ITT we design an App


App that you can text and it calls 911, giving them your address and the situation you're in.

Used when you can't use your voice (killer in your house searching for you) or for mute/deaf people

Been in my head ever since a friend was in a situation like the first one idk

useful but how will it make money? ads?
>before we text 911 for you watch this quick video!

Make it 1-2 dollars in the app store m8

People who need it will buy it(mutes and deaf people)

People who are paranoid will buy too.
Especially when guns in America become regulated when Hilary wins

my samsung A3 has something like that already build in
you can configurize it so that when you tap the powerbutton 3 times a sms is send to a selected number including a short audio/phota and your location


In canada you can already text 911

I'm building an app to sell female secondary designer clothing and accessories as well as indie clothing

There's vestaire collection but it's shit. Gonna be like the female

>In canada you can already text 911
Same in the US. Most places for free, some have a third party service.

What about an app that works w gp and maps to help ppl know where public restrooms are while they are out. Be great for old ppl and anyone w medical conditions needing to go a lot. Findapotty

>help ppl know where public restrooms


How about we make an app just for Veeky Forums?

>We pool together 20 bucks from everyone and pump and dump crypto coins, before each pump and dump the app randomly assigns you a link which you can go follow and start posting or commenting on some poor reddit or blog shilling the coin, making sure it goes up.
>Perfect solution for all those "how can I maximize 20 bucks" NEET posters

>An app which compares your finances against the ?/10 gf you can afford
>"You need 10,000 more before you can get 6/10"
>We can shill it on Tumblr as a "oh my god can you believe this misogynistic trash" and naturally the alt-right will come to our rescue just to piss off the feminists buying it in droves

>Basically an app that takes the basic stats about a S&P 500 company and runs it through a simple script to see if it's the kind of revenue, DCF, and assets that Warren Buffet would invest in. Gives you a simple "yes" "no" answer.

does it run on NAWLEDGE ?

A Donald Trump soundboard app, featuring some of his greatest hits like 'I love the poorly educated!' and 'only Rosie O'Donnell!'

Normies would love it.

Charge $0.99 on iOS and make $0.70/user after Apple's cut.

Make it friendly for both Trump supporters (with 'I will build a great, great wall!' and 'you have to go back!' for example) and anti-Trumpers (with some of his stupider sayings) so that both groups will download it.

You could make a couple hundred thousand dollars in a week or two if you could get a good amount of downloads. $500k revenue for 714,286 downloads.


I'll do this one actually lads. I think I'll call it 'TRUMPet' or something like that.

Not the most idiotic idea this board came up with, but you have to move fast.

Tupac everywhere

An app that tells you if your pregnant just pee on the mic

Scale app, step on it it tells you how much you weight

Doctor app, put app in butt to lower fever

Take pictures of people's faces and it tells you how the back of their head looks

Bigg dick app
Take pic automatically increases girth and length of dick

Help me with this one
Money transfer app

Big dick app has potential, lot of insecure dicklets out there with more money than sense or inches.

A relaxing video game app which plays Unchained Melody in 8-bit chiptune music.

every guy will have a big dick by the end of 2017, whether its just an oversized picture of their dick or surgery.


A free mobile ad blocker.

Run ads on it and charge $1 to remove them.

There's already free ad blockers senpai