GSL Code S
Cure vs Stats
TLHerO vs MyuNgSiK
SC2 General
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thats not seulgi you fucking idiot
'za with 'zii...
based spelling za properly bro
'zah with 'zee...
I dont understand a single post in here
watch and learn kid
were serious memers here
youre trying to make me lose my sanity but it's not going to work. stop tracking my posts & when i sleep
get help
i can deal with him myself i dont need help
its almost time!
literally was watching lovu livu as you posted it
we ONLY watch seinen stuff here NO moe harem shit
>he's an anime hipster
>he thinks his anime is deep
GSL Code S is about to start! aer we hype?
some anime isnt deep but way less shitty than moe shit
its really not hard to understand lol no need to strawman
>i don't watch movies
>i watch films
whatever retard
i cant watch anime because i get distracted and do stuff on my other monitor and i'll miss 10 minutes of subtitles and have to rewind constantly
i know that feeling...
I need strong male characters in my anime that's why I hate moe shit
here we go!
seoul, south korea
what are we gonna do there
stolen from africa
dreadlock rasta
cover our faces if any cameras show up
so go back home lol
a cute !
fuck off gleepy/oatsy
hell yeah
not sure if you know but code s is on
sounds sick
csgo has 40x more viewers than gsl
its another analcunt side project
heres lyrics so you dont have to focus hard to hear them
that korean pro dude made 2 dark shrines xD
thanks friend
dbl. cheeseburger build
when is memewars
mm, milf...
her feet smell
*hides face*
tasteless and artosis don't even get chairs anymore
thats my girlfriend melissa
today is a very special day for her
today is the two year anniversary from when she started her transition
overwatch is so shit
would you rather fuck
queen of blades
chun li
my vote is chun li but its close between her and queen of blades bitch ass
can he not be my guy?
QoB seems like she would be cold and clammy and chun li is a gook
my pick is cammy for sure
yuri from snk games
forgot my yuri from snk games
are you going to main her in kof14.............
no im gonna main your mom nerd
what about bullet
dumb gook rape
i haven't had a console for a long time...
i havent heard them talk about the npc creatures on the maps for a while
HerO needs a cigarette to calm his nerves.
carpe diem starfriends
i'm going to eat you :)~
Anyone else remember when there were more than two races in the professional scene?
What are the two races, user?
I miss seeing pro zerg players.
They're like an endangered species now
eh its been worse
13p/10t/9z in round of 32
argumentum ad metum
cui bono?
mens sana in corpore sano
post tenebras spero lucem #umbræ
what the fuck? have the James Bond theme's been licensed to GSL for their commercial use?
tickle monster edax RERUM
i'm really happy i woke up to find hero had lost. i hate that dumb ugly gook.
lingua latina mortua non est
posce animum mortis terrore...
its 'za with 'zii you idiot
'ZAH with 'ZEE...
i want to stick my tongue in her nostrils
ummmm dont call me that???
"haha i know he watches GSL so i'm going to post it again"
good night, friends
good night buddy
this is the only thing i know how to say in latin... sorry
dont die!
stats is a silly gook
rest in peace >->(c:
im glad i have a friend