>2016 >tfw still no male panda warlocks We can feed demons nice food and befriend them instead of enslave and all this faggotry
Plus who uses pets these days
Owen Nguyen
well it looks like you'll have to do all of the dailies to get the "this item begins a quest" shit
Brody Rogers
>Plus who uses pets these days
i expected more coming from a """pvper"""
Jackson Robinson
Holy fucking shit I just checked and I literally have to farm some panda farm shit and hope one drops. This is the gayest shit.
Brayden Carter
Well i was generalizing, obviously the damage reduction and buff eating faggotry pets can have is a bitch in pvp >.>
>degenerate faggots >nice friendly people oh yeah i forgot, this is le REVERSE world aka Veeky Forums xD
Brody Wood
Alright since I got Imp on live I wanted to see what's soloable on beta for Legion, so using the pvp 800ilevel template Blood DK and pally I'm so far 5/13 NHFC, first 3 were easy as shit, Council took a wipe before I figured it out, Kilrogg I had to switch to pally because heartseeker dot stacks needed to be reset by bubble because of the damage it does at 10 stacks and the dps needed to get him down without the aid of visions,Gorefiend is a cockblock though because he just resets when he sends you down.