How will history remember Elliot Rodger? Do you think his manifesto will be considered a literary classic in the future?

How will history remember Elliot Rodger? Do you think his manifesto will be considered a literary classic in the future?

He'll be a minor mention in some books about social alienation in this time period.

> Do you think his manifesto will be considered a literary classic in the future?


Autism: the post

Not really

>What are jokes?

Yes of course it's a magnificent work and shows how sophisticated and intelligent he was
(I'm totaly not Elliot ;-))

was he even born less than 25 years ago?

He was a GREAT writer no matter what anyone says
Seriously read some of his writings he was set for success if he just managed to keep his shit together and lose his virginity to a hooker despite his 3 cm dick


well gtfo then

eh, I have seen better on Veeky Forums's writethreads.

Although, it makes me wonder. How could he not get laid. He looked decent enough, people uglier than him get sex. Did he go full autismo at some point?

>implying looks correlate anyway with how much pussy you get

> He looked decent enough,

He looked extremely feminine. This is good if you're a twink looking to get your boipucci pounded, not so much if you want a girlfriend.

>Did he go full autismo at some point?

He was pretty much full autismo from day one, starting with the fact that he completely failed to understand normal gender roles and never approached women, instead preferring to sit around and hope that women approached him.

He was also very rich, it baffles me how he couldn't just literally buy some sluts to hang out and have sex with him. It seems he was just looking for love for all his life, and he could never find it not even in his family (his parents were divorced and he writes about shitty relationship with them). He obviously had serious issues from this.

Elliot is the ultimate proof that money does not make people happy. I find his case pretty tragic overall.

He was extremely narcissistic, probably annoyed them all to hell

>He looked extremely feminine. This is good if you're a twink looking to get your boipucci pounded, not so much if you want a girlfriend.

How old was he? I ask because there's a lot of girls who, in high school and college, like more feminine-looking, thin men; they're usually not party sluts, though, which may have been the women he was meeting.

>He was also very rich, it baffles me how he couldn't just literally buy some sluts to hang out and have sex with him. It seems he was just looking for love for all his life, and he could never find it not even in his family (his parents were divorced and he writes about shitty relationship with them).

I only saw one of the videos he posted online, and this was my thought too, he seemed to really want a girlfriend, not just sex. It's hard to find someone who will like you if you have a negative worldview and hate yourself (which he clearly did), especially for guys, since confidence is key in meeting and attracting women.

There were some girls at my school who were trying to spin what he did as mra terrorism, I thought that was shameful political piggybacking, he was clearly a sad, isolated kid who just lost hope and snapped. His "manifesto" is just the diary of a depressed college dropout.

calm down


Chicks dig androgyny though. Just look at David Bowie

>This is good if you're a twink looking to get your boipucci pounded, not so much if you want a girlfriend.
Nigga, the Twinky looking fuccboi is popular with girls his age.

He really just has problems up in the locker.

Elliot Rodger will be forgoten in 10 years or less

Mass shooters are never forgotten, just look at Eric and Dylan