Finally killing that long-ass old thread edition.
Current patch notes:
Finally killing that long-ass old thread edition.
Current patch notes:
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this game sucks now
Xth for the good old day
i miss when we could see ping for everyone.
it let me have a good estimate of how shitty at lasthitting my ADCs would be
Nth for actually picking a champ you like, sticking with him/her/it, carrying your team, and getting to gold ez.
I think Dynamic queue retroactively made season 5 suck
>PBE has minor fixes for the splash
>still not addressing that the feet doesn't get smaller as them move away from the camera
Is MF a sasquatch confirmed?
Add me, Buttpillow EUNE. I need some people to play with. I would also appreciate being part of any meme Veeky Forums club.
Bronze II scrub, I just want to play games with people that kinda know their shit in order to learn.
MFW the enemy panic-ignites me before dying
>sexual tension between teammates
why doesn't all esport have this? it is GOLD!
thank you for reminding me ryrk existed, what a player
Classic Sauron skin when?
Why did they remove it in the first place? It's honestly stupid.
Now that I have 13 ping every game, I want to know who has the highest ping so I can camp them when I jungle, target them first when I play an assassin, etc.
>You now can only see your own ping because kmowing everyome's ping is toxic
>Can no longer know if that "sorry I'm lagging" was true
they didnt address any of the issues. they just added shading to her stomach. her right eye still looks alien she still has tumblr nose and er foot is a rectangle
+Shyvana's ganks are so-so but she's pretty good at counter-ganking.
+Don't be afraid to gank early, try not to engage with ult
+Rush Titanic Hydra after Bloodrazor, it amplifies her burst, aoe damage, and clear speeds which is helpful for keeping side lanes pushed.
-Pick junglers with strong early 1v1s or ganking power into her to take advantage of her weak early. Kindred in particular shits on Shyvana.
prob exactly for that reason
what are the best pussy-mode picks for each role?
i enjoy not dying and playing safe. shitting on flashy champions who think they're hot shit by jumping around real fast is also appreciated.
every role
That's pretty accurate.
get good
horee sheet i can't unsee now thanks user
good bye... kaiser..
ayy is ez
nami was based
>less tan 100k viewers for a fnatic game
>finally get the role and champion i want
>enemy team gets hecarim
What's the most damaging weapon in the super late-game of DCSS? Giant Spiked Club of Speed/Crushing? Or is it Unarmed Combat?
How do I play vlad if the first thing he does is rush spirit visage?
he outfarms and outsustains me with ease
>yorick rework
>then the assassin update
>then warwick rework
>then probably another Ryze rework
>THEN Riot's list of 6 champs most in need of VGUs (Swain, Irelia, Pantheon, Urgot, Evelynn, Mordekaiser)
>if he's the first who's reworked the absolute EARLIEST he could get remade is around March next year
>the latest is as far off as 2-3 years from now
wrong general m8
pls :)
You need to burst him down. Rope in your jungler for help. If you can't kill him, roam down mid.
Honestly, I'd say old DFG
morellonomicon if AP, executioner's if AD
engage once he wastes his empowered Q
his dueling potential is limited when his ult is down
go behind your minions while he is charging his E
he needs flash to engage in teamfights
time his pool correctly
>tfw the dotards won in the end
Top: Basically anyone. Long ranged champs like Quinn are super pussy mode. Play Nasus to piss everyone off.
Mid: Lux and Zed and Azir. Especially Azir.
ADC: Ezreal or Caitlin
Support: I mean... you're playing support. Anyone.
Jungle: Anyone that farms2win.
I love Lissandra! she's a plush and pure qt who lactates ice cream!
Diana is pretty qt desu
What did they change? I see no differences
who wants to play?
If you lose to Spirit Visage rush Vlad this patch, you're a horrible player.
They nerfed it hard and you can see that it hurts when they don't rush AP now.
>implying yorick will ever be reworked
Riot thinks he's a mistake and is doing everything in their power to make people forget he exists. Reworking him would go against this, they would rather keep him useless and deleted from the game than actually trying to make him relevent.
are people running rylais now?
personally i don't find protobelt to be that good
what if league had this
>tfw enemy leblanc 100-0 herself
Then why is he literally at the top of their publicly accessible update schedule?
>I accidentally the team
Watching some guys farm for 20 mins while almost falling asleep in this shit heat, rather see some waifufag posting on lolg.
>most targeted spells
Leblanc would Q you and then just W->R you. The damage of the Q would be reflected, but would still get the debuff, so you'd get the secondary Q damage, and then both dash's damage.
thanks for the answer, user.
i always wanted to master the farm dog. any tips?
I like this idea.
-LEARN TO LAND YOUR Q. You can get 300cs in 20 minutes if you LEARN TO LAND YOUR Q. Okay, that might be an exaggeration, but your Q has really good range, great late-game damage potential, and can differentiate between single-target and group damage, SO LEARN TO LAND IT.
-Be really careful around any champ that can close the distance, especially your direct counters like Zed, Fizz, and maybe Leblanc. You have to know if they used their tricks before engaging. If they're fed and you're not, then your only hope is to die and try to kill them afterwards, seriously. Don't be afraid to just farm. Karthus has great late-game potential.
-If you're against melee champs who can't really get you fast, harass them every second. Karthus CAN get an early kill on melee champs even on experienced players. Probably because they never see him in games. Setup ganks with W.
-Ryilay's + tear is the best item combo, and don't let anybody convince you otherwise.
-"Press R to win" is a meme, but it has a grain of truth, as it's a great map control tool. Use R only if you are sure you're gonna get a kill. Tell your stupid top/bot teammates to stop engaging low-health guys and concentrate on other threats while you R them for double-triple-quadra. R is easily mitigated with spellshields, untargetables, hourglass, FUCKING FIZZ I HATE YOU SO MUCH etc. You have to learn when to use it (like any global ult), and it's a matter of personal experience.
-When against Karthus DON'T STAND NEAR HIS BODY HOLY SHIT. Karthus is a great late-game initiator, as he can die, and still wreck the enemy team. Either stun him and try to kill other champs fast, or get the fuck away when he dies.
-High mobility champs counter him hard, especially assassins. If you're Zed, consider your lane won.
-Only 1v1 early game if you're sure youll survive. All 1/1 death exchanges will be in Karthuses favor because of his late-game potential.
I mean obviously you would change it around a bit to fit league, not just port it directly.
Perhaps all non aoe targeted spells get reflected?
>can't select just one role and accept longer queue times
Boy I sure do love either playing nonstop support or being forced into a role im shit at 50% of the time.
I hope you reported the shit out of Miss Fortune.
>Last game of my bo3
>I'm against the scripter duo again that I had the previous match
fuck my bo3 up senpai
If you can't play all roles you have no business playing ranked
I did but he won't get banned because didn't say "nigger faggot cancer" and riot doesn't ban you if you do ANYTHING but that
he called me a jew though so I said he was antisemitic in the comments hoping it would hit riot where they're weak
that will have a bigger cost to all the other players in terms of queue times than it does to you.
>some guy says "you fucking transgender nigger" to his teammate and goes 2/12/1
>try not to laugh, and just type "what's wrong with being a transgender?"
>get "thank you for your report, good goyim" 5 minutes after the game
Happened like three times. Thank you for your support, rito fags.
that makes no sense
Why do all silvers say this? Do they actually believe it to be true?
He's full of shit. You can pretty much one-trick your way to gold or even platinum, especially in le splitpushing roles.
>come back to LeL after 2 years of not playing
>fuck yea my nigga heimer
>they ruined him
RIP ez missiles
the fuck are you talking about? donger is great.
I know he's full of shit, I jungled my way into high diamond but I literally can't lane for shit past gold. I'm still better than 99% of the population that plays this game on my main role but shitty players like him think I should never even touch ranked at all because I can't perform that well on every role? Do these people not think about how absurd the things they say are?
Maybe. But his missiles are RIP.
how is everyone building GP lately?
i tried armorpen builds but i don't feel like i do any damage while crit builds can't get past 50% without stacking infinity edges
i can only dodge so many games
ok after whinging yesterday about how remake never works, it saved my hide just then
I gave first blood like a retard to annie stun into jax stun into dead, apologized to the team followed by 'a summoner has disconnected' or whatever it is with tf leaving
then shortly after we start laning the remake option comes up saying 'since team member disconnected before first blood blah blah', and I assume its bugged out since i died and then tf disconnected, but we remake, at which point I realised that not only did tf quit after I gave first blood, but renekton had never connected at all
would have been a sad game if not for remake here
So you can remake no matter what, but the disconnect has to be BEFORE the First blood (and 3 minutes)?
yeah I think so
Some people on Veeky Forums strive for acceptance. Maybe he thinks that this is this general's opinion or something.
>/mute all
>splitpush top
Fuck humans, honestly.
Is snek good? I sort of like long-range mages with cancer special effects. Is she beginner friendly?
She's the very opposite of that. She requires you to get real close if you want to deal damage at all, otherwise you'll simply get bullied by longer ranged champs.
Absolutely not beginner friendly since she requires good map awareness and good positioning to function at all.
Oh, I didn't know that, thanks man. I'll go watch some more vids then.
>cracked lips
Yes. Solid winrate and seeing some pro play, she might even be a little too strong
>beginner friendly?
maybe not, how "beginner" are you talking? You need to spam a lot of E buttons and land a lot of Q's or you're going to have a bad time, but her path to victory is pretty basic and would teach new players a lot of skills that are important but tend to be neglected. What I mean by this is that you pick her, go into a lane, farm your ass off with abilities that make for really good farming (especially under turret) when practiced, and then you just follow your team around and melt the closest target to you in teamfights.
Hello there, what did i miss ?
Lissandra a shit
Aslo Xth for Ashe is the Best Freljord
That's what having a pair of poisonous fangs does to you, it rubs off on your lips.
she's mid-range, not short-range like you're implying.
for a mage that's fairly short, but in team fights she is about dealing damage from the edge of her range so she's safe.
It is only mine
Obviously you can main a role but if you're at the point where there's a role you're literally terrible at then you can't appreciate their role whilst you're playing your game
balanced snek losing against 45% winrate bloodman
vlad is love
so because I can't "appreciate" a role I should never touch ranked in your opinion? Really?
taken in low b4. Lolbabs?
>carrying my team with nautilus
No matter how well I do, I can't kill several people quickly enough. Eventually, I'll run out of mana and whacking people often isn't enough.
did people finally stop banning bloodman?
i can't play my main since he got reworked :(
If you're too much of a retard to understand how to play a role in League of fucking Legends then you may as well kys
I sure as hell don't want your retarded ass on my team
Appropriate time for a joke about there actually being people playing on bronze.
That depends on what elo you are.
>main karthus since times immemorial
>he's suddenly getting 51.99999% win rate
>goes from tier 2 to tier 1
Will it happen? Are they going to nerf him even more now? I'm sacred shitless desu.
Lose two games in your bo3 because of an intentional feeder then an enemy scripting botlane
I'm glad my skill is what determines the outcome of my games!!
His banrate dropped like 10%