Best business major? Currently in Economics but I'm only a freshmen so I have time to change.
Best business major? Currently in Economics but I'm only a freshmen so I have time to change
Well... fuck it, I tried. Carry on, Tax Master!
>Tfw studying Tax law
Look at me... I's the Taxmaster now
What do you want to do? There is no "best" major, it depends on what you're going to use it for.
Not so fast tax master
Management Information Systems. Its a growing field, our college has an excellent hiring rate for graduates. 50k average starting salary with no experience.
Are MIS and Computer Inofrmation Systems essentially the same thing?
>taxmaster btfo with my quadruple deducted quads
im also starting my second year in economics and i want to figure out what the best specialization would be. I have not started looking into my options yet.
There's some overlap, we learn a few coding languages. MIS is broader though, you are focused on fixing problems (such as long queue times at a call center, deliveries being delayed, reports taking to long to be filed etc etc) or finding oppurtunities to improve already existing fuctions with technology based decisions. It's a very broad field though but very much in demand.
Oh wow, nostalgia up in this post. Roll!
To answer the questions, what 'business' are you wanting to pursue? If you want to go into actuary work, best degree would be mathematics. Standard wage slave? BBA. What do you want to be when you grow up, user?
I was told that Bsc Econ is ELITE. Is it?
I received a BS in econ a few years back and found a job in supply chain. Some position tags include purchasing agent; procurement specialist, demand forecast analyst; and inventory coordinator/consultant.
Can you tell me more about what you do and enjoy about your job please?
I'm doing this [MIS] right now for your exact reasoning.
I'll let you know how it goes in a couple years.
My shitty college only offers Computer Information Systems, should I take that or accounting?
Honestly dont feel like getting into details about my profession which you most likely could google. What I enjoy most about my work is that I make good enough money to support my wife and myself without being miserable at the end of the day.
I've only be working in the industry for about 2-3 years, making decent pay. I know the managers/directors I work for make well over 100k/year.
Came back to to thread to stop taxmaster
Business, and all of its cognates, are shitty majors
Whos gonna sell your product? More autistic, STEM nerds?