>Fates FAQ (please read before asking dumb questions)
>Castle Addresses
>Fates FAQ (please read before asking dumb questions)
>Castle Addresses
why do I associate rinkah with engrish lincoln logs
is there a log club because I'll use it
Eff the Weff!
Cutest family
I love Sakura!
Fuck off cuck.
Azura is shit.
Takumi makes me happy!
Corrin is my husband
t. Azura
Azura is literal shit.
Corrin is my husband
t. Ophelia
Azura is literal shit. (2)
Corrin is my boy
t. Roy
Camilla is my wife
t. _______ (fill in)
Azura is literal garbage.
I'm so lonely I would let anyone fuck me.
Sorry, but the tree branches are lances in this game. You can have Rinkah whack somebody with a hoe, though.
Hi, how was your day?
Even azura?
I'm so sad I might accept any girl's advances.
Actually, no, not Azura. Anyone but Azura, even Kana.
Even Garon?
Because she fights like a tree
is Azura the most J U S T character in the history of FE? The notorious Filthy Five is literally only hated for stale memes/made-up headcanons/tripspics/fanbases/optional supports that dont matter/affect anything, they have zero presence in the story and affect diddly squat in the long run
all the criticism against Azura is always legitimate and not memes or headcanons and just tears her to fucking shreds because she is a major driving force in the terrible plot and just cannot be as easily ignored
you might just say the reason Azura is not even listed on the Filthy Five is because she is actually much much much worse than literally any of them put together and has nothing to show for it
Would you love Sakura even if her proportions were all weird
made for dragon COCK
If you had a chance to remove Azura entirely from Fates, would you?
You CANNOT change anything else about the game, and any and all roles Azura may have played gameplay, storyline or otherwise do not get replaced/filled in by other characters of your choosing. All that happen is that Azura vanishes, but the other 99% of the game stays exactly the same. Would you?
Even if it means not having a refresher, yes.
So I wanted to play Nohr first. but seeing as Hoshido is easier, should i leave it for last?
like H > N > R or should i just play some hoshido chapters and the switch to Nohr?
how did you guys play?
Why does Hinoka have such big growths if she's so flat?
emphatically no
i would remove corrin before her
Alternate between a Hoshido chapter and then a Nohr chapter. Then end with Revelation.
Eeehhh, but I like her as a unit; a refresher that has some combat ability is nice.
Birthright > Conquest > IK
I heard people say its dreadful to play Birthright after Conquest.
I did Birthright first because since it's the easiest one I might as well get it over with. Plus you might get even more bored if you go Conquest to Birthright. Left Revelations for last since it ties everything together although poorly.
I did R>H>N. Only hated R because of gimmick maps. Base the order on your preference, play a bit of all of them and go with the flow.
Because Camilla symmetry.
I did Birthright>Conquest>Revelation. No regrets.
ill start with Birthright then and if I get bored ill alternate to some Conquest chapters. Revelations for last of course
Not him, but I'd even take her.
This plus her base strength/magic isn't 50% or over, a hallmark of the titty monsters of if/Fates.
it goes to her thighs
Good thing Azura exists so we can BTFO this shit meme everytime it gets posted
Azura is cute.
>le growth rate busty meme
If there's one thing Azura existing is good for, it's for blowing the fuck out of this le shitty meme.
guys i was just joking just playing around just a little horseplay joshing around jeeez louise why so triggered?
I genuinely enjoy this meme because it's a thinly veiled excuse to talk about large breasts
Ironically removing her and not replacing her makes to story and gameplay worse.
Without someone to replace her story wise, say Lilith if that was the case, nothing would get explained, how the fuck would Corrin get the idea to go to Valla in Rev?
Without someone to replace her gameplay wise, say that dancer from Birthrout, you wouldn't have a refresher.
So no, I wouldn't just remove her and leave it at that.
>say Lilith if that was the case
>say that dancer from Birthrout
That's why I said no replacements/filler, so you couldn't use meme fix-it answers like those. Now the stakes really matter.
It's not like (You) need a refresher anyway, they're just a crutch when you think about it.
Have corrin fall victim to the bomb that originally knocked takumi in. Quite frankly jumping in willingly was always retarded
Are children's growth rates affected by parent's classes at the time of birth?
Reminder to never give into peer pressure.
If your ""friend"" told you to jump off a bridge, would you?
I mean, name one FE game that you don't get a refresher in.
And the story would be more shit without her at all anyway.
That's kinda what I was trying to go for.
I like Hana
The big problem is how ironic that she's more of the MC than Corrin/Kamui is. Given that if she doesn't speak up and lead Kamui/Corrin to learn about Valla, Kamui/Corrin are likely to go Birthright or Conquest given the enormous pressure to join a side and thus Dragon Dad wins.
Though if I were to do Revelations, I would take a page from Heirs of Fates and would drag Conquest starring F!Corrin and Birthright starring M!Kamui together in one world. Have them redux on their respective journey's together, but have them comment that things are out of place. Including different enemies than the standard versions of the Birthright/Conquest maps. Then have Azura break the illusion they were in alongside the two Yatos and have them continue on the path together, though with initial distrust between the two sides.
Can I fuck Femui then?
She's your blood-related sister, so no.
Disappointing desu
But user, I got Lucina to fuck her own nephew before.
You need more degrees of separation than that. It's why Leo can never satisfy his lust for his half-sister.
You could always just handwave it and randomize Femui's features and say "well, Mikoto was genetically different (lol" or something.
would setsuna be a good witch?
should I just slap the witch seal on her instant I get her?
It's selfcest.
Post those NA castles.
I need your BP and accessories. Don't forget to easy seize and leave battle feedback. Maybe you'll get a nice Bond Unit.
But that means you would also have to randomize Mamui's features.
if you are comfortable with 25% Mag/35% Skl growths
Not really. She'll be fast, but she's more physically-inclined than she is magically, and I don't think the added growths from the Witch class will remedy that.
is that bad
Setsuna isn't really good as anything.
She has a
(0)% mag growth. Why would you do that?
I want the losbter to impregnate me and make me her wife.
it's pretty bad
She's good at giving Taco Meat and his son Ninja.
Would female Ryoma be dominating or submissive?
I doubt it given how Kamui/Corrin are the same existence but live in a different variation of the same world. They would likely get to A support each other though and and comment about the choices they have taken.
The avatars themselves would be the same boon/bane with the class they chose in the beginning to reference this fact. So go nuts with the eugenics.
The gender you chose for Revelations will influence what story you experience before everyone joins up. If male, you experience Birthright redux while females will experience Conquest Redux. It will all come to a head in Chapter 14 where you face the opposite army headed by your opposite gender that you chose.
>#FE has unique boss battle conversations and bantz depending on what party members you're using.
Mamma mia even Fates couldn't get that right.
silly user, every woman is submissive in bed, if she dominates you, you are doing something really wrong.
I love Water despite the memes!
you need water to love so i agree
Which awakening character would benefit the most from partner and friendship seals?
>changed message
Is Belkadude not okay anymore?
Remove the typo right now.
Nah, he's fine. I just didn't feel like propagating the message anymore.
Fair enough.
You get Bond Units by just saving the person's card and sending them an accessory, right?
I believe so.
i think panne can support with cordelia so her
>play fates
>get horny looking at felicia
>buy maid Lingerie for gf
>best sex of my life
Thanks fire emblem.