/arkg/ -Ark Survival Evolved General

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We are playing an unofficial server ran by some random normies, we are all in one tribe, and there is a healthy population of 50+ non 4channers. You will not get bullied by us unless you're a retard who posts in global looking for us. Add Irish on steam (anime girl avatar).

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1st for burd of my dreams

2nd for great game :)

3rd for gas the normies, server war now.

shit general

>couldn't figure out a recipe


Post memes

So do servers with more people have less mobs on the center?
Caves seem damn near impossible on the server with friends I'm on, dozens of mobs with torpor attacks every room and they've already respawned by the time you're leaving.

I'm not sure. Caves on the Center are tough though. I hope you like temperature extremes and packs of dire niggers.

Maybe I should work on finding a decent raptor or saber saddle and run a eugenics program to fill it before cave diving.
It's not like bosses are killable right now anyways, especially with only 5 people.


deadest dead dead



I just started this game again because bored. Whats the fastest way to level when starting out on a server?

Was this the test tribe assault?



Forgot webm

Are we just going to abandon and make a new server or is the admin still being the buttrage faggots and not appearing on

Why would be abandon the server? Other servers have no active admins at all OR the admins are power hungry faggots who abuse their admin powers.



>he locked himself out of his own structures



Baby day

Is it just me or is night in the center super fucking bright? I miss the pitch black nights.

Also the bloom is out of control.

It has wings, flaps, and flies.

Thus bird.

I'm going to come and kill the rest

So I guess it's just me then? How do I fix this?

It doesn't have feathers.
Or are dragons and wyverns now birds?

Penguins don't have feathers and they are birds.

>Penguins don't have feathers

Where the fuck did you get that idea?

Thats fur.

Does it hurt being that retarded or are you just trolling?

All of these are from the same penguin.

Not him but

>Do penguins have feathers or fur?
>Yes, like all other birds, penguins have feathers. Penguin feathers are short, overlapping and densely packed. The outer part of the feather is waterproof while the inner down section traps an insulating layer of air, keeping the penguin warm in the sometimes freezing water. Unlike those of flying birds, the feathers on a penguin wing are very short.

From penguin.net.nz/faq/faq.html

Birds are gay

Those are furs of varying sizes.
>trusting the penguins to not lie about this.

I want to be a fish fucker

But user penguins are good to be clubbed and obtain organic polymer

Not by this definition They don't fly nor do they really flap their wings, it's more of a stroke.

They fly in the water.

With that logic, go tame some bats.

You know what bugs me?

Ark has almost daily 200+ megabyte patches and absolutely no changelog to show for it.

You're kidding right? They maintain one on 3 separate websites. There's even a link to it in the OP.

Why does nobody play stuff like Tribal Wars or the pirate mod? Would be great to play some more structured and faster PvP.