Shitters of the Rail edition
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CURRENT UPDATE: Specters of the Rail
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RIP Zenurik
Continuing from last thread, anything you wanna see from the market, holsters cat shit etc, lemme know.
Cont: Okay fucking no, I figured it out, this type of cat is just fucking horrifying. Both in looks and abilities the other one seems better already, prior to testing that is.
Gonna breed one more cat real quick and see what we get, someone toss me a decent
reposting the list of junctions and tasks
Stop false flagging, Zenurik is the same as before.
>mfw trying to do void tears solo
Yfw no more Tower Survival C hell anymore
John Prodman
Where do i get the segment to craft rifts?
Where these always stuck behind a pay wall?
Junctions apparently.
>he doesn't know
yes, only the originals are free
Dual sword arm and hip holsters?
I just named it after my cat, sorry boss.
Why do people complain about paying for cosmetics?
Would you rather make gameplay alterations buyable?
You're literally asking for p2w.
It already is P2W. We just don't want to see DE begging for money every time we look at our characters.
People don't like shelling out cash in general.
Get to that in one sec first y'all gotta see our picture options. They're fucking fan art. Someone wanted lewd art right? You can get almost lewds I guess, and there's super shitty filters.
Is that the new Marcoss? If it is, how is it?
Reminder that using your focus ability crashes your host if you're near him when you use it.
Never change jews
Never change
The arm holster I think you're referring to is just both weapons on your back parralel to each other, here's hips.
Vauban's a bit shit for showing off holsters, who would be better?
Only people with shit taste can stomach that garbage
He has the least bells and whistles scattered around his body.
How many of you actually like some of the changes?
I like the new starchart, I don't like everything else.
>tfw you have to unlock a void mission just so you can get trinP parts.
Excal for sure. Vauban Prime is absolutely geometric.
Aight, starting after this one they will be.
Staff holsters are shit, this one is just stabbed through you and the other is horizontal across your back.
yup, Macross Delta
It's alright. I'm not a fan of mecha, idols, or Macross, yet I still watch it
Freya is 10/10 qt
>Vauban's a bit shit for showing off holsters, who would be better?
What node's gonna replace Draco as the best meat grinder?
Hoping this breaks RJ/EV/Frost/Buff teams and the goddamn Draco meta, but I'd still like one that is just a good source of assloads of high level enemies.
>I'll never ever get to scan Volt Specter
I'm sure he just typed an extra 0 by accident right?
Anyone else got this flickering of UI elements? Really triggers me.
No it isn't.
Aight got that, I hear ya, I guess this is how that previous holster is SUPPOSED to look.
>tfw I missed out on the last two events
>tfw I missed out on Baro's Syandana that would look awesome on Vauban Prime
>doesn't like old Draco meta
>want new draco-like meta to replace it
w u t
>survive 20 minutes on draco
Who is the boring fuck who came up with these?
Explain please. I wanna hear your reasoning
>The first thing he doesn't do is scan a new enemy before fighting it
You should know better user after the last event.
It's pay2notgrind. Considering that grinding for mats to build shit is the goal of this game. Paying for shit is paying to not play.
So what I'm getting from this is that all the holster bullshit is completely retarded and the price is extremely jewish. That about sum it up?
They buffed Nullifiers. Why in the everliving fuck were Nullifiers buffed?
Not having to scan Volt is going to bother me a hell out of me when it comes to the Codex.
Why? Old Draco went untouched for years
where the fuck are the BPs
where do i buy missing archwing BPs
where do i grind for archwing parts
what the fuck happened to ducat farming
WHY in the NAME of GOD almighty IN HEAVENS do i have to farm draco for archwing weapon parts?
Tell me what you can buy that gives you alterations in gameplay beyond cosmetic that can't be obtained for free.
Excluding Founders shit.
And don't say extractors, because no one uses them.
>Windows registry editor version 5.00
>WTS my life
>faction: infestation
Die a painful death and live
>Forma invasion and Catalyst alert right after update hits
>my shit net means I won't finish downloading until near midnight
Every fucking time.
yes, asides teh fact its only for memelee
Junction requirements, hope i didnt miss any.
If it didnt say it needs to be done at aspecific planet, you can do taht anywhere.
Why can i start them when i dont mee teh requirements?
where do I farm phaedra?
is the only archwing weapon i want
>survive 20 minutes on Draco
Wow, nice little extra "FUCK YOU" there, DE.
check your syndicates and dojo tenno clan tech
Here! Back holster isn't any better. Maybe you'll be able to fix the floaty bullshit once they fix these options.
So that eventually they can sell an item that removes them. Only 1500 plat.
what does it mean
Speaking of Nullifiers. I use GlaiveP to bypass the shield, did they nerf that as well? Also, DE fucked up and made it so I can't throw Glaives through elec shield. Did they at least fix that?
Well, at least now its somehow easier to get archwing stuff
because DE knows despite the fact that the playerbase complains incessantly about nullifiers and corpus in general they'll just do a 360 just like every time a huge update comes out
this is the same retarded playerbase that literally wants players and grind efficiency nerfed, mind you
>kill 10 eximus
>did a 30 min survival and only gotten 2 eximus spawns
>do another run
>Syndiacte invasion a few minutes in
TY based Loka milf
So it's because it can be obtained for free that the game is not pay to win?
If I staple a 100 dollar bill to the top of the skyscraper and say "its yours if you can climb to it" does that mean everything that costs under a hundred dollars is free?
The math has been done and the work equates to around 0.04 dollars and hour of work straight working to get the most platinum out of your gameplay. With the new system prepare to see prices drop, therefore your hourly wage will see a decrease.
The sole idea of rushing makes this game p2w.
>mfw i failed to do aten in void due to bombards fucking my shit up with nullies
Goddamned man.
that should have been
>DE fucked up with Volt's Rework and-
I'm still downloading the update and cant check.
you still get rewards
I got 50 cores
-the second tab on the window to the right when clincing a weapon. (or buy it with plat, its faster)
-clantec (if solo you can buy it for plat from market)
-from syndicates, syndicate alert reards slahsed in half (jsut buy it with plat)
-RIP, also ducat prices are unchanged but are "monitored" (not a problem if you just buy prime access)
-buy plat goy
>where the fuck are the BPs
Hidden. Click the fucking credit icon.
>where do i grind for archwing parts
>what the fuck happened to ducat farming
Nerfed to fuck.
So void is kill, endless missions are kill, fissures are maximum boring and all the same
whats the point of playing anymore?
So, how the fuck do I get started with this new patch
DE explained absolutely fucking nothing about their new system as usual
I got most things down but I have a new thing that looks like a sink in my Liset, and it requires me to get a Segment for it to work, where is this?
I know that feeling user. Decided to do my first void tear solo since no one had the update yet. Awful mistake.
It's awful how they keep buffing and adding in more and more units that disable abilities. Infinite range nullifiers when? More magnetic procs when?
Warframes were a mistake
you think DE could come up with a mechanic that doesnt involve a fucking globe?
Holy shit no matte if you set the graphics to potato or ultragoy, that shit is unreadable.
It either blends it the overly bright background, or the text competes with the bloom and shits contrast
Is it that hard to add a fucking solid, dark bakground?
Normally i'd be fine but fucking 3-4 nullies spawn on top of bombards so i can't 1 shot the fucks due to the shield having a goddamned dps lock on how quick it'll fall.
it's pic related 200%
This definitely doesn't look right the fuck outta place. All diplays take from the same shitty fan art pool, only the initial picture is unique.
>all these nitain extract alerts in a row
Did they break them or is this gonna be standard now?
just assume everything is broken right now, and everything will make sense :D
I just want a lower back shotgun holster.
They should appear a bit more often as far as I understand.
They shortened the alert cycle (?) from 15 days to 10, that probably sped Nitain alerts up on the way.
you fail it only cause stupid rng and them not dropping the orbs needed to seal the fissure, there is nothing difficulty/skill related
Cat stasis icons if anyone cares.
anyone wanna see anything else?
who knows? how about I break you?
It's broken
Abuse it
It's damage control
I'm not talking about the fissures though, it's a t4 void MD
They're going to make Nitain a sortie only reward, get it now while you can.
You're telling me I can't put images from my doushinji folder?
I'm a sad tenno. :^(
no weapon holster but memelee weapons
also uncredibly disapointed.