/dg/ Destiny General
>Black Shield
Bungo seriously needs to bring back Y1 armor in it's original state.
Anyone want to suffer Trials?
I agree it's probably the same retard who fucked the first OP
3(three) threads wrong
I'm only 328, but I'll do it for the bounties.
shit boys maybe a 4th new thread to get the OP right?
xth for Exo best race, all other's can fuck off.
Hopefully more Y1 gear will be brought back with RoI. I'd put a bet there will be after TTK brought back things. I still hope VoG and Crota armor and weapons will be a higher light.
I really want to redo my Exo Warlock I made at launch. I'm over my robot devil I created.
>implying anyone reads the OP
if anyone actually read the OP they would never ask such dumbshit questions by not reading the OP
>an occasional retard doesnt read the OP
>hurr nobody ever reads the OP
oh please, the only people that would notice it being gone would be autists who cannot live without their general having a wall of text at the top they never bother to read but to feel sophisticated
do it user, exo best race.
Alright, so I'm stuck on the gear treadmill.
How do I get from 317 up to ~330?
1/3 for ToO bounties.
stupid nigger ops can't be bothered to link this shit
who got their emblem and ship?
What's the best looking VoG set. GO.
>still have my ghost angel chest piece
I'm never getting rid of this thing.
literally everyone because cm oryx came out 8 months ago
>Not the helmet
Don't feel like doing the USB juggle to get a screen from in game.
>keep getting exotic helmets
>need exotic boots
you playing on n64 m8?
>Two to The Morgue
>Field Choke
>Range Finder
>No fucking range perk in the middle column.
Tips for a newbie? Is leveling dead/dull? Is it worth buying a boost?
Just play through the story missions and do the quests, it's not worth buying a boost, leveling subclasses is what takes forever, not regular leveling.
>Upload to kikebook or twatter
>Don't use either
>Have to do the USB shuffle
Just lazy tbqh
Xur looks to have a good chest piece for titans and I hear the midas is best gun in game, so I bought both.
I also bought the other exotics for their shards so I can upgrade the chest and gun when the time comes and if they're worth it by that time.
MIDA is really sweaty PvP gun, Arma. is super good chest for either mode.
I use the ps message app and just message my other account the picture, then check messages on my phone and save the picture. Super quick and easy.
if youre on xbone go to xboxdvr.com
if youre on ps4 kys
Badger CCL
Third Eye
Braced Frame
Triple Tap
Should I level Gunslinger or Voidwalker?
I primarily play PvE.
any boners want to come get your daily heroic done? im sitting right at the shard of crotas soul so join up - beanbag
>if youre on ps4 kys
Pretty rude m8.
you enjoying your zen meteor?
might be ok for pve
jk ily
you enjoying your handouts?
same droprate as any other exotic, m8
Sounds like you need to desticool down
nah, Queen a best
I would, but then I'd have to make a new warlock and lvl it to 40 and all sub-classes. It's easier to keep my dude.
Whatever you say.
Claim jumpfu
Samefag, and the Zenmeteor isn't even that good. A legendary sniper with most perks or a black spindle is much more useful
t. Zenmeteor user
You know what
screw this, I give up
I don't need the black spindle that badly
Yeah, I know it's not great, but that was just a little thing I like to call a "joke"
And I still have the Ghost Angel cloack.
It's just one of the things I can't bring myself to dismantle.
How can the Queen be the best if you can't even see her abs?
Answer the fucking question.
>got the helmet as my first legendary
>deleted it wjen year twp rolled around to make space, and it looked like they were going to reuse the old models
I am a sad.
what nigger
just get a buddy or two to help you
black spindle is fucking GOAT dps
are you on PS4? I can help
Anyone doing anything beside shitposting? I'm bored
why can't bungo get their shit together and dive deeper into the lore in-game?
What faggot drew this?
Exo's have feelings too user
fusion rifles are pretty fun
I highly recommend everyone try them some time, just always be charging them unless you're sprinting
Dead weight as usual
Emotions aren't the issue here numbnuts.
Anyone want to do Challenge of the Elders? Do I really need to be 320 light to get through it?
But you would probably die
Ability to change your race, hair and looks when?
You will never be able to change your race but Destiny 2 will probably have facial reconstruction
What is the worst game mode and why is it salvage?
Alright, complete raid virgin here. What do the Challenges mean? Like, do you have to beat the Challenger in a specific way? Do they just hit harder, spawn more enemies, etc?
>not liking free mercy rules
Challenge Mode for KF just means using a specific strategy to beat the boss, tied to the mechanics of the raid.
Go do VoG for your first raid.
Have to beat them a specific way.
For example, on the Oryx fight you detonate Orbs to do damage to the boss. 4 orbs at a time, 4 sets of them.
In challenge mode, instead of detonating the 4 Orbs when you normally would, you save them up, then detonate all 16 at one time.
In the time it takes between that post and your next is enough time yo have already found your answer through google
We're not here to spoonfeed you.
if you're like 310 you should be fine
Warpriest: No one can grab the buff twice
Golgy: Everyone has to grab gaze
Oryx: 16 bombs must be set off at once to kill him
KF Challenges:
You are only allowed to have the Aura once. You are not allowed to have again during the fight
Everyone needs to have his gaze during each damage phase
Blow up all 16 balls at once
So you just kill him in 1 buff as usual then
Jesus, the tedium. I'm guessing people do that by doing a pass the parcel with gaze 1st then proceeding as they normally would?
Post disposable guns/gear that you wish were relevant/Legendary on the shallow basis of name/description alone.
Thanks guys.
Alright buddy.
Challenge mode means you must defeat the raid boss in a certain way.
Warpriest Challenge modifier means a player cannot hold the aura of the initiate more than once. Every time your team holds the aura to damage Warpriest a different player must have it.
Gorgoloth Challenge modifier requires all six fireteam members to hold Gorgoloth's Gaze each damage cycle.
Oryx Challenge modifier requires sixteen corrupted light bombs to be detonated at once to defeat Oryx.
3 buffs, but every time a different person has to hold the aura
Author of Crota limerick...thing... from last thread back with another:
There once was a hive-god named Oryx,
his raid is so easy it can bore us.
When push comes to shove,
we wear his ass like a glove,
and set him adrift between Saturn and Uranus.
Thanks guys. Also, can you manually choose who holds the aura at the Warpriest? I thought it was random? Isn't that how the spooky ghost form works at the Sisters?
Skirmish or something anyone? I'm trying to get all these triumphs done.
I find that using a relay of players lined up on the right half of the bridge behind Gorgoloth works well in this challenge mode. Each player has an assigned number from 1-6 with #1 being designated gaze grabber and #6 holding the gaze last until it expires.
The gaze grabber recites the time left in gaze and a player with an assigned number of 2 jumps up behind gorgoloth and shoot;s his exposed back to aquire his gaze.
The player then runs to the back of the room on the left of the entrance facing gorgoloth to shoot the incoming venom orbs and turn gorgoloth so the third fireteam member can grab gaze.
Repeat this procedure until all six players have grabbed gaze.
>Ishtar Commander still won't let me move shit around
So is ROI going to incorporate features from this app into the game? Like, make it easier to manage inventory without using my fucking phone?
We could do Prison/Challenge of Elders if you don't mind me not having a mic and being bad at the game. I'm like 330ish
nice selection
Literal Raifu, Id give anything for it to be legendary. Thankfully it still one shots people in mayhem crucible.
Yeah I don't mind. I'm 311, so I might have a tough time.
>not having them done the second of their release
Any Xboners wanna do stuff in like twenty minutes? Would like a raid but I know that's unlikely. Heroics are also a thing.
I don't really wanna do Challenge of Elders but I need it for the faggoty triumph shit.
After playing through CE solo again I am now convinced that bungie actually has no idea (anymore) of good level design.
I can see now why people say this is the worst raid. Cause it is.
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