- Now Playing: Gameboy block
- Schedule:
- European Meetup / Marathon in Växjö, Sweden, July 23rd - 31st
- Now Playing: Gameboy block
- Schedule:
- European Meetup / Marathon in Växjö, Sweden, July 23rd - 31st
GDQs are officially finished
Everything has to be ran or commentated by some trans now
>hear mental illness from the stream
Aaand its closed.
Twitch BTFO. Though I still wish he has donated to some other charity.
Why, not hating on him just curious
At least gays know how to make themselves attractive. Unlike lesbians. The GDQ would die quickly if we have lesbians games done quick.
Was Cosmo's mental illness the start of everything
Why'd it have to be like this
initial tweet not available.
pleb can't botch the notch
I hope he throws a huge donation at a serious cancer research org during AGDQ17 and tells PCF to go fuck itself.
They claim to care about saving lives but actually refuse a big amount of money because they disagree with EU politics. If you run a charity, you should care about your cause, not politics.
>one thread takes like 12 hours
>go away for 8 hours
>you go through 2-3 threads
what's been happening after bethesda block?
you dont even want to know
Simulating Genders Done Quick
at least missy realized what he was doing
Can someone ask him to fund battery research?
I don't know how to twitter. Can't even find what he replied to, so, yeah.
This guy doesn't even know all his movement options for the game he runs? Is he fucking serious?
>donating money to save subhumans too stupid to feed themselves
When will liberals reach peak signaling? Ritual suicide?
>tranny on the couch
seriously, another??? what the fuck
also, based mr cab on the right (lol u newbois don't even know who that is). looks like he shaved
No homo right?
MSF is pretty good as far as charities go.
It'd be more tolerable if they took it seriously.
What am I missing? He's just gay to me.
The runner is too...
Didn't they have a crossdresser last year too?
speedboi love is cute
dude, gays don't dress like that
yeah, but only like 2 in total
>parents support this degeneracy
>parents enforce their child's delusions
the west is done for
why are there so many fucking faggots
>parents that caused it's mental illness donating
>You rock!
Great parenting!
>he has to refer to him as she
>or it'd be a big deal
Like, fuck. That must be hell. Crammed on a couch with mentally deranged people and having to watch how you phrase yourself carefully.
Pick one.
>it's a SJW comes to Veeky Forums and tells people they are the real problem episode
I'm old so I pick ykb
i kinda do though
What's MSF?
it's so fuckin funny how they've literally split up by real and fake
5 real girls, 2 fake ones, and one downie in a dress
Yeah not sane gays. I meant he's flamboyant though. Should I have said fag? Sorry if I offended you.
Topmost probably. Seems like a serious person, not considering the company.
>only at 561,000 on the 2nd to last day
rev up those """"""""""""anonymous"""""" donations boys
kffc honestly looks so fucking disgusting, i never wanna about hear how FiFi outkicked his coverage ever again
Do you think some of the real girls secretly think "fuck these trans"?
I wonder
>it's a tranny emulating hyper feminine traits episode
The dick on the girl in front though. Jesus Christ. Tie it up or something.
>Miltaires Sans Frontiers
It actually means Docs without borders in French
dude i don't know what world you're living in, literally the most flaming homos on the planet don't dress like girls. they dress like gays.
this dude is dressed like a girl. end of story
normal non-turbo-feminist women actually have the same opinions of trannies as the of us.
that's a dude
>best looking girl
>biggest dick
why do the others even try
also what's this funky acid tune, still that pastel-coloured top down memegames' OST?
BCWarrior BCWarrior BCWarrior BCWarrior
I didn't know they did cosplay at SGDQ, and eventhough all cosplays matter, that is THE SHITTIEST COSPLAY OF A GIRL I HAVE EVER SEEN.
He's not even trying to do a more girly voice.
Maybe were not thinking of the same person here.
I'm talking about the flannel shirt guy.
All I know is I'll never be talked into going to shit like this.
I may have gone back in 2013 or something. But now this shitshow is impossible to admit you went to without accepting your normie circle dry up.
But MSF is just trying to show that, in their opinion, that the EU is partly responsible for the whole refugee crisis. In that sense they are also a political organization and as that it's completely fine to not accept money from governments which they don't agree with (unlike most politicians).
It's the same as Europe not giving America lethal injections for executions because they don't agree with having death penalty. Sometimes general principles are more important than money or otherwise everything would turn into a big sellout shitfest like GDQs/PCF/other "charities".
Cosplaying has nothing to do with it, he's a fag
Jesus fucking christ, this is more about trannies than speedgames now.
I want to go to nerd events and have creepy girls lust over me but now I can't go without there being transvestites there.
I should have gone to Veeky Forums at least 5 years earlier
Stop using that word. It isn't accurate at all.
>I'm actually looking forward to caweb instead of this nightmare
so what happened in regards to trans peeps to make you guys so scared?
Like from what I can tell there's two trans people there and people got super angry?
>imagine letting this freak around your kids
shame on essentia, at least you have daughters and not sons
>they think it's mindless hate
>really just hate dudes that don't even try and look like men in dresses
>tfw zfg decided not to come to this SGDQ
>tfw he knew
Based zfg knew we'd get overrun by trannies
>this is the social media staff at GDQ
Everything makes sense.
>Twitch chat shits on EVERY OTHER RUNNER
>noone cares, because its fucking twitchc hat
>twitch chat shits on some trannies
how does he do it?
The high test girl on the left.
>Sitting like that to get attention from someone
>already in a relationship
guaranteed replies
>Twitch chat shits on EVERY OTHER RUNNER
It doesn't though, that's blatantly untrue.
It's about half a dozen plus more that didn't show up. Plus furries.
Speedgaming is apparently a fucking signal beacon for degenerates.
>twitch chat is always racist and homophobic
>suddenly it's a big deal
They do, it's called ESA.
>at a gdq collecting donations for a good cause
>abusing it for attention
Mentally ill people belong to
twitch chat tends to shit on people who deserve it, not every runner
/v/ sperg out more about runners than twitch chat
They're hitting down hard on the racism too now because loving islam and muslims is part of being trans.
It does though. You're blatantly a fucking moron.
Twitch shits on bob ross and he's been dead for over 10 years now. Pull your head out of your hormone imbalanced mutilated genitalia.
Irony is when polled 99% of them would throw these people off a bridge.
>i got depressed and almost killed myself
Yeah sure.. If you're ever bad enough to want to kill yourself you don't 'almost kill yourself' you want to kill yourself. For one reason or another you may not. But you never 'almost kill yourself'.
That's called pussying out because it turns out you didn't really want to you wanted something else.
I've been there. I'm sick of the exaggerating.
It really doesn't mate, not nearly to the same overwhelming degree.
There's disagreeing with something for ideological and rational reasons, then there's being retarded. Sadly you're doing the latter.
>being gay was a no-no among the religion in my area
>religious person was the most understanding of a person's need to love themselves even if they didn't agree with their lifestyle
Yeah that's pretty upsetting. I don't like religion but that's just not fair.
An anti-White charity that takes money from European people and gives it to the rest of the world. (((MSF))) don't help in Ukraine or South Africa where White people are being murdered and starved, but they love to help the entire non-White world come to Europe. It's also run by a Jewish communist.
>Kouchner was born in Avignon, to a Jewish father and a Protestant mother, he began his political career as a member of the French Communist Party (PCF), from which he was expelled in 1966 for attempting to overthrow the leadership.
>In 2010, the Jerusalem Post considered (((Bernard Kouchner))) the 15th most influential Jewish person in the world
>Kouchner denounced statements by Pope Benedict XVI claiming that condoms promoted AIDS, saying they were "the opposite of tolerance and understanding".
Sexuality Gender Diversity Quotas
>twitch singles out 'X'
Again, you're a fucking moron. The fact that you don't understand how the internet works at such a fundamental level is fucking pathetic, niggerfaggot.
>Twitch shits on bob ross and he's been dead for over 10 years now.
>Pre-recorded video on a live streaming website
No wonder they were butthurt.
They don't participate in wars like that though. And Ukraine has resources by comparison to these other corrupt regions of the world.
>catching up on fallout runs
>mfw this "transition anniversary"
>mfw twitch chat
>At the end of 2014, MSF had 71 staff in Ukraine. MSF first worked in the country in 1999.
They do not give a shit
Point being, you get shit on the internet. Alive, dead, black, white, man, woman, straight, gay.
You get shit on the internet. Nothing is sacred.