EVENTS (GLOBAL) >[05/07-19/07] T-Bone fortnight >[05/07-12/07] Krieg returning fortnight >Double returning fortnights from next week starting with with Hina/Sadi >[07/07-07/08] Raid Boss: Enel >Monday raids coming from 18th >Doffy batch 3 sugofest from 9th, part 1 >Sadi-chan ranking
>[06/28-07/12] New Film Z Nami and Robin fortnight >[07/06-07/07] Surprise Pica Raid >[07/08-07/11] and 07/23-07/26 mini skillup >[07/15-07/19]bossrush Enel/Doffy/Shiki/Zephyr >[07/5-0712]FP turtle event >Gold raid soon >July fortnights
Fuck yeah I asked myself all the time why are Lucci and Garp supports and Drake is a battle
Lincoln Barnes
>tfw no Tashigi, meaning i cant play my waifu team of Perona, Tashigi and Koala at least we didn't get Rebecca. do we got a PC release date yet?
Samuel Nguyen
How the fuck is Garp strong at all? He doesn't have a Devil Fruit power or is a master of martial arts. He has no combat skill, all he does is punch VERY hard. How the fuck is that even balanced.
Angel Wright
He can use Haki and is strong enough to sink a ship with a thrown canonball, and can punch hard enough to split a continental ice shelf.