This was easily the best campaign in the series for me, so I see why it still gets praised. So unless 2 is even better, I think this might be my faborite, with ODST as my #2.
Blake Taylor
Sometimes shit happens. Earlier today I got hit by a Spirit and thrown off the armory into a group of enemies, on top of having it knock my shields off.
Wyatt Robinson
I was playing CE as well recently and I realized that it and 2 have the best AI in the franchise.
I wonder why nothing since has caught up to speed.
Joseph James
Depending on what you liked about it, your opinion on H2 could go either way.
Luis Garcia
Jonathan Carter
How to webm? Is it possible in a browser app?
[Spoiler]because I'm using a chromebook[/spoiler]
Bentley Sanchez
Give a link to what you want webm'd, Miyabi poster.
Luis James
>chromebook You better have a good reason for not having at least a toaster.
Jeremiah Gutierrez
I appreciate your help but I'd like to do it myself if possible.
It was cheap and I hate tablets. I only use them for twitch, Veeky Forums and streaming stuff.
Gabriel Green
Luke Jackson
Just put a linux distro on it, then.
Jaxon Thomas
I think Halo started to go downhill after 2, and I fucking loved 3. Also, I know Halo 4 really isn't that great but Spartan Ops is so fucking bad. Need them cheevos though.
Cooper Powell
It peaked at two, the decline became noticeable post-Reach
Caleb Butler
>give spartan ops another shot because I need the achievements and it couldn't be THAT bad >oh wait, it is >and there's like 50 levels of it I'd be down to play it with three other guys sometime on normal or heroic, but fuck that solo legendary achievement. Also, it's nice to have Palmer complimenting you for a change.
Xavier Evans
reach is the worst halo, halo 4 was marginally better
halo 3>halo 1>halo 5>halo 4>halo 2>halo reach
Josiah Jackson
>FIGHT ME Why? What do I have to gain? It's an anonymous image board.
Josiah Lopez
Big Red, I have a suggestion for your revamping of custom games you were talking about last thread.
CE: 0% 2: 0% 2A: 25% 3: 75% 4: 0% (duh)
CE is an old game that has aged very poorly. The only reason it's talked about is because oldfags that shouldn't even be on this board can't let it go. There's no reason to play 2 when 2A exists. It's the same thing but with far better visuals and enough maps to pick and choose from. 3 should be the overwhelming majority of the custom sessions. This is where Halo finally found its niche and created the golden Triangle of Halo: grenades, melee, and shooting. This is the Halo the majority of the fanbase loves and rememveres, and it has the best map roster in the series hands down. 4 is a joke that shits on everything that made Halo 3 great, so obviously avoid it.
Also when is next MCC session?
David White
Nah 4 was much worse sorry
Though I'd like to hear your reasoning for how it's better than reach. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you mean campaign, which is fine as an opinion. But if you meant multiplayer, well then you're retarded